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"Impossible Burger"


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1 minute ago, mrflynn03 said:

I see an opportunity for a competitor to offer up an option with a portabello mushroom cap in place of the burger patty. 

I have done Portabello Pizza's on the grill.  Any topping of your choice, with cheese.  Loved them.  However, would not be able to do an "impossible burger".

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13 minutes ago, mrflynn03 said:

I wouldn't want to try the "impossible burger" either. I'm not even sure the few vegetarians I know would.  I may have to ask them sometime. 

But there must be a market for it or it wouldn't exist. 

Fast food "salesmanship"...

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I don't want to get into the whole health debate. Minus the trans fats, cholesterol (if anyone cares)..plant based options are better for you. If you can't tell a difference in taste choose meatless. Environmental costs, obviously less land to raise animals....I'm not saying this as a Beyond Meat stockholder or someone who doesn't eat meat ( I do)...but the healthier part of this equation is a tad overblown. The other benefits far outweigh meat farms. It's not even close. 

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2 hours ago, BGleas said:

Ugh, Impossible Burger, Beyond Meat, etc., are not healthy. In many cases they're filled with junk you probably shouldn't be consuming so that they can 'look', 'feel' and sometimes even 'taste' like real meat. 

Even been in a meat plant? The chemicals alone should repulse the idea of enjoying some of the meats we and everyone partakes in daily. 

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2 hours ago, milehiiu said:

Yeah.  Agree with you BGleas.  Healthy or not.  The very thought repulses me.

How does saving the environment and animals repulse you? Or others? Generally interested in this line of thinking.

For those new to the concept. Modern Meadow and Just Inc,.....are two more companies that will come out in the coming months with similar concepts. Leather without the animals. Eggs without chickens. Not saying it's the end all be all but just a thought. We don't have to treat the earth as our personal garbage disposal if there are alternatives.

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39 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

How does saving the environment and animals repulse you? Or others? Generally interested in this line of thinking.

For those new to the concept. Modern Meadow and Just Inc,.....are two more companies that will come out in the coming months with similar concepts. Leather without the animals. Eggs without chickens. Not saying it's the end all be all but just a thought. We don't have to treat the earth as our personal garbage disposal if there are alternatives.

Saving the environment and being kind to animals doesn’t repulse me. I don’t like environmental groups, but that’s political.

I am repulsed by the over processing that these foods go through and all the “extras” that get put into them. Of course, I don’t go to many fast food places anyway, so I would never try this to be sure.

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1 hour ago, SteveS said:

Saving the environment and being kind to animals doesn’t repulse me. I don’t like environmental groups, but that’s political.

I am repulsed by the over processing that these foods go through and all the “extras” that get put into them. Of course, I don’t go to many fast food places anyway, so I would never try this to be sure.

I'm good with part of this conversation. I  think I'll tap out as board rules say no political conversations. All good gang!

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2 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

How does saving the environment and animals repulse you? Or others? Generally interested in this line of thinking.

For those new to the concept. Modern Meadow and Just Inc,.....are two more companies that will come out in the coming months with similar concepts. Leather without the animals. Eggs without chickens. Not saying it's the end all be all but just a thought. We don't have to treat the earth as our personal garbage disposal if there are alternatives.

Totally blindsided by this comment. I can't recall saying anything about saving the environment or animals.   All I was doing was saying what I liked to eat, and not.  Nothing more. And nothing less.  But. If you want to go there.  Re-read Rico's initial link, about impossible burgers not being healthy.  Again. I was not even going there.  Just stated what interested me in terms of what I would like to eat or not.


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Won't be trying them. Why? Because last I checked, I have two each of maxillary and mandibular canine teeth, aka the pointy ones. Sharp pointed teeth are used for tearing and ripping of flesh. Pure herbivores do not have them (horses, cows, etc). Pure carnivores (sharks, etc) have nothing but. Omnivorous creatures have both, and generally the more they have, the higher percentage of meat they are intended to have in their diet.

Meat in and of itself is not evil. We as humans are supposed to have some. Culturally, we eat too much, but that doesn't mean it should be eliminated entirely. If it's an animal rights issue, here are a couple of alternatives:

- buy local if possible. Go to a farmers market. Talk to a few local farmers. A lot of times, they'd be happy to sell you an entire side of beef that's been naturally raised. They make more vs selling to their distributors. Yes, It's a lot to buy at once, but isn't that much more per pound. Good sources for eggs and milk as well.

- sounds strange, but buy kosher, even if you're not Jewish. Jewish dietary laws are relatively strict when it comes to the method of treatment and slaughter of animals, and they're fairly humane. Again, higher per pound cost, but comparable to all these "designer alternatives".

Do I always adhere to these? No, but I try to if I can.

Also, to answer the above question, yes, I spent some time in some Tyson processing plants. Pleasant? No. Should efforts be made for more humane treatment? Absolutely. Is it going to change my thinking on eating meat? Nope. It makes me think more about the source of said meat, but I feel absolutely no guilt or societal pressure to stop consuming meat.

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13 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

Even been in a meat plant? The chemicals alone should repulse the idea of enjoying some of the meats we and everyone partakes in daily. 

I never advocated for eating over processed, chemical infused meat out of a meat plant. Never said one word about it. I just said Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger are not healthy alternatives. They're alternatives, but not healthy ones. 

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53 minutes ago, mrflynn03 said:

Is Burger King actually advertising this turdburger as a healthy option?  Anyone going to a fast food joint with the expectation of being healthy needs a head examination.

I think they are playing the vegetarian/vegan market.

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6 hours ago, mrflynn03 said:

Is Burger King actually advertising this turdburger as a healthy option?  Anyone going to a fast food joint with the expectation of being healthy needs a head examination.

This part I agree with all day long. It's being advertised as healthier and that is very, very debatable. It's impact on environment/animals/wheat/corn to feed these animals that are the real discussion. Healthier? Not really. Better option for many of things I listed. No brainer.

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