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Everything posted by MoyeCowbell

  1. That was a bad sequence for the Celtics at the end. Just can't turn the ball over there. Wasted performance from Tatum. Harden was solid -- good thing for you guys is that he usually crumbles when the series gains intensity.
  2. Having not met them, I don't have any first-hand knowledge of the coaching (and support) staff's personalities and how they carry themselves, but what I see, read and gather from from other sources, they are a mature and well-balanced group. The current staff really seems to compliment one another, with broad coverage over experience, knowledge, communication, relate-ability, accountability and leadership. To a person, they seem to understand their roles and appear to be highly proficient at them.
  3. An addendum to this is CMW doesn't try to fit a square peg into a round whole. He understands basketball and personnel so well that he can adapt (mostly, he isn't perfect of course) to their strengths and try to mitigate the weaknesses.
  4. HSN discussing which recruits are being recruited by what recruiter.
  5. He was unreal. Just an absolute bucket.
  6. The photographer really did me a solid with this one. Much love @IUFLA... I think I'll keep it.
  7. 🤮 The team's not as bad as this weekend's series results would indicate, but there's still a long way to go.
  8. Absolutely no clue. Possibly. As an aside, I haven't read anything from him directly, only the initial reports from Adam Zagoria and the subsequent conjecture from others. It'll be telling to hear what he has to say about what he's looking for in a program.
  9. He might not pick us. But not worth fretting over him going through the process and doing his due diligence. I don’t read this as opening the doors to more suitors (which certainly is a possibility), but rather he hasn’t narrowed it down from the 4 he’s openly scheduled to visit.
  10. They really should be pinned, tbh. Thanks for the love!
  11. Not to be THAT guy, but this tweet is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what this thread promises.
  12. Orphaned after a terrible marshmallow factory accident, Hershey Steelpecker was raised in the empty fields of loneliness and hardened by heartbreak, yet driven by one thing: JUSTICE. When 5-star recruit Regis "Boobie" St. Claire is found dead on his recruiting trip to a prestigious university, it's up to Steelpecker to crack the case. Aided by young, but enthusiastic junior sleuth Kit-Kat Firedick, the two follow a mystery that leads to a secret which could shake the foundations of D1 basketball to its core. This is CRIMSON RAIN
  13. Pleasepleaseplease only answer to Hershey Steelpecker from now on. Superprettyplease
  14. If I'm understanding what you're saying, Walker is locked in. That fills one of three spots. Dingle, Dennis and Mgbako are next in line for the final two. Any insights on preferences from the staff and possible scheduling of visits?
  15. Hey yo, I agree with some of what you say here. Yes, we need more perimeter scoring, and certainly a nice balance amongst our backcourt/wing positions. With TJD gone -- and until Reneau & Ware really establish themselves as points of emphasis on the offensive end -- I believe there will be more balance and opportunities to score across the roster, by necessity if nothing else. In terms of Ledlum and Knecht, just them them go. It's like complaining about a skinned knee from last week. The sting is gone and we're not really "hurt". They aren't/weren't the only salves to our scoring needs. The staff is scouring the landscape looking for viable options, many of whom are still popping up on the daily.
  16. It's a great metaphor, really. No matter how much we consume (and power up with recruits) we aren't satisfied. We have an insatiable appetite for more!
  17. Here's what we don't need to do with the latest recruit: - Work ourselves into a froth that he is the savior/perfect piece - Pontificate his m/pg and possible production based off HS numbers - Rearrange the depth chart - Speculate how much NIL money will be thrown his way vs what other schools can offer - Lose our shit if he picks someone else
  18. I would have to think if Mgbako committed to IU, that would at least keep us content until the end of May.
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