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Everything posted by Lostin76

  1. I mean that cases are decreasing in NYC area and we were the epicenter. We need to see the same results elsewhere in the US.
  2. Man, season three of Ozark is SO good. What episode are you on?
  3. OK guys and gals, we are doing our part in NY. Now it's time for the rest of the country to get it together.
  4. I guess I'm way past where the virus came from (wet market or lab) and why. It does not matter to me at this point. The only thing that matters is getting a handle on it and we are failing. We are facing a pandemic with our main policies being inconsistency, laziness, paranoia, and stubbornness. Too many leaders and citizens are too inconsistent to set effective policy, too lazy for testing on a mass scale, too paranoid for contract tracing, and too stubborn to wear a mask or socially isolate. Don't tread on us, we are special. There are days when I feel like we are doomed for months of unnecessary high levels of death and it's so sad.
  5. Scott, have been wondering about you. Is your breathing compromised? What's the next step?
  6. I've noticed a lot of local mayors are overruling governors, which is smart in some places where the cases/deaths are not decreasing yet. I think ultimately it will be up to the consumer to decide if they want to risk it. If they opened everything up here tomorrow, we would not change our behavior one bit.
  7. Salvias are over towards the left by the door. Must get better sun there. If your wife is planting salvias she knows what she's doing. They are really hardy and don't require regular watering. Plus they look really cool as they get going later in the season.
  8. Considering we are already bumping up against 70,000 deaths in early May, we are looking at a lot more than recently predicted. And I think the relaxation of social distancing will be damaging over the next few months. It's pretty troubling that the US is going to come out of this looking like a third world country when this is all over. We could have done a much better job of protecting individual incomes over big business. If we did that, then maybe there wouldn't be such a huge pressure on reopening too early. You can't blame people for wanting to earn a livelihood, but you could do a better job of earmarking that money to replacing their lost income over that a**hole hotel guy in Texas. Am so frustrated that it's come to this early push for reopening, b/c we have done such a piss poor job of identifying who needs what and when. We wasted weeks/months awarding millions of dollars to the hotel jerk, Shake Shack, and universities like Harvard. Thank goodness the latter two decided to return their funds. But unfortunate that those millions can't be pushed quickly to actual small businesses. And then you have completely idiotic things like Carnival Cruise saying they are going to be back in business in August.
  9. Looks great! I see some salvia (few different kinds) and phlox in there?
  10. Ha, am the same way. I do the every time I walk by run my hands along the top of them to get them used to wind. I'm sure they are like, "Dude, here he comes again touching our heads..."
  11. Wow, that's horrible. She was only trying to help where she felt it was needed most.
  12. Planted my tomato seedlings today after hardening them off for about a week - just three heirloom slicers and three cherry tomato. One advantage of being home during this is being able to take my plants in and out after a few hours in the sun/wind. Will plant peppers tomorrow. Each year, I seem to never have enough containers for planting.
  13. For @milehiiu, this is a sad story though. Colorado Paramedic Who Came to Help New York Dies From Covid-19
  14. Project Veritas is pure trash. I can't believe they still legally exist after being smacked down so many times.
  15. The metrics for Indiana in cases and deaths are not looking great right now.
  16. Isn't there one in Logansport with like 900 positive cases?
  17. Just saw this. Very interesting read. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/30/dining/restaurants-burglary-coronavirus.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
  18. I wasn't cultured enough in high school to know what classical music even was. 😜 It was all Metallica, Slayer, and classic rock for me. As an adult, I really enjoy it and Debussy is a favorite. I love Clair de Lune, but Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun is probably my favorite of his.
  19. I haven't really been paying much attention to it, but apparently there there's been a slight uptick in domestic violence murders and regular murders. But I also read a report that said they were worried that domestic violence was being under-reported. Can you imagine what it must be like for someone stuck in a abusive relationship and confined to home during this thing? I agree, they should have been doing something like this already. It's just probably a hard decision to make in a huge pile of hard decisions. The McCormick Place situation sounds a little but like the USS Comfort for us. Was a big deal to see it arrive (especially for me as I was a Navy Corpsman back in the day!) and then it wasn't taking COVID patients or any patients at first. They finally did agree to take on a substantial amount of patients - I think like 175 patients for the 1000 bed ship. That's probably some good care for those 9 patients though!
  20. Yep, you would have to have both for it to work - adequate testing and contract tracing.
  21. My wife and I looked at each other when this was announced and were like, "Whut?" This just doesn't happen here. It's one of the things that makes us the "city that never sleeps." It's happened briefly a few times while we've been here, Hurricane Sandy for a few days, maybe for a night or two during the 2015 blizzard. It's just a really weird thing for us. And for many people it's their only way to get around. I worry about those people on late or overnight shifts. Overall ridership has plummeted though, especially at night. And those cars do need to be claeaned. We have not been on the subway since March 13th. A final note on the MTA - they have been hit heavily by this: as of mid-April, "2,400 MTA workers had tested positive for the virus and 4,000 were quarantined. At least 79 workers have died."
  22. If that makes you dumb then we are all idiots at one point. There's a lot of stuff out there that can't be trusted. It's almost a full time job double-checking and debunking misinformation at this point.
  23. Yes, this is an altered graph from somewhere. Not surprised that they are out there, but it does really point to the importance of vetting news sources.
  24. I definitely like me some opera, so I can see this. It's funny you mention Monk in your post. I've told my wife that I want one of his songs played at my funeral. This one is a toe-tapper and makes you want to get up and dance. Monk is pretty traditional, but I can see why you say "freeform" b/c he definitely has a unique approach to the piano. He's probably my favorite musician ever - I have over 30 of his albums here at home. He was just a super cool cat and had a rough life - including a stint at Rikers (60 days) when he refused to snitch on a friend. He also was at Bellevue a few times - he was unfortunately bipolar and undiagnosed for years. I will shut up now, I could talk about Monk for hours.
  25. This is pretty close to us here in Brooklyn. Horrible story. We have a lot of these weird funeral homes tucked in next to auto body shops for some reason. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/29/nyregion/bodies-brooklyn-funeral-home-coronavirus.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage
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