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Everything posted by D-BONE

  1. Wonder what the context on this is. Two major blows this week. Just hoping the AR injury situation is an outlier. If not, will turn out to be a painful use of #4 (though no fault of AR's, obviously).
  2. Everything I’ve seen from Colts prior has been short term IR but likely not done for the season.
  3. I. Rappaport reporting Colts/AR have 4 to 5 opinions on shoulder and seriously considering season ending surgery.
  4. At this point it would be a moral victory to win 4 games. But not enough to salvage TA's job (even retained for his last contract year). That would require 6 this year and/or next (assuming he isn't jettisoned after this season.)
  5. I think the early injury struggles point to two things moving forward: 1) Despite some of the issues being simply "chance/freak injuries", Colts have to be thinking about how much they want to expose him in the running game, even if on designed QB runs. 2) AR needs to keep improving in how to protect himself in those instances. Yes, he's shown he has some awareness of sliding of late. On the other hand, I thought on the hit where he sustained the concussion it had a lot to do with his own unawareness of what was around him/possibly celebrating and/or letting up too soon because he realized he would score. Honestly, at this early point in AR's development, I think we have as good or better chances to win some games with Minshew starting just based on experience and guile. But it's still missed developmental time for AR and it definitely takes away an explosive threat. Hopefully the o-line continues to be strong and a two-headed monster of Taylor and Moss can feast. I really think Moss needs to remain involved. He's earned it can lessen the wear and tear on Taylor.
  6. With a new OC coming in and the OSU vs. ISU context Hoosierinbham points out, it's not a simple question. What I do think is... 1) Carey needs to make the call based on what he sees in the next 10 day or so 2) If #1 is close (meaning Carey can't make a definitive decision in that time span), then Sorsby deserves a chance, even if not the starter, to get a legit look.
  7. Ouch! Know the Bell situation has turned absurd and indefensible now... https://www.thedailyhoosier.com/column-iu-footballs-offense-just-isnt-working/
  8. And, to give everyone equal and deserved criticism, we all saw how the D played vs. OSU and 2nd half of Louisville. This unit is capable of better play than vs. Akron and Maryland. It may be capable of being legitimately good, but it's definitely better than surrendering big pass plays where there's literally no defender in a 15 or 20 yard radius and 30-yard runs on 3rd and long. That's on the defensive "minds" - Allen and Gurreri. Sure the players have to execute and make the proper decisions, but why are we at game 5 and they can't even run the system/calls? It's one thing to get toasted one on one matchup by superior talent, but we often aren't even able to get to that level. Team is regressing in all phases. That's not unique to this year under Allen. It's become a trend the last 3 years or so, despite the fact that I do think he's generally improved (by our standards) the talent level .
  9. Does the football braintrust (Allen and Dolson in particular) know that media commentators are now openly trolling Bell's play calling? Come on. What an embarrassment. Sound like they agree with the fan that verbalized it on Allen's radio show last week.
  10. There IS talent on this roster to at least be competitive in some B1G games. We should be able to win 2 or 3 on the schedule we have this year. Think about it. Sure, if you take care of non-conference (something we couldn't do - and almost really shit the bed vs. Akron), you're saying best-case we squeak out bowl eligibility. But what what I'm realistically saying is just win 4 or 5 games and look competitive in some others. And it sure doesn't look like that's happening this time.
  11. Definitely. We're perpetually wandering in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
  12. How much are we going to give em? 70? 80?
  13. Damn, this is embarrassing and devolving with each passing series..
  14. Millen flat out trashing Bell's play call.
  15. Louisville 1st half instant replay 2.
  16. The last offensive series followed by that penalty is not winning football.
  17. Too bad no pick off the deflection.
  18. Don't think FGs will cut it today against this offense. Going to have to punch some in.
  19. Some running lanes out there. Need 7 here to neutralize their quick start.
  20. Big pass play looked like instant replay of the two in 1st half against Louisville. Something we were supposed to clean up?
  21. We're a big-time underdog. Going to be tough. Worried about our ability to score against their D (and maybe anybody's).
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