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Everything posted by Joe_Hoopsier

  1. Yea but you've been trained to know it's coming.
  2. It's unhealthy for an opposing fan to hate hawkins as much as I do. but I'm ok with that.
  3. Underwood knows how to teach being a little beech, and hawkins is in the accelerated program, as the TA, running the class..
  4. If I played when I was in college, I'd have walked over to hawkins and handed it to him, and said smething REALLY crappy, with a smile on my face, and murmer "b$%ch" as I turned around. As an 11 yrs old catsher in baseball, I made batters cry for there mommies. punks.
  5. X on hawkins. who had it on their bingo card. we all know what kob2011 things by now.
  6. Ok, I'm voting Mtaco for MVP now. FIGHTING !
  7. GOT DANG, Malik POUNDING ! ! ! I love that.
  8. i'm late to the chat. But when I saw Walker start, I siad... Oh hell look out, here we go.
  9. Wives pay attention to the least important details, am I right? Look at that dang yard would ya !!!
  10. It's like the awesome movie. "and a tractor runs through it". I replay that movie in my mind as I slumber each eve. A childhood that was hard, but made sense. There was peace, meaningfulness and the mind wanders back. It wanders back.
  11. I'm man enough to admit........ I was wrong. That makes me part of the problem and I am not ok with it. ..... NOW.
  12. Ok, in my history, "bleeding" from Tractor Implements are on an entirely different level of bleeding than getting poked by sheet metal. What kinda tractors you got? I had no idea. I'm setting watching old farming videos right now, thinking of the 70's and 80's growing up. My fav was an International 856 diesel. It had a canopy and a straight pipe exhaust that was 6" shorter than the canopy. I now know where my hearing loss came from.
  13. Usually with cutting roof metal, the only noise was me yelling FACK. WE'VE GOT a bleeder. Maybe we do it differently.? Idunno. Of course I've always used hand shears. Naked. In the sun.
  14. Any of you fellers work with metal roofing? I do and all I have to do is look at it,20' away and I'm already bleeding. This look like an awesome gadget !! https://www.peachloft.com/pages/electric-drill-shears-attachment-cutter-nibbler-gg?utm_source=gg&utm_medium=gmfk&utm_campaign=dzjs122&gclid=CjwKCAiA8NKtBhBtEiwAq5aX2Gh8lhzxfSyFLop-IXb7JTrZ1_v0cSRvJpD9avqtuIjEC08Dc_CM4hoCxYUQAvD_BwE
  15. Sorry if already mentioned but, have ya'll heard of Pizza Cones? ... mind blown.
  16. Suppose we'll see any pick and roll (not his ankle)?
  17. Have you ever thought (rhetorical question) that being a 5 1/2 yr super duper senior in itself can F**k with someones head who had dreams of more? In college life, he's James Garner reading the notebook of IU MBB over.... well his entire life. And a Jordan River runs through it.
  18. His sit or get off the pot clock expired for me a while ago, and no matter how much I love Malik, as a parent, I've gotta tell the kid. NOT YET. you are not ready YET. Doesn't mean you wont be ready, but you are not ready yet. Queen, if you are not on the bus now then ride a different tram. We don't need another mentally ill ex wife . Your ride or die time has passed, we don't care anymore since you couldn't make up your mind. good luck. Our offer is closed.
  19. You don't see the irony? Sorry but bad davison WAS a dirty SOB.
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