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Everything posted by Joe_Hoopsier

  1. Was what JR did horse stuff? Yep. is it the exact same thing that many, very competitive people on this board could do themselves? Yep! big stage, big competition, big emotions. With as tight as competition is at this level, you take the punches when they’re available. Next time out, you may get to receive the punch. the bloody nose is lil brother playing in candy stripes. That’s how it works.
  2. "There has to be like thousands of ways he can get around this. NCAA could barely get an investigation right before NIL..." Another snippit.... Muahahahaha Pot meet kettle.
  3. I got my Driver license updated today and they asked if I wanted to sign up for organ donor. I said heck yes, I foresee needing a liver and maybe a kidney... Apparently that isn't how it works.
  4. I think the difference between what we call "quick" and not, is 1/2 step of position do to "smarts". If he follows in the foot steps of Tr3y, then it's not the sprinter speed, but the 1/2 step smarter IQ that makes him effective (other words a massive PITA for their offense). Right?
  5. Keep in mind that XlJ is old enough that he COULD have a kid in junior high school by now.. He's calmed down a bit from when we last say him play. he's at the optimum age of FOCUS. I just hope that he hasn't succumbed to the evil female distraction.
  6. I'm not sure what shocked my mail lady more. The fact that I came to the door totally naked, or the fact that I knew where she lived.
  7. Much better ! getting all cleaned up for the announcement even, now that is die hard level stuff. But never forget, if you are on time, you're 10 minutes late! (5:50 facebook time).
  8. I definitely see X as alpha and Tr3y pumping things up. Leal as Glue and pushing for better (playing assistant coach). With proper buy in from all of this new talent as well as CG and Banks.. Lets roll!
  9. Jesus Scott. ADHD or Chronic anger disorder? It was like 5:58 ish.
  10. And just like that, we are arguing over flipping or not flipping. ... .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... Got Damn
  11. Or it's because MM needs an accident attorney due to whip lash, bouncing back and forth between IU boards!
  12. Well, technically..... The thread is COMIC RELIEF... I'm pretty sure it's a plane doing training flights, or maybe a work out after maintenance. But to me it's funnier than heck, tying it to a balloon. 126 kt ground speed I would think is a little quick for a balloon.
  13. And just like that, I'll call him Dingle berry from now on.
  14. Interesting flight path for a balloon...
  15. All of that is true and makes me a little more embarrassed (maybe not the right word) that Walker, already a Hoosier, has got 2 pages. 2, after people were pushed to say ANYTHING about him joining our family. Potentially pathetic.
  16. A neighbor and I were having some drinks one afternoon, YEARS ago and he showed me his new bird feeder that he was proud of. It was for Wood Peckers.... To show excitement, and after a few drinks, I proudly proclaimed... oh wow what a nice bird pecker feeder.
  17. My wife asked me, what does "Mansplaining" mean? Now what the hell do I do?
  18. I should have added (not at the same time). As you can see from my stats that I am pretty damn stupid, but not "Utah" stupid.
  19. I hate that people don't realize that nearly half of Joe's are actually above average.
  20. A basketball net, packed with that stupid azz "reveal" colored powder. He sinks a 3 to explode the Red powder. I should copyright this. 11may2023 Joe_hoopsier
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