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Happy 14th Birthday Ayden


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11 years ago our great friend @milehiiuencouraged me to start a post wishing Ayden a Happy 3rd birthday. The significance was that we were told by the Cleveland Clinic that he would not live to see 3. I have thanked HSN so many times for allowing me to do this. Every year since then I put on a birthday post for him. For his 3rd birthday Mile also made Ayden the official Mascot of HSN. HSN and our family have been connected for a long time. The thought of losing a child can put a person in a very dark place and sometimes having someone to just talk to adds a lot of light to that place. For me Mile and so many others on here were that light that I needed. This place was my therapy and a place that I could share my fears, my worries, my prayer concerns but also with each passing day my happiness, my praise and all the amazing things that Ayden was doing that we were told either he would not be here to do or physically able to do.  One of my big regrets is that I did not make it to Colorado to see my good friend and introduce him to my HERO!!

On September 4th Ayden will be 14 years old and I just cannot believe it. Happy Birthday Ayden I love you with all of my heart and soul. You are the reason that i strive everyday to be a better person. You inspire me to try and live each day to the fullest. To never give up to look at obstacles as opportunities. You are a reason to praise GOD and to share your story so others can be encouraged. As a kid my heroes wore capes and baseball uniforms, or walked the sideline of Assembly Hall. For the past 14 years my HERO has lived under my roof, calls me DAD and has done more in his life already than I ever will. Thank you Ayden I love you and Happy Birthday.


Thank you so much Mod team and all the posters of HSN. I know that this is a message board about sports but here it is different. This is family, this is community and we have a common love for Indiana University that binds it all together. I am grateful for being a part of this, for what @Colonialcrester started so long ago and you guys have continued. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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12 hours ago, Billingsley99 said:

Just got back from hospital for more tests.  Dr want to rule out Pancreatitis. Ayden has always had to creon because he is insufficient in creating pancreatic enzymes.  He is not happy that tomorrow's birthday plans might be on hold, he's spent more time in bathroom than any place else. 

Happy birthday.  Lifting you guys up.  Hoping for a great day.  

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