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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. Do like my son and daughter-in-law do. Add briskett to the grilled cheese!
  2. So our company is offering the vaccine on site. Out of several hundred workers they needed 50 to sign up to make it happen. They ended up having to offer it to company insured spouses to make the 50.🤕
  3. I remember going Salmon snagging for the first time in Michigan. It was practically shoulder to shoulder along the bank of the river. After having to yank my treble out of the the tree behind, I noticed I had ALL the room I wanted!
  4. Don’t know how it is in other parts, but checking the GA numbers today. 34% have 1 shot 24% have two shots. Here in our company of several hundred, only 16% have two shots. Of course few were in the 65 and at risk category so they got a later start. Hope we cross the finish line before a new strain starts us all over again!
  5. Hopefully you taught him it was a game best played with girls!
  6. I rember the only McDonald's near me was in Valporaiso. If I ever ventured that way I made a point of getting a Big Mac! Thank God there are so many better options now!
  7. Mouth watering breakfasts from around the world
  8. I remember my friend and I were in the woods with our BB pistols shooting at imaginary enemies. My dad came storming out of the house and said don't be shooting at each other! I replied, and then he said give me those guns! As I handed him mine I explained I had replied "we're not" instead of what he heard "why not". He gave me back my gun.
  9. Just keeping the thread alive because mile enjoyed it so much!
  10. Are you going to set up a control tower at his house so he can learn that the pilot is not really the one in charge?
  11. Thanks! All is well, it actually was a mild storm just a lot of rain.
  12. West central Georgia. And the storm has passed!
  13. So my phone is blowing up with weather alerts, and I hear all sorts of thunder! Still I’m sitting on the front porch enjoying life! Life is good if you want it to be!
  14. Same thing can be said about any pet Owner or someone who cares for them. Right now I’ve got a stray cat that some owner left behind purring under my chair.
  15. Sounds like you had as big a week as my son & DIL last week. I new they were looking to move back to MI and get away from Chicagoland, but they called to tell me he had accepted a job, made an offer on a house and oh by the way my granddaughter is going to have a sibling! Congratulations on all fronts!
  16. I go to lunch most work days with a Huge Dawg fan. He doesn’t even know simple terms like dribble and traveling! (No joke) I can tell you his jealousy of other football schools has nothing to do with basketball but everything to do with football!
  17. My Russian friend in Crimea, her mother is Ukranian! Crimea a source of world sanctions, she says how horrible life is for the people there because of the sanctions.The stuff we hear from our media, the internet and the politicians is ??????? Mods feel free to delete!
  18. I'm up with that! I remember visiting a vendor, Tool shop in the LA basin. It was owned by a Korean man and everybody that worked there was Korean. He took me to a Korean Resteraunt of his choice and I don't have a clue as to what I ate but it was delicious!
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