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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. Teaser! My answer won an Olympic Gold Metal!
  2. Kind of a side light in the offseason, but my ever churning mind, thinking about the Memphis #1 recruiting class lead me to how much I loved watching Penny and others play. Started thinking about who was the GOAT in basketball! I quickly came up with my answer! Who is your pick? Magic, one of my favorites! Jordan, Kareem, LeBron? I'm going to guess your answer is wrong!!!
  3. And sadly😥 I have still never visited any of the resteraunt's on any of these lists. I guess that's what I get for living rural all my life!
  4. So they can give out participation awards. 😖
  5. For all the Analytics, " Statistics are like a girl in a bikini, they show a lot, but not everything" 😛 From my antique statistics book.
  6. Now we have the best 24/7 resteraunt in every state. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/open-all-hours-the-best-24-7-restaurant-in-every-state/ss-AAHcpsZ?ocid=spartandhp By the way HAPPY CHEESEBURGER DAY!
  7. Was tempted to put this in the " Strange food that tastes good " thread, but most of these don't sound that good. Strange food from every state! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-strangest-food-from-every-state/ss-AAGArFX?ocid=spartandhp
  8. About eight years ago I was watching the weather report on the news about significant weather approaching! As I looked at the projections, I was like no problem, it will pass to the north of me. A feeling immediately came over me of how selfish my thought was, so I immediately prayed for those who would be in the path of the storm and then went to bed. About midnight I was awoken to my window blinds slapping in and out and the sound of a freight train approaching. After it passed I was looking out my kitchen window to see my neighbor a volunteer firefighter coming up the hill with his flashlight checking up on everybody. We went to the neighbors house past me and everyone was Okay. Then we proceeded to crawl and climb over the forest that had been flattened to get to my other neighbors house. Luckily everyone was all right and nobody suffered any severe house damage!! An F2 had gone right between my house and my neighbors, didn't know I was praying for my neighbors and myself that night! !
  9. Finally, took the time to go through the posts. Thanks Reacher for starting it. My father was a weather extremist so to speak. Not like the ones now a days, but no matter how important or not of a conversation was going on, everyone in the family new they had better SHUT UP when the weather came on the evening news. He kept track of all things weather with detailed logs of temperature, pressure, humidity and rain/snow fall. He would tell that the weather had two significant cycles. One was a 7 year cycle and the other was a 100 year cycle. And Heaven forbid they fall together! I am with others here, that Mother Nature has a FAR greater influence on weather than man ever could.
  10. Where I live, even though the South is known for doing fried chicken right. I'm told the best chicken in town is at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store!😩
  11. And now the best Hole-in-the-Wall Fried Chicken joint in every State! Still have not been to a single resteraunt in any of these lists! If I ever find it possible to retire I might have to make an epic bucket list road trip to visit them all!!😁 https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/best-hole-in-the-wall-spots-for-fried-chicken-in-every-state/ss-AAFtaYe?ocid=spartandhp
  12. Top Summer Recipes in each state! https://www.food.com/ideas/top-summer-recipes-in-every-state-6338?c=538355&nl=GKW_081319_feature2copy&bid=17699069&c32=99ffbb33ad7cf260dce618b7fb11ef62bd9633ee&ssid=0000_FC_HEADER&sni_by=1953&sni_gn=Male
  13. Why is it that I have never had the pleasure of visiting ANY of the resteraunt s on any of these lists???? I need to live a better life!
  14. And just because, the best deli's in each state. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-most-famous-deli-in-every-state/ss-AAER5au?ocid=spartandhp
  15. And in honor of national Ice Cream Day! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-ice-cream-shop-in-every-state/ss-AADUi8F?ocid=spartandhp
  16. And in honor of "French Fry" day https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/americas-best-french-fries-2018-gallery Went to Five Guys today with the team in an early celebration!
  17. Don't currently have one, unless you count the two stray cats that have taken up residence in the crawl space. I think they steal food from the neighbor cats? Not going to chase them away they help keep the mice, rats and snakes away! Question for all, I've had several cat's and dog's over the years, but it seems to me that as loving as all of them have been the strays have been just a notch more so than the ones you raised up. Anyone else experience that?
  18. Crap, should have gone through the list BEFORE posting Bloomington's Farm listed as best burger in Indiana! Who's eaten there?
  19. Thanks for the Pizza cravings!! However, let's not forget Barbecue! https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/casual/the-best-bbq-joint-in-every-us-state/ss-BBEGgZT Or Burgers! Yumm https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-burger-in-all-50-states/ss-BBtOi6i
  20. Anybody ever eat at any of these? Have to say some of them sound Mighty tasty!! Best diner in each state. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-hole-in-the-wall-diner-in-every-state/ss-AACkb81?ocid=spartandhp#image=51 Best Taco in every State https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-taco-in-every-state/ss-AADO59R Best Mexican in each state https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/restaurantsandnews/the-best-mexican-restaurant-in-every-state/ss-AADuray Best Hot Dog in each state https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/tipsandtricks/we-found-the-best-place-to-order-a-hot-dog-in-every-state/ss-AACH6Tp
  21. mile, never thought of you as being vindictive. That being said, I can't say I didn't have the same thought!
  22. I guess I fall in the 5%! Don't do it a lot, but when it makes sense I do, and almost always get it the first time! Thank God, we hardly ever see parallel parking anymore! Have to tell the story, my last visit to my best friend in Russia, we came up behind a guy trying to parallel park in a tight space, there is only one lane past the parked cars, so we have to wait! After about his 6th time I commented, " he must be practicing his parallel parking". After about 10, he finally stopped, a little later my friend was trying to put her car in an equally small spot. After about her third attempt, I commented that she was practicing as well! Thankfully, we have a GREAT understanding of each other, and she took it for the joke it was intended!!!
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