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ACC Coaches to propose that all D1 teams make 2021 NCAA Tournament


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I don't know...in this kooky year it would be fitting. It'd be like the old one class Indiana basketball tournament...and I loved that...

Only downside I can see is it would pretty much render the trivia question "what was the last year ????? made the NCAA tournament?" moot...

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1 hour ago, tdhoosier said:

Has anything been proposed about how they'll rank teams? 

Sectional, regional, semi-state, state...😁

Actually, it would be good to divide the country up into 4 regions and have the schools who are physically within those regions play for a Final 4 slot ( north-south divided by the old Mason-Dixon line extended to the west coast and east-west divided by the Mississippi River)...


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It's probably just for this year so the hand-wringing about the importance of the regular season is probably moot. But I will say that when the tournament decided to allow teams who weren't conference champions, a lot of hand-wringing probably happened and people probably worried that the regular season and conference championships wouldn't matter any more.

Sure, the conference championship still matters somewhat with the automatic bid but that only applies to bad P5 teams, mediocre to bad mid-major teams, and all low-major teams. One could argue that the conference tournaments invalidates the regular season.

So I think we've seen all these arguments before and it hasn't ruined college basketball. College ball has been hurt more by talent leaving early (nothing to really be done about that), some rule changes, and the officiating. 

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7 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

Sectional, regional, semi-state, state...😁

Actually, it would be good to divide the country up into 4 regions and have the schools who are physically within those regions play for a Final 4 slot ( north-south divided by the old Mason-Dixon line extended to the west coast and east-west divided by the Mississippi River)...


The thing there are a lot less teams out west so it would be hard to have each region to be divided equally.

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1 hour ago, IUFLA said:

I don't know...in this kooky year it would be fitting. It'd be like the old one class Indiana basketball tournament...and I loved that...


Big difference between small school college basketball teams and small school high school basketball teams.  The only 'small' schools that would have a chance to advance beyond a regional in high school are private schools that have the benefit of recruiting.  The Milan Miracle would have zero chance of happening in today's world.  

Is this a fair fight?

                                        9      10       11     12    Total      

Carmel High School 1359 1338 1267 1322 5286 AAAA

Milan High School      77      96      97    110   380   AA

And, it's worth noting that there are 143 schools in the state eligible for the tournament that are SMALLER than Milan.

Back in the late 70's and early 80's, the largest schools in the state had about 2,000 students.  The size discrepancy was not nearly as significant as it is now.

As great as the one class tourney was when it existed, it is an idea that whose time has passed.  

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3 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

Big difference between small school college basketball teams and small school high school basketball teams.  The only 'small' schools that would have a chance to advance beyond a regional in high school are private schools that have the benefit of recruiting.  The Milan Miracle would have zero chance of happening in today's world.  

Is this a fair fight?

                                        9      10       11     12    Total      

Carmel High School 1359 1338 1267 1322 5286 AAAA

Milan High School      77      96      97    110   380   AA

And, it's worth noting that there are 143 schools in the state eligible for the tournament that are SMALLER than Milan.

Back in the late 70's and early 80's, the largest schools in the state had about 2,000 students.  The size discrepancy was not nearly as significant as it is now.

As great as the one class tourney was when it existed, it is an idea that whose time has passed.  

I don't think I lobbied for Indiana to go back to single class basketball... I said a one year variation in the NCAA Tournament under the current circumstances would be fun and a good idea...

And just to be clear on the 1 class basketball stuff...it was a big deal when I was in high school for a team to win a sectional. Regional and beyond was the stuff of legend for a lot of schools...

Milan 1954 didn't necessarily have to happen for it to be an unforgettable year for most schools...

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37 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

I don't think I lobbied for Indiana to go back to single class basketball... I said a one year variation in the NCAA Tournament under the current circumstances would be fun and a good idea...

And just to be clear on the 1 class basketball stuff...it was a big deal when I was in high school for a team to win a sectional. Regional and beyond was the stuff of legend for a lot of schools...

Milan 1954 didn't necessarily have to happen for it to be an unforgettable year for most schools...

Agree on the winning the sectional was a huge deal for the smaller schools back in the day.  In 1987 my high school Knightstown won the New Castle sectional for the first time since 1954.  That week our school was pretty much closed down because we had pep rallies and games in the gym most days in the week before regionals.

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1 hour ago, 5fouls said:

Big difference between small school college basketball teams and small school high school basketball teams.  The only 'small' schools that would have a chance to advance beyond a regional in high school are private schools that have the benefit of recruiting.  The Milan Miracle would have zero chance of happening in today's world.  

Is this a fair fight?

                                        9      10       11     12    Total      

Carmel High School 1359 1338 1267 1322 5286 AAAA

Milan High School      77      96      97    110   380   AA

And, it's worth noting that there are 143 schools in the state eligible for the tournament that are SMALLER than Milan.

Back in the late 70's and early 80's, the largest schools in the state had about 2,000 students.  The size discrepancy was not nearly as significant as it is now.

As great as the one class tourney was when it existed, it is an idea that whose time has passed.  

For the most part I agree with the "size matters" argument; but then schools like Barr-Reeve (even before Hopf) that prove year in and year out you don't have to be the biggest if you know what you're doing.

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