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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. So what two time Academy award winner for Best Actor did Dean Jagger costar with in a movie that also had the likes Anne Francis, Walter Brennan, Ernest Borgnine and Lee Marvin? Hint I already posted it in the Forgotten Movies thread.
  2. "Bad Day at Black Rock' with Spencer Tracy
  3. How about "Hard Times" with Charles Bronson?
  4. Yep! David Niven was the supporting actor.
  5. So if I asked what other WW2 movie Gregory Peck starred in would I stump you? Or how about the supporting actor who won an academy award for best actor? Different movie.
  6. Shake Shack joins chicken sandwich wars with Korean Fried Chicken
  7. I remember going through some old pictures and suddenly realizing my mom was a Flapper!
  8. He forgot to put the tin foil on top of his head!
  9. I’m thinking the LEGO horse on the bottom step, myself! Just so you can can step on it, in the middle of the night!
  10. Good thing I don’t record anything, I’m just using the TVision app. If you buy the HUB you can get DVR for an additional $5/month. You could also get DVR with your Amazon Fire or whatever device you use. Hope that helps.
  11. I’ll have to get back with you on that as I don’t tend to record anything. But I’ll try over the long weekend.
  12. So I tend to stay away from this thread because nobody seems to really know. However I have had some very personal experiences lately. A week ago Saturday I get a text message from a coworker, he tested positive! I'm on a plane headed to Dallas and ultimately California? I was sitting next to him during our department Christmas lunch the day before! Worse my friend and boss who is a blood cancer survivor was sitting across the table from him! What to do? There was some serious family discussion about me staying in Dallas 'where?' or going home, but ultimately I went on. I'm one who wear's a mask and wash's and sanitizes my hands a dozen times or more a day as a matter of course. That became a priority! Went through the week wearing my mask ALL the time and sanitizing ALL the time! As God would have it, I got through the week with my family, without any issues or symptoms! Today, I had lunch with my coworker who had tested positive! Who knows what the real answers are? LIFE GOES ON!
  13. It’s about Eric Clapton’s fondness for chocolates!
  14. I have Tvision see earlier posts. So far so good, but I still expect growing pains. Especially with groups like Discovery throwing their weight around.
  15. Looks like Prime has some good forgotten movies coming in January, like Walking Tall and Starman.
  16. A true Christmas Classic! Grandma got run over by a reindeer!
  17. My first thought would be your internet feed. If you’ve got a problem with your feed you may be able to change your settings to watch in standard definition.
  18. Okay so I started with a 1mb/sec DSL as my only option out here in nowhere! Even standard definition buffered. Decided to really cut the cable and rely solely on cell service which was about 4-6 mb/sec adequate for standard definition but that was about it! Still was able to watch the Hoosiers so I was happy. Well apparently there was a major upgrade to the system recently as the Hoosier/ NALAB game was flawless and last night I watched a streaming movie in HD! Did a Speedtest and now I have a whopping 60mb/sec! Talk about a difference! Praise the Lord!
  19. A friend of mine once said being old is like being a baby again! You drool and fart and crap your pants, only difference is nobody laughs about it!
  20. God I'm thankful to be a senior citizen that understands a smart phone instead of still trying to figure out how to set the clock on the vhs.
  21. 1977: “Saturday Night Fever,” starring John Travolta, premieres in New York City
  22. Speaking of Kirk Douglas, has anybody mentioned Spartacus?
  23. Okay, I've said it before that I pretty much avoid this thread because it seems nobody really knows the answers. However, this week it has come close to home! Our company considered essential has had an outbreak of sorts in the office area. Seems the VP of OPs may be the source! His hunting buddy who sits about 8' from me and him have both come down with the VID! Now there are 4 more out besides them! We have reinstituted March protocol's where non manufacturing office staff are now being required to work remote and several other safety measures like now we have daily sterilization fogging! My department Manufacturing Engineering is still on site in support of manufacturing! Today, my team member and friend who you may have read in other posts is a Muslim refugee from Kosovo received the news his son was being sent home from school because a classmate was positive. We received the great news a little while ago, that all of his family tested negative!!! I have plans for going and getting the three part test with the within hours test, the within days test and the antibody test next Tuesday because of this writing, I still plan on celebrating Christmas with all of the family and Grandchildren in CA the following week, hope governor Newsome doesn't find out or you may find out about me on the evening news! However, I do wear my mask and I do wash and sterilize my hands probably more than a dozen times a day. I'm no fool at my age Believe me if I feel I have symptoms or the tests come back positive, I'm not going! Already have the plan that if I need to quarantine I'm ordering some Chicago Italian Beef sandwich fixings with giardiniera. Whishing all of you and yours all the best with safety!
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