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HSN Chancellor Emeritus
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Everything posted by milehiiu

  1. September 10, 1846.... a patent for the first sewing machine was granted to Elias Howe. Shortly thereafter, Isaac Singer started manufacturing and selling a sewing machine. Howe took Singer to court. And won. But eventually lost out in sales, as his sewing machine was inferior to Singer's
  2. Thanks. Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American) American Soldier
  3. Impressive schedule. Moeller... a fantastic Ohio football program. But a very welcome addition to the bb classic. And Barr-Reeve. Carmel. and others. Fantastic. There's a guy on Silver Creek... can't think of his name. But think IU likes him too. LOL.
  4. This just in. Logan scheduled to play in the 2020 Classic on Dec. 12. Edit to add. Game against Gary West. With Jalen Washington from Gary West, who holds an offer from IU. And last I checked was the #15 ranked player, in the nation.
  5. Oh no. Don't get wrong. Definitely something to be concerned about. In the end. Always up to a kid's work ethic.
  6. 5 Drills to Improve Your Lateral Quickness for Basketball
  7. Conflicting information with some saying Vic wants to be a Knick.... while those in the Pacer's front office are claiming that Vic wants to stay a Pacer. Knicks Trade Rumor: Victor Oladipo Wants Out Of Indiana, Will The Knicks Bite?!
  8. The smoke was horrible early this morning. One local tv station shows the Denver skyline and buildings each morning. Today ( Sept. 8) you could not see a thing. Hopefully the snow which is falling right now will help with the air quality. I don't even care that currently there has been over a 60 degree temp drop from Labor Day. So funny. Began Labor Day out with the air conditioner on. And by the afternoon, switched over to heat. I love Colorado ! Thanks for the well wishes. We are doing fine. Veggies and plants either got covered or brought into the house on Labor Day.
  9. Theme : One Tin Soldier Ballad of the Green Berets Fortunate Son. Paint it Black
  10. Apparently, you don't even take holidays off. All of Hoosier Sports Nation appreciates all that you bring our way.
  11. Hey, Soul Sister You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman See what I did there ?
  12. Thank you for your service...on this Labor Day. Happy to hear you are Thank you for your service on this Labor Day. Happy to hear that you are doing well.
  13. Dollars to a dozen. Better tasting than any frozen corn you can buy in the store. Editing to add : HOW TO COOK FROZEN CORN ON THE COB • Loaves and Dishes
  14. Hope you are doing well in the BIG CITY. Yes. Crazy weather event. While Denver may get up to six inches of snow, I imagine most will melt, considering how hot the ground has been in previous days. And based on previous experience, if anything sticks will be gone the next day. We can use the moisture. But sure beats what went on with the winds in Iowa this summer and in the Gulf of Mexico, just a few days ago, ahead of the traditional hurricane season. Best wishes to you and your wife for staying safe during this pandemic.
  15. I have never smoked ANYTHING in my entire life. However as a student at IU...who had two roommates in Colonial Crest, who loved smoking the green things. LOL
  16. September 6, 1879 Louisa Swain-- first woman to ever vote in a general election. Happened in Laramie Wyoming.
  17. And may GOD bless you with many many more BD's. Especially considering what you have gone through during this pandemic.
  18. Actually hit 101 yesterday (Sept. 5) in Denver. And as you say... 100 today, one day before Labor Day. Labor Day should set a record... for numbers of days over 90 in Denver. And woke up today.... hearing 6 inches of snow ....in Denver predicted for Tuesday. Have I said..... "I love Colorado !" ? Disconnect your out door hoses, before Tuesday. Reconnect after the freaky cold spell.
  19. ^^ mrflynn. "10-4 Good Buddy"Call We go a theme going on here : Eastbound and Down "Gotta Keep on Truckin"
  20. Growing up. My parents and one of my uncles would go to Washington Park race track in Illinois two or three times a summer. I loved it as when they cashed in winning tickets.... I got the change. Any way.... my mother never checked the odds. And would always bet on what colors she liked best on the jockeys. While my dad and uncle studied the scratch sheets.... my mother would win as much or more than them. LOL Washington Park Race Track
  21. Got to admit. Was not familiar with this. However. Loved it. And thanks for continuing the theme.
  22. Can't say it enough. I love your dedication to grilling.
  23. Theme : Redbone - Come And Get Your Love Cherokee People Paul Revere And The Raiders Cher - Half Breed
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