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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. Second departure Tkemali. I first experienced in a Georgian restaurant (country not state) it was awesome on the beef I was served. Supposedly the main ingredient only grows in Georgia. They use it in middle Asia like we do ketchup! There is a yellow spicier version. Also various brands available on Amazon.
  2. Okay, these aren’t Hot Sauces but they are worthy of mentioning. Especially since probably none of you have heard of them before. The first is quite popular in Europe and Asia. (It was created in Austria) I’m starting to find it locally, but it’s available on Amazon. It’s used similarly to Soy Sauce but is fermented wheat instead of soy. Be careful in use as it’s stronger than soy but very tasty and different! Maggi Sauce
  3. Martha looks awesome! Martha and Underdog. Well played! But shouldn’t you have worked Sweet Polly Purebred into the name somehow?😂
  4. Not to mention concentrating most of the team’s efforts fixing CAM’s “Pack Line”
  5. @IUFLA I noticed in your picture the large SODA on the wall. I remember this building on the corner of downtown Chesterton being the pharmacy. They still served pharmacy soda at the counter. Never witnessed any cat fights though.
  6. I’m not an IT person but I’ll still make this recommendation. At work we had CAD software that worked in its own system. We had a systems administrator just for the CADverse. It seemed every time one of the web browsers made changes something would stop working like the problems occurring here. The solution offered usually was change browsers, sometimes changing TO a browser you had previously changed FROM! I have been using Edge on both my IPhone and my Windows computer, and have not been noticing any of what you all are complaining about. That being said, my suggestion is the same as the CAD system administrator, change the browser you are using.
  7. Big Blue, Mr Wigg, Rural King? I must have lived a sheltered life, never heard of any of them.
  8. Growing up the only fast food was the Root Beer stands. McDonald’s was 15 miles away in Valpo, and that wasn’t until I got to college.
  9. After the first drive I was thinking not a good game for recruits to watch. I take that back!
  10. Almost everyone knows lines from this song. 1971
  11. Printing companies are not good investments anymore.
  12. When there are no WC's mearby you make do with what you have.
  13. I like the White Castle Jalapeño cheese sliders in the frozen section.
  14. My daughter had a lesbian as a roommate? Could be part of the reason she dropped out of nursing school. Nah it was the egos of the doctors at the hospital she worked at!
  15. I’ve yet to learn how to cook gizzards right, but I still love them and all the other innards!
  16. I’ll finish this with “Publilius Syrus, who in his Sententiae states, People who are always moving, with no roots in one place or another, avoid responsibilities and cares”
  17. I’ll look at it, but now that I’m retired I’m thinking about less connection to my stuff. My son has converted his house into a smart one so all one has to do to control lights, TVs, music and appliances is say “hey google” Two entities I try and not give my life to are The Peoples Republic of China and Google!
  18. I thought about just tracking fitness with my phone but I want to be able to track my sleep since I don’t do very well in that regard. Maybe a sleep monitor is what I need?
  19. So I’ve had an original version Fitbit Versa for years, it’s served me well even with a cracked screen. Yesterday, I was hauling some stuff inside and caught it on the door jamb. The screen came undone, amazingly just hanging there it still works! I thought about superglue, but now I’m thinking it has done its job and I should get a new one. Any suggestions?
  20. Some note Erasmus, but the one credited was a former Roman slave BC
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