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Everything posted by Hoosier51

  1. Their scoring and dancing days are long in the rearview mirror lol.
  2. Remove ND and replace them with Miami and replace MSU with the Wolverines. 1. Turdue 2. Wolverines 3. PSU 4. Miami 5. Texas MSU is up there with me also because it is such a slimy school. 👍 Honarable mention goes to the Hawkeyes, they have the worst fans in college football in my opinion.
  3. To be honest i am not sure either, i think you might be right though.
  4. I am going to laugh so hard at you if they somehow slip into the playoffs and win it lol. Or when they win their bowl game. The mocking might hit record levels lol. 😁
  5. Players are definitely happy about their new head coach. They might have a few transfers just like any school does with a coaching change, but if this this video is any indication they won't have many. Reminds me of the Hoosiers players toward Coach Allen last season. 👍
  6. Notre Dame reportedly going to hire Freeman as their next Head Coach. This is a great move in my opinion to keep continuity in the program and to take the next step. Kelly has tried to poach Rees and other coaches from the staff and they are choosing to stay with the Irish. From the sounds of it most of the recruits from their top ten recruiting class are supporting Freeman as the head coach so there shouldn't be a mass exodus like OU is having with Riley leaving. 👍
  7. I'm not sure if it just me getting older but i am really starting to dislike sports commentators anymore. The guys doing this game, Stephen Bardo,Joe Buck, Troy Aikman, Bill Walton and the list goes on are guys i would just like to release a bunch of fire ants in the booth on lol.
  8. Turnovers is killing this team. It is as simple as that 👍
  9. This game boils down to one thing, TURNOVERS!!!!!
  10. Other players need to step up now
  11. Kopp has been such a great addition
  12. Stewart has to be the best 3 point shooter IU has had in quite awhile.
  13. Ok you keep acting like a child, that seems to be your strong point. This is a new coaching staff we are going to have games like this.
  14. So you expected us to play great and win every game guy. These games happen, the overreaction is ridiculous from grown men
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