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Everything posted by Joe_Hoopsier

  1. Somewhat not the topic, BUUUT. In my last move (hopefully) there is a small independently owned drive in 2 minutes away. An older couple bought it a few years ago and are doing a great job putting it back to it's glory days. The youngest daughter and grand son just went and enjoyed it Saturday night. PACKED ! I think 70% of the 30 year olds around here were conceived there! It's like a full circle thing. Who says ya can't go home?
  2. My cousin Alf would say, Interstellar Feline Recipe. Nanu Nanu.
  3. Our federation have very strict rules regarding first official, interpersonal contact. We (I mean they) must observe until the proper time for contact is made. Once your people ( I mean We) have made sufficient technological advancements, we (I mean they) will reach out. Until then, relax. It’s only scary the first time and the first time is inevitable. BTW, do you also like mother bears pizza? It’s like nothing I’ve ever had. Go forth and prosper friend.
  4. YOu tube search him. He's a freakin Genius.
  5. I'm ready! It would have saved me 2 days in a not so cheap hotel in north Florida trying to get home from Sun N Fun, but I just haven't pulled the trigger yet. Probably will get started in June.
  6. Yes sir, a 180. But I have the model without the Missile pods under the wings.
  7. Yes specific published routes during that week. By the time we actually started picking up ATIS they had shifted a fix point, 5 miles east of what we expected. So like good campers, we vectored towards that. There was a group of 6-8 close spaced traffic coming up to that point at our 7 oclock, and we were slightly ahead of them (of course in my PA28 fighter, cruising at Mach .289) so they just moved us ahead of the crowd. It was freaking cool !
  8. What an absolutely awesome thread to revive. Being able to "like" an old post from Mile is... well kinda .. (I'm not sure of the words to use) Surreal . Airshows, I got to fly to Lakeland last month for Sun and Fun. It was great to see people in public again, as nature intended it. Biggest let down, for my co-pilot, we weren't instructed to rock our wings, like 1 million you tube videos make the focal point of the arrival. He had his heart set on it. Biggest grin on my face, ATC called me out specifically for vectoring in. My tail # is on a recording somewhere and it didn't warrant a fighter to intercept me during an F'up.
  9. Are you sure you have enough tractor for that disk? Does it even cut out the tire tracks?
  10. There was one game last year, don't recall which but I think it was right after his coach assisted time out. He hit a couple shots, made a couple more hustle plays and then had a small, Sheehey type moment in an opponents face. I was so hoping that would be his coming out party, but it just didn't happen. I always had my fingers crossed for him. Good luck JH !
  11. Young men need this ! It will make them better men.
  12. Anyone read Comics? I saw a good one today. The Villon spread a pandemic that he knew was only .5% effective, but that was the genius. He knew that 65% of the population of Gotham would eat itself in fear, causing the chaos that he wanted to start to begin with. It was like he studied 9/11 or something, he used their freedoms against themselves and they helped escalate the chaos which led to their demise. And to think, teenagers think this stuff up for others to react to.
  13. It like almost sounds tactical. hmmm
  14. I fully hope and expect you will. I'm not tottaly sold that things are actually as bad as we are being told. I'm putting my faith in "All things will work out".
  15. Resistance is Futile. Assimilation sequence mark 2...0....2......1 Ok so I jumped across decades. But to be fair, Hollywood predicted the cell phone.
  16. Well, If the old adage of the pendulum swings both ways is true. We get to be cowboys again. Saddle up , I hope it's Space Cowboys. lol
  17. " You will buy an electric Vehicle, I tried to warn you Dave". Read that in your best 2001: A Space Odyssey , voice of HAL.
  18. I didn't mean this to be a pro/con CAM post. My point/ feeling is that the talent was there, so it should be even more polished for this year. Yes that means there is an indictment on CAM and what he failed at. Also he wasn't the first coach in this journey that failed with even more. I also have to question why a coach has to motivate/ push D1 players to hit open 3 pointers, make FREE throws and not miss bunnies. There had to be more to it besides CAM could motivate and sustain. But as I ramble, my point was that the talent last year was >< that close, in a loaded B1G (without a coach that could motivate). I feel very encouraged this year and forward.
  19. Responding to your post, but mostly to the fan base. I've been quiet about this, and it very well may get me laughed at. Hecklers, Joe_Hoopsier says piss off. 5-7 games last year could be in the win column with a couple free throws, 1-3 more made TOTALLY OPEN 3 pointers, 2-3 made bunnies. The system wasn't terrible, players WERE put in situations to win games, but the players didn't finish those 3-9 points scored over 40 (sometimes more) minutes of play. We didn't lose 8 games buy being blown out. My point is, the talent level is here. The additions (players) are icing on the cake. I'm sorry that the atmosphere at IU (adim) had created a situation where coaches and kids would check out mid season. It's hard to understand (read that as - admit to) that an equal amount of ass kickin with back patting is required to make young boys, into great men and WINNERS!. I finally, since CBK, think there is an adim behind the coaching that will accept what it takes. OH, with a great former player (and man) making sure that ALL stake holders have their requirements met. I've now spent my 6 month character limit (pisses my wife off!, see never shuts up), but that is how I feel.
  20. So comparing reality and this description, is this really the end of time? Shall I initiate my prepping plan now?
  21. Sounds awesome man! NOW, find another little project. We don't want your wife to think you're taking advantage of that short work week ever again!
  22. Well, Samurai drivers still need a target..... Even if they still can't hit it. Bada' Ching...
  23. I think it got yanked. It was funny (to me) but mentioned the CDC, so was probably a little over the line.
  24. Ooops, sorry . I just thought the whole concept was funny. Funny like requiring seat belts on motorcycles.
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