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IU Offensive Woes

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I'm not a coach just a fan.  Thanks for the analysis.  Color me confused.  Just a few questions:

1.  If you see this Coach Adragna, then shouldn't we expect a D1 Power 5 coach to also be aware of what you have pointed out?

2.  If that is true, then is this a player issue simply not executing the plays correctly?  

3.  Is this total incompetence by the current coaching staff or simply a difference of Offensive philosophy that competent coaches can disagree on? 

4. Since you are coach, what is your assessment of CAM and his assistants?  He was given commendations as a good coach by RMK. 

Not trying to stir up a hornets nest or put you in an uncomfortable situation since I still like CAM.  Your analysis seems to imply some type of problem at a very basic level.  


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I appreciate the explanation. It does seem like a couple of these plays aren't necessarily designed to get the ball handler a driving lane, though - more that it's designed to get the ball down low when we are also screening down there at the same time. We saw that with Devonte's terrible pass to DD - screens high and low, DD has position down low, and DG throws it at his feet. 

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1 hour ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

I appreciate the walk thru here.  It makes alot of sense when you show it over and over.

And i think everyone byt CAM agrees that we should not have Smith, Brunk and TJD all on the floor at the same time.

Guess who's starting next game and the game after next and the game after next?

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8 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

There have already been lineup changes, including moving Green to 6th man. Wouldn't be surprised to see another one coming. 

Fwiw, I think we'll score well in the next game...

I agree, although that took a couple games too long for it to happen.  And not once this year have we not had the 3 bigs start both the game and second half.  I would like to see the second half line-up differ just once, to shake things up

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