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Everything posted by Joe_Hoopsier

  1. Or it's because MM needs an accident attorney due to whip lash, bouncing back and forth between IU boards!
  2. Well, technically..... The thread is COMIC RELIEF... I'm pretty sure it's a plane doing training flights, or maybe a work out after maintenance. But to me it's funnier than heck, tying it to a balloon. 126 kt ground speed I would think is a little quick for a balloon.
  3. And just like that, I'll call him Dingle berry from now on.
  4. Interesting flight path for a balloon...
  5. All of that is true and makes me a little more embarrassed (maybe not the right word) that Walker, already a Hoosier, has got 2 pages. 2, after people were pushed to say ANYTHING about him joining our family. Potentially pathetic.
  6. A neighbor and I were having some drinks one afternoon, YEARS ago and he showed me his new bird feeder that he was proud of. It was for Wood Peckers.... To show excitement, and after a few drinks, I proudly proclaimed... oh wow what a nice bird pecker feeder.
  7. My wife asked me, what does "Mansplaining" mean? Now what the hell do I do?
  8. I should have added (not at the same time). As you can see from my stats that I am pretty damn stupid, but not "Utah" stupid.
  9. I hate that people don't realize that nearly half of Joe's are actually above average.
  10. A basketball net, packed with that stupid azz "reveal" colored powder. He sinks a 3 to explode the Red powder. I should copyright this. 11may2023 Joe_hoopsier
  11. NO! See this is how they trick ya. You get to thinking I will work and wait until Friday and then they pop a day early and you miss it. It's just not worth risking it man.
  12. Ive been holding off saying anything, but. We as fans have always wondered what WE did wrong, why didn't THIS kid pick us, blah blah blah... There's a really good chance that we have a leader now that has standards and the history in the game that he gets to set specific standards, and cull anyone that doesn't meet his standards. There are plenty of these "misses" that could have been Woody saying, move on, it's a the fit that I am looking for. I'm ok with that.
  13. Lets make sure that all payments to that server maintenance is paid up before Friday Morning ! It's either gonna be a party or a funeral, but either way it's gonna be busy.
  14. SHOW US YOUR COMMITTING FACE MM (channeling my inner full metal jacket).
  15. LOVE IT... That is a keeper ! I was thinking hotdog'son weiner'son dick'hed but I think yours nails it! Well done !
  16. Nope you go full shock and awe. If KU does that, Woody walks in, right in the middle of that meeting. "Son, I am here to take you home to Bloomington". (oh FU self)
  17. I'll go first. MM Just started dating CMWoody's Grand daughter, or neice or someone.
  18. If we are gonna be big dawgs again, we gonna haft to be big dawgs. MM, I want you here. Here is what we can offer you. If you choose someone else, we will beat you and make you look pathetic. Because we are focused on wining! Get on the bus, or walk. We ain't waiting on children, we want men.
  19. I know we are all used to DC with national intelligence secrets leaking (and say ho hum), but this silence is evidence of a program well in control of it's future. We should be proud. god knows nothing else in the country is comparable.
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