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Posts posted by FKIM01

  1. Guns are not for everyone and without a doubt, you have to be careful how you store them with young children around the house. I have guns I view as investments, guns I view as adult toys, but first and foremost, they are tools requiring respect and basic safety rules to follow.  My daughter got the speech about guns when she got old enough to understand. Then she got the speech about cars when she got old enough to drive. Along the way, she got the speeches about alcohol, drugs and sex, among other topics. As we saw dangers, we tried to warn her of them in advance. Short of rolling her up in bubble wrap and never allowing her to leave the house, we've done what we could to protect her,  but we've also had to recognize that we live in a dangerous world. Some people won't have a gas stove or gas grill due to the potential danger.  We have gas appliances, guns, knives, drive cars, fly in airplanes and hiked in areas where there were bears and mountain lions.  Thankfully, we've not yet had a break-in or home intruder, but I did once late at night show a guy that I had a revolver holstered under my jacket when he started rapidly approaching me at a gas pump.  He changed course immediately. He didn't say what he wanted but I felt the threat and was pretty rattled the rest if the way home.

    We live in a world of threats, unfortunately. 

    Now, hopefully back to the entertaining aspects of gun ownership and use....

    Living in the country and at the edge of an uninhabited flood plain, I have both pistol and rifle ranges right out my back door. I'm still, unfortunately too busy to get as much range time as I'd like.

    • Like 2
  2. 16 hours ago, mrflynn03 said:

    It is a souped up .22. You will like it. Taken some squirrels with it.  

    ...but make sure you head-shoot your squirrels...17's can take out a lot of meat otherwise!

    Had a guy tell me that skinning squirrels was a lot tougher with 17 wounds...don't know as I've never done it, personally.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, rico said:

    They have them at Albertson's?

    Savage makes a 93R17 model with an adjustable accutrigger.  Also recommend their heavy bull barrel for accuracy.  17HMR is a very tiny bullet that travels 3000 FPS.  It's hard to find entry wounds, but exits can be 3-4 inches across!  Not accurate in windy conditions, though.  At that point, recommend a 22-250 or .223.  17's are accurate to about 100-150 yards tops, but in that range and in quiet conditions, they are an excellent varmint round.  After 150 yards, you have to adjust for a lot of drop.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Had both.  Favorite was a big beautiful cream colored Samoyed...just a gorgeous and big-hearted dog.  Right now, three cats.  Two outside and one inside-outside.  As I get older, I find cats easier to take care of and when you live in the country, you get a steady free supply.  We send regular checks to the Humane society and they happily spay/neuter the cats that show up or get live-trapped.

  5. 1 hour ago, Zlinedavid said:

    And you have more than earned the right to make that choice and have no questions asked. 🇺🇸

    My dad (also a Vietnam vet) is an avid deer hunter and has a very extensive collection of hunting rifles and various handguns. A very outspoken 2nd Amendment advocate and a lifetime NRA member.

    Personally, I'm not a collector or a hunter, but I do own one firearm. It's a pearl handled short barrel .38, stored in a very well concealed hidden compartment (of my own design) of my bedroom nightstand. I take it out every 3 months, test fire 6 rounds, clean, oil and reload it.

    When each of my sons turn 15, they will receive instruction in performing each of the above steps, along with the lesson that a firearm is a tool that requires the utmost respect. They are not to be treated lightly, and they don't require excessive fear. And, much in line with Ken's post, it's a tool that I have never and hope to never need to put to use. But, threaten the safety of my family or enter my home with bad intentions, and find out how fast that will go out the window.

    Kudos on teaching your kids respect for firearms.  I've spent time with my daughter at the range but not to the extent she is ready to carry, so she carries firearm alternatives.  When she and I are comfortable she's ready, I'll properly outfit her. 

    ...and absolutely...I'm a strong believer in meeting an unwelcome intruder with overwhelming force.  Let's just say me and the wife are well-prepared if the need ever arises.  For people new to the home protection game, I usually recommend a pump 12 or 20-gauge shotgun with a barrel-mounted flashlight.  Very effective and easy to hit what you are aiming at and it won't over-penetrate walls behind a target.  Added bonus is that an intruder will likely soil his drawers when he hears you chamber a shotgun shell.

    ...but enough of that unpleasantness...one of my favorite activities is target shooting.  My wife and I like to play battleship with 22 target pistols at abut 10 yards.  Actually found battleship board targets at Walmart recently and it's just a blast to play.  I've yet to try them with scoped rifles at 100 yards, but I'm sure we will at some point.

