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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. All I've got to say on any thread is, isn't it fun to be excited again about IU basketball?
  2. Hey, I just realized I haven’t heard anything about Cliff Marshal? I would hope CMW would leave an open offer for him, I think he has been great for the program!
  3. We have a winner! I'm with everyone else it seems the Reuben is synonomos with NY, but Omaha?
  4. What city is credited with originating the Reuben? IUFLA knows the answer because he pays attention!
  5. Maybe, you and I should try and stump Ricopedia in the Trivia thread. I'm going for it!
  6. Yes, but did you know the Reuben originated from Omaha? I didn’t!
  7. Okay, I changed the Thread title because the States list was drying up! Also, I've seen some other lists that I wanted to post but they didn't fit the criteria! So.... Signature dishes from 30 American cities Who knew the Reuben originated in Omaha?
  8. I think we'll know there is a big enough reserve when we see a picture of the Mod Team relaxing on a Caribean Island beach! JK, I'm in and thanks so much for all you do!
  9. Not done with this thread yet either.😋 Breakfast Sandwich Legends from each State!
  10. Perfect! Our companies logo is a Penguin. I sent it to my work buddies!
  11. So.... in the continuing evolution of technology, yesterday I set up a T-Mobile Home WiFi router. (I believe ATT and Verison have similar systems) Now this is not a solution for everybody, but if you live out in the sticks with few options? I'm the perfect customer!😁 It is a WiFi router with a 5G simcard in it for connecting to the internet. I ran a speed test first with my LTE phone and got a respectable 68mps. Then I switched over to the WiFi connection and got 283mps! Now I can finally stream in HD all I want. Something I could never do before!
  12. Several people I work with live in Newnan,GA
  13. Sorry I only know people who’ve had Madura and Pfizer. Good news I guess is the only issue I’ve heard of was the second shot and you only get one! Hope everything goes well!
  14. Starting tomorrow Georgia vaccinations are open to anyone 19 or older! The catch is be patient! Getting an appointment will be difficult with that many people trying!
  15. Okay so I just checked the forecast at my daughter’s outside of LA, my son’s outside of Chicago and the family cabin in northern Wisconsin. All of them are within 2 degrees of my abode in central GA. The forecasts are virtually the same! Talk about weird weather!
  16. Time to get posting again, I don’t know what has been worse the Pandemic or this site being down for three days! Another Steve McQueen classic, “The Sand Pebbles”
  17. Well that was interesting, turns out it was a very directed hack attack! Be careful my friends, these people are in to everything!
  18. CRAP! Based on the email I just received from our Domestic vendor that builds tooling in China. I built 4 million dollars of tooling with them last year! I think trade with China is about to get ugly! Just me reading between the lines.,,,,. Never mind that could be considered political! Nothing more to say!
  19. Okay, I’ve got three antleress deer romping around in my front yard, right now! When do antlers start growing?
  20. Our problems are raw plastic and rigid foam. My son is in construction management and says construction materials are drying up. He specializes in Audio/Visual installation like conference rooms and such and said he had a camera for their own conference room ordered and it’s been back ordered for 4 months!
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