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Everything posted by Hoosier51

  1. While i am disappointed in how the Hoosiers played in the first half, i didn't expect them to go undefeated this season. These games happen, lets see how they come out the second half and hopefully improve their play. Remember people this is a new coaching staff with a lot of new players, it is going to take time.
  2. The zone has nothing to do with that, they have had high turnovers all season.
  3. Hmm i am not sure where you see this, nothing about the team says they look like this. Syracuse is just playing out of their mind and the Hoosiers are flat right now.
  4. This happens to almost every team at least once in a season
  5. It is just one of those games that the Hoosiers have come out flat, it happens to every team in the ncaa.
  6. It is one half of one game, slow your roll ok.
  7. Jordan has looked bad most of the season
  8. Ok that quarter sucked but they can still win this.
  9. I hate complaining about the refs but man they have been crap on the PI.
  10. That is because Tampa has shut down their running game. The passing game was working great until that int.
  11. Steelers are faltering and I think they are done as far as the playoffs with the way they are playing. They need to start looking at post Ben now.
  12. The last couple of games Colts offense has been rolling going against two really good defenses.
  13. Hopefully it is nothing serious with Buckner, losing him would be bad.
  14. Doyle with a nice TD. Carson is looking really good out there.
  15. Man Pittman is kind of off so far today.
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