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Everything posted by IUskim

  1. The NBA spun it in their release that they are postponing all games today in light of the bucks boycott.
  2. Also if you have Alexa here are bunch of funny Easter eggs you can try. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/amazon-echo-easter-eggs-2016-7%3famp
  3. This made me laugh for days when I first did it. I made all my friends with iPhones do it as well.
  4. If you want to watch it go to Breitbart. They are the ones who live-streamed the video in the first place.
  5. So today on the radio show Todd Leary co-host revealed he got COVID-19 and is on the tail end of it today.
  6. Whatever you think of the virus this to me just screams of ignorance. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insider.com/alabama-students-covid-parties-bet-on-who-gets-sick-2020-7%3famp
  7. Ha. Even got Paul wall in there. Awesome.
  8. Levi Jones. Loved watching him at my favorite dirt track. Tri-State Speedway. https://speedsport.com/sprints-midgets/levi-jones-announces-retirement/
  9. Have you ever heard of the rainbow bridge short story/poem? It’s something you should read if you haven’t. It’s a kind of nice thing to read after losing a good pup.
  10. @Lostin76 sorry to hear about your dog man. That’s a tough blow and hard to deal. Sorry for your loss.
  11. This is true. Unfortunately.
  12. As much as I would love for something like this. Is it even possible?
  13. Last response on this so I don’t hijack the thread but that’s awesome. Slim Ady love that. Eminem is one of my favorite artists as well.
  14. Not to derail this thread but I would have never guessed you to be an Eminem fan. That’s awesome.
  15. Not to make too much light of the situation but COVID-19 is not the only thing I worry about floating around in public pools.....
  16. Aren’t the pools in Evansville staying closed for the 2020 season though?
  17. Thank you mile. That means more than you know.
  18. From the look of the videos that had to be one awesome sight
  19. Hey Mile! Thanks doing well I was deemed an essential worker so I have luckily or unlucky depending on how you look at things been going to work every day since all this started so been trying to be extra careful when going out for groceries and the like because my wife is a diabetic with kidney disease and was actually in the hospital back in February with pneumonia so trying to avoid that again. Anyway enough with the dark things. Thanks for those videos. That was awesome to see. Also on a personal note thanks for always checking on us HSN members. You always make it feel very welcoming and warm here. You’re a very caring soul and we need more of that around these days.
  20. Another cool thing I saw and I can’t find any links right now but maybe someone can. The Blue Angels and the Air Force Thunderbirds did joint flyovers in some cities to tribute the front line workers.
  21. Thank you. Just checking. This thread has really helped me get thru my work day here lately.
  22. Haha. Me too. I just didn’t know if it was baseball only trivia.
  23. Thanks for letting me participate. Is the trivia just strictly baseball or anything that we could have packed away in our brain?
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