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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. Top Summer Recipes in each state! https://www.food.com/ideas/top-summer-recipes-in-every-state-6338?c=538355&nl=GKW_081319_feature2copy&bid=17699069&c32=99ffbb33ad7cf260dce618b7fb11ef62bd9633ee&ssid=0000_FC_HEADER&sni_by=1953&sni_gn=Male
  2. Why is it that I have never had the pleasure of visiting ANY of the resteraunt s on any of these lists???? I need to live a better life!
  3. And just because, the best deli's in each state. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-most-famous-deli-in-every-state/ss-AAER5au?ocid=spartandhp
  4. And in honor of national Ice Cream Day! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-ice-cream-shop-in-every-state/ss-AADUi8F?ocid=spartandhp
  5. And in honor of "French Fry" day https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/americas-best-french-fries-2018-gallery Went to Five Guys today with the team in an early celebration!
  6. Don't currently have one, unless you count the two stray cats that have taken up residence in the crawl space. I think they steal food from the neighbor cats? Not going to chase them away they help keep the mice, rats and snakes away! Question for all, I've had several cat's and dog's over the years, but it seems to me that as loving as all of them have been the strays have been just a notch more so than the ones you raised up. Anyone else experience that?
  7. Crap, should have gone through the list BEFORE posting Bloomington's Farm listed as best burger in Indiana! Who's eaten there?
  8. Thanks for the Pizza cravings!! However, let's not forget Barbecue! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/casual/the-best-bbq-joint-in-every-us-state/ss-BBEGgZT Or Burgers! Yumm https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-burger-in-all-50-states/ss-BBtOi6i
  9. Anybody ever eat at any of these? Have to say some of them sound Mighty tasty!! Best diner in each state. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-hole-in-the-wall-diner-in-every-state/ss-AACkb81?ocid=spartandhp#image=51 Best Taco in every State https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-taco-in-every-state/ss-AADO59R Best Mexican in each state https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-mexican-restaurant-in-every-state/ss-AADuray Best Hot Dog in each state https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/tipsandtricks/we-found-the-best-place-to-order-a-hot-dog-in-every-state/ss-AACH6Tp
  10. mile, never thought of you as being vindictive. That being said, I can't say I didn't have the same thought!
  11. I guess I fall in the 5%! Don't do it a lot, but when it makes sense I do, and almost always get it the first time! Thank God, we hardly ever see parallel parking anymore! Have to tell the story, my last visit to my best friend in Russia, we came up behind a guy trying to parallel park in a tight space, there is only one lane past the parked cars, so we have to wait! After about his 6th time I commented, " he must be practicing his parallel parking". After about 10, he finally stopped, a little later my friend was trying to put her car in an equally small spot. After about her third attempt, I commented that she was practicing as well! Thankfully, we have a GREAT understanding of each other, and she took it for the joke it was intended!!!
  12. Love Pizza, but trying to stay somewhat Keto. Definitely going to have to try this recipe with chicken as the crust! https://watch.geniuskitchen.com/show/gknom/genius-noms/5628762/chicken-parm-pizza/?nl=GKV_053019_featurecopy&bid=16906796&c32=99ffbb33ad7cf260dce618b7fb11ef62bd9633ee&ssid=0000_FC_HEADER&sni_by=1953&sni_gn=Male
  13. Where I currently work Peachtree City Ga airport is practically right across the street. Every year they have a major airshow and during the week before The Blue Angels come in and practice. Needless to say productivity goes down considerably as large portions of the plant spend a bit too much time outside watching! They are awesome!
  14. Titanium yes, gigantic no! Very delicate almost, in order to save weight. Also had about half again more piston cups than the others! We are talking the 80's but we had exotic manufacturing capabilities even to this day like laser welding and electron beam welding. What got me was our brazing was done with silver and gold brazing rod! Something about the extremes of the environments, like 140 on the deck in Arizona to minus 80 or more at altitude let alone the pressure change.
