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Everything posted by rico

  1. https://baseballegg.com/2021/03/03/pitchers-who-won-100-games-with-two-teams/
  2. 2 more gents... Hint: Both have played for the Tribe.
  3. Love the post. As far as the last paragraph...meh, this is the weather thread. Jmo.
  4. Nope...192 with the Bosox, 83 with the Yanks, 41 with the Jays, and 38 with the Stros.
  5. Tell guys like Steve Busby that...
  6. It is also "funny" how many guys blew their arms out.
  7. Yes sir...6 down, 2 to go.
  8. Another one. Mussina did get over 100 with the Yanks to go with 100+ with the O's. 5 down...3 to go.
  9. Bingo...Alexander is one. And perhaps the hardest one to get. 4 down 4 to go.
  10. Molina likes balls hanging on his stomach. Figures.
  11. Lost me after "for millinnia"...
  12. In 2 months I hope to be walking on the ice.....lol
  13. A 5 star in 1995? The ratings/rankings services aren't that old.
  14. I am of the firm belief that the weather is cyclical. Now determining how these cycles work is anybody's guess as of now that is why I alluded to documentation above. History of weather events in this country, or the world for that matter, is relatively "young." How do we know that the same thing happening with the climate now didn't happen 500 years ago? 1000 year ago? Etc. It does make for great discussion and tbh I am fascinated by it. I can tell you this first hand as an avid icefisherman. It was only 8 years ago that I was drilling through the most ice I had ever seen around here. Lake Wawasee was a parking lot with trucks parked on it a day I fished. I had to cut through 36"s to get a hook in the water. At the time I said "global warming my ass." Remember the global warming rhetoric from just a few short years ago? Now it has morphed into climate change. I got a few more things I could add dealing with this "crisis" but it will probably get us(me) onto a different tangent.
  15. No. Pedro isn't on the list. Actually not even close to being on it.
  16. 57 degrees and sunny here in The Lake City...
  17. According to what I am seeing and hearing this kid is the highest rated recruit Northwestern has ever landed.
  18. And by that we have been keeping track of the weather for how long? And by keeping track I am talking documented weather conditions. I would say that we have had "proof" of the weather in this country for perhaps 150 years.
  19. On the Castellanos bat "controversy" last night...F*&% the Cardinals. All I got.
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