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Sea Turtle

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Everything posted by Sea Turtle

  1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://twitter.com/thekevinvera/status/1634684081878310915%3Fref_src%3Dtwsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet&ved=2ahUKEwiBp_LZ99T9AhXpjIkEHW2rCZYQglR6BAgQEAY&usg=AOvVaw1JfFGrFp7CIQ2_bqA3UKqb
  2. That's pathetic. Even without being in th era of small ball.
  3. I was on here last night cheering our Hoosiers on.
  4. Big Ten basketball setting the game back 40 years.
  5. 26 points? That's high school girls score.
  6. Time to unleash our 3 point barrage.
  7. Why cant indiana get players who can shoot?
  8. Indiana can't have nice things.
  9. Yep. No excuse to get butt raped at home by Iowa after Saturdays performance.
  10. The Big Ten just isn't very good. Other than Purdue, everyone else is equally average.
  11. This could get ugly. Maybe we can pull a rabbit out of the hat?
  12. I think this is Purdues year. No one can stop them.
  13. Im thinking a piece of the scoreboard falling and almost hitting a player confirms the post. Couple that with a beam falling a few years ago and....yikes.
  14. What are you talking about? I asked three questions and a couple of people answered them. You should do the same instead of posting 45 year old clips.
  15. Good conversation, guys. McRobbie was so horrible. Did you guys hear how he talked to Joe Hillman when they were talking about the next coach?
  16. You guys aren't adding any conversation to the opening post. They are legitimate questions.
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