  15. Worked for a company that made Fuel Controls (carburetors on MEGA steroids) for F14, F15 and F16's, we also made brake and wheel components for the same planes as well as several Boeing commercial. One day we had a service order for SR71 brake caliper bodies, needless to say it was quite a step above the F14,15,16 brake calipers!
  16. Mile got me started with his post in the Trendon thread. "Within miles from my house is Centennial Airport. Good for 900 flights a day. Second busiest General Aviation airport in the nation. Planes fly over Cherry Creek State Park. We can watch them coming and going on our back patio. Fun to watch. The owners of the Broncos, Rockies, Nuggets and Avalanche use Centennial for their personal jets to fly into and out of along with bringing in players. Far enough away from my house that noise is not a concern, as the personal jets are not allowed over residential areas. The few times military jets fly, is another story. There was a time when the captain of a B-1 bomber requested touch and goes. And was granted. I was outside to view all three. First two were slow and headed out towards the state park. The last was full power, right over my house. The neighbor lady across the street, ran out of her house saying she was going to report the flight to Centennial. I just laughed and told her that was a B--1 bomber that just flew over her house. I loved it. And to this day, I don't know how my windows did not get shattered.” Love watching Aircraft doing their business. Worked for three years as a civilian driving around fort Benning, several C130's loved watching them dropping paratroopers! Remember at least twice Apache Helicopters tracking me like I was the target, was glad I could be of service! You could always tell when a President was flying in the Southeast as the KC 135's would be flying in and out! There engines literally SCREAMED! Maybe it was just coincidence but I doubt it. One time I needed to drive past the airport like every day, but there was a roadblock, they asked my business and they said Okay but be quick. Just as we had turned at the end of the runway and headed away from the strip, we heard the roar of jet engines reverse throttling, looked in the rear view mirror only to see Air Force One chasing me and then turning off onto the tarmac!
  17. Still think virtual 3D officials are a bad idea? Maybe, we need human officials just so we can feel good it wasn't because of our team's play?
  18. Enjoy it, 5G streaming TV is at least a couple years away!
  19. There is a new kid on the block! T-Mobile is announcing the introduction of their new TVision streaming service in limited cities to begin with. https://www.t-mobile.com/tv What I find extremely interesting they seem to be setting themselves up to be the first 5G streaming service, when 5G roles out. “TVision Home is about so much more than home TV … it’s TV built for the 5G era,” Mike Sievert, COO and President of T-Mobile said in a statement. “With New T-Mobile, we’ll bring real choice, competition, better service, lower prices and faster speeds … right into your living room." Stay tuned 5G TV is not as far away as some think.
  20. Mile, not far behind you!☺️. The last time I did any programming, was on punch cards in Fortran! But keep on learning! That's what keeps us young!!!
  21. Since as I have stated elsewhere my cell connection is several times faster than what I had available with DSL. I've got some serious bandwidth envy!
  22. Like this one, or better. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MTGM5I9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  23. Like Mile, I'm not quite sure what you are asking and since I do not have a ROKU, couldn't answer anyway. However, if you are looking into watching HULU and Netflix with your cell, they both have adequate APPS you can use on your cell. Personally, I have an adapter that I plug my cell into that then plugs into an HDMI cable going to my TV. The adapter also has a plug end so you can plug the cell phone charger in as well and charge your phone while watching TV. This is the one I bought. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009WHV3BM/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  24. There are lot's of ways to access, but both HULU and Netflix are subscription services. The services come with monthly billings, unless you get access through a different service like your cell phone contract. There is of course the multiple email sign up for free trials trick.
  25. In England I was on my laptop, tried two different VPN services ExpressVPN and TORVPN, every US location I tried was blocked. Even a couple of the somewhat secret servers. But like I said when I went to the ESPN site they let me sign on using my HULU account and I was able to watch the game on ESPN.
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