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Everything posted by HoosierFaithful

  1. This is a great discussion. We appreciate you all self moderating. We all know when it’s gone too far - and if you’re unsure, just err on the side of keeping that particular thought to yourself.
  2. Total agreement there. It’s a crappy way of budgeting that our leaders have gotten used to and it also definitely isn’t enough.
  3. This isn't really correct. This was a $920b stimulus package paired with a ~$1.4t government funding bill ("omnibus"). The $920b break down is here. $600b+ of it is more PPP, more UI, and stimulus. The rest have pretty clear links to helping those who are hurting (nutrition assistance/etc): https://www.crfb.org/blogs/whats-final-covid-relief-deal-2020 The government funding bill has a summary here: https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/Summary of H.R. 133 Appropriations Provisions.pdf $671b is in defense funding. 23% of defense spending is direct pay and benefits to soldiers. You can skim through the expenses that make up the $656b that is non-defense spending, but it certainly has plenty of line items that people find great use in. Section K of the second attachment, which encompasses all State Department and USAID funding, is a total of $55b.
  4. Danger Will Robinson to some of the posts I've seen here recently. This is a general warning that if you think something in your post might be against the rules, it probably is.
  5. That was one of the softest double technicals I have ever seen.
  6. I know there has been a lot of discussion of school closures here - I thought this was interesting, showing it is very effective at reducing COVID transmission. Also interesting: stay at home orders, on its own, not that important. What's more important is masks/small gatherings/etc.
  7. Interesting. I don’t know much either, I was mostly postulating.
  8. Forgive my ignorance but on an IPO, purely mechanically, doesn't the price shoot up... almost immediately? Wouldn't purchasing at the entry price be almost impossible? Said another way: isn't it likely big hedge funds and/or big time investors who get access to those IPO prices ($68 here for AirBNB, particularly) and when regular investors try to get in, it's already up to the peaks? Not implying malfeasance or anything either, just that these professional traders probably have algorithms and platforms that we don't.
  9. I kick myself for not investing the $20-30k I had sitting around in March. I did, however, build a beautiful pool. An investment into seeing my fiance in a swimsuit is still an investment.
  10. This fella has it right. Pick some individual stocks if you enjoy it and think you've got a good read on the market, but I would encourage the vast majority of any investment into index funds.
  11. This really is as simple as "wear a mask". https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/10/23/pandemic-data-chart-masks/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F2c4b72b%2F5f92fd6e9d2fda0efb521285%2F596ca0859bbc0f20866154f1%2F8%2F71%2Fde34774e5c532fa052a25c09fec42c2e
  12. Downplaying mask wearing has got to be one of the most calamitous mistakes of this entire affair. I see why they did it. Can't cause a run on crucial medical supplies. But wow, we're still dealing with the effects.
  13. Getting an Air Fryer changed my life. Wow. I now always have potatoes on deck because I learned I love french fries more than anyone should reasonably love french fries.
  14. You're not yanking our chain? Wow, how awful.
  15. You just know stuff like this was happening but still baffling to hear it. Man, that officer has more poise than I do
  16. I'm on the west coast, so we have quite a few different brands, but Ballast Point (CA) does a wonderful few sours (https://ballastpoint.com/beer/sour-wench/#:~:text=Our Sour Wench Blackberry Ale,the world of sour beers.) There's a few at the store that I'll grab a six pack of next time I'm there - I remember them by their can, not their brand name vbg - but I typically fall for anything with a berry or fruit-based flavor and then that sweet, sweet kick of the sour.
  17. Obesity is an underlying medical condition (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-medical-conditions.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fneed-extra-precautions%2Fgroups-at-higher-risk.html) 42% of Americans are obese (https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html) This is ignoring the number of other potential underlying medical conditions outside of obesity.
  18. McMillan would turn Klay Thompson into a G-League player. No sense of offensive scheme.
  19. This thread seems like a lot of folks with existing views searching for sources to back up what they already believe. That's perfectly fine, and I sometimes have a tendency to do it too, but is it the most helpful way to drive a discussion?
  20. Contact your state representative or Congressperson. Trust me. Not trying to make a political statement - an elected representative of either party makes this stuff move more quickly.
  21. makes sense. there's hard power and soft power - you outlined what soft power can do pretty well re: public pressure.
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