  6. 9 hours ago, mrflynn03 said:

    When I was at the CMP store, 10 yrs ago now, they were on the last of their M1 carbines with no expectation of any more.  They were going for $350-$550 depending on grade and manufacturer. Guys that worked there said if you want them get them because they will never be that cheap again. Now their mostly in collectors hands. 

    Best place I can think to maybe score a deal would be during Knob Creek machine gun shoot.  But I havent been there for a few years so have no idea what vendors will have or be selling for.  

    The CMP guys gave good advice.  Good WWII-era carbines are a tough score today.  I intend to have one at some point, but I expect it will cost me dearly.

  7. Love Garands. How can you not love the gun that beat Hitler? I'm looking for a WWII-era 30 carbine, but they've seemed to have gotten very expensive. I held one that was supposedly Waylon Jennings' gun but the closest thing to proof was a picture of Little Jimmy Dickens holding it.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, rico said:

    What does that FFL allow you to do?

    Receive and transfer firearms to 3rd parties, assuming they pass the background check.  It also allows me to go pretty much anywhere in the U.S., purchase firearms, and bring them back to Indiana for transfer.  I do not have the licensing for class 3 firearms and suppressors, though...just typical rifles, shotguns and handguns. 

    It's the same licensing most gun shops have. Takes an extensive background check, a lengthy ATF interview and of course, $$$.  Subject to 3-year renewals and surprise inspections. Must keep clean record books.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Any other firearm aficionados on HSN?  I collect, trade, carry, target shoot and even hold an FFL.  About the only thing I don't do is hunt for meat, although I do a little nuisance/varmint control around my country home.  Not looking to rehash the politics of guns, but would be glad to talk guns with fellow enthusiasts!

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, FW_Hoosier said:

    So I was debating this with some friends today.  Does trading for Westbrook (at the right price of course) make sense for the Heat?  My friends acted like I was crazy for thinking so.   I get it... 4 years $170M left on his contract, shot terribly last year (.428/.290/.656... gross), etc., etc.

    But the way I look at it, why not?  The Heat have already pushed all their chips in on winning now by signing Butler to his own massive contract, which will hurt the value of their first round picks.  They don’t have their 2021 or 2023 draft picks, depending on their draft position.  They’re pretty much capped out for the next three seasons.  Why not trade Dragic, Winslow, some other scrub, and a protected first rounder for Westbrook?  (Depending on the market, they might even be able to get a better deal than that).  Westbrook is still a top 15-20 player at worst for the next two seasons, and I think they’re a top 4 team in the East with him and Butler.  Sure, they won’t win a title, but they’ll be fighting just to make the playoffs over the entire course of Butler’s contract with the roster as it currently stands.  I think it makes sense.

    I said as a joke earlier in this thread to pair Westbrook with Jimmy Butler and burn down the franchise.  I'm not so sure that isn't more likely than success for that pairing.  Yikes.

  11. 19 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

    Currently, the Nuggets are strong up front.  According to the article, sounds like the Nuggets have no problem with giving Bol time to work on his medical condition.

    Can't fault them for taking a flyer on Bol at #44 although he's quite possibly a Greg Oden trajectory.  With little risked, I'd roll the dice too.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Zlinedavid said:

    Fact: A John Calipari UK player has never won an NBA championship.  As of yesterday, a Tom Crean IU player has. 

    I hope Crean negative recruits against Calipari with that.  I'd follow it with "even his own son doesn't want to play for him."

  13. 1 hour ago, dgambill said:

    He is still just 23! You want to give up on a gifted 23 year old kid for a guy that is on the downside of his career be my guest...not to mention he cost more than half your starting lineup...whatever. Myles PER is even better than Victors...he is a solid 2nd/3rd option on a good deal. On top of that he can play the 4-5 and defend the pick n roll I don’t know why you would want to give that up for a point guard on the downside of his career. This would be Monta Ellis 2.0....except we would have to give up talent and he actually cost more.

    Yeah, I don't agree with giving up on Myles Turner at all.  I'm all about trajectory and Turner is definitely on the upslope.

    • Like 1
  14. 13 hours ago, Zlinedavid said:

    Places that would be better long term destinations for AD than the Knicks or Lakers:

    1. Siberia

    2. The Pyongyang pickup game between Rodman and Kim Jung-Un.

    3. The Saskatchewan Rattlers

    I thought the same.  It's like he's attracted to trainwreck franchises for some reason.  Just bizarre...

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