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Posts posted by HoosierFaithful

  1. This is good news:

    but it puts into stark view what was probably already true even before the additional doses: our problem is very much about the organizational capacity to administer the doses, not as much acquiring them.  

    It looks like we've seen steady, continual growth of vaccines given per day.  I believe I saw a number of 3m/day as the ultimate goal and we've gone from 1m to 1.6m, so we're making progress... but I'd sure love if it sped up.  We could also hit a blip soon if we run out of willing vaccine participants.  The last number I saw, and with some quick googling looks like it is probably accurate, is that 33% of the population are skeptical of the vaccine.  That's 100m people. 

    • Like 3
  2. 23 minutes ago, Inequality said:

    I’ve been interested in the Apple Mini. Might have to dig more up on them.

    Cannot recommend it enough.  The M1 processor is superbly fast.  I already had the keyboard and monitors, so I just had to add a mouse and boom.  The price is right too.

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  3. 1 hour ago, DireBump said:

    Hedge fund options end Friday. 69% of funds are shorts. Could go up to $200 imo. I am not a financial advisor and I am not giving any financial advice. This is just my opinion. 

    What's a good way to research when options expire?  

  4. Local government often barely has the resources to do what they’re currently attempting. Throwing all of this vaccine rollout on top while at the same time their budgets (and in some cases staff sizes) are shrinking by 20-30% was always a recipe for disaster unless they got significant federal help. Funding to state and local governments has been a key sticking point in relief negotiation in congress. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, IUFLA said:


    So, a mod posts what is equivalent to rolling a grenade into a room and I'm the one being called out?

    My point was, others see some of the actions over the past 4 years as a "sickening, disgusting, treasonous, blatant attack on democracy" yet if a word had been breathed in that direction it would have immediately been shut down...

    I abhor the violence, but let's not act like there wasn't plenty of it this summer...And I didn't hear anybody saying anything then...

    You say "Zero, and he meant ZERO politics" but to me, that means absolutely nothing unless you enforce it...and in this case, you absolutely did not...

    I had quit this thread in honor of CC once, but your decision to single me out made me reverse that decision...

    You want to ban me, go right ahead...But I'll be damned if I'll sit here and let unfairness rule the day...Never have, never will...


    Nobody wants to ban anybody - we try to find every reason to not punish members.

    You're speaking of unfairness, and that may be true.  In truth: we're just some dudes.  We're about 30-60 years old, we have very different viewpoints, and we're all at different points in our lives.  By nature of being fundamentally different people, we may approach situations differently.

    The small action of attaching "moderator" to our profile doesn't make us any smarter, more wise, or less prone to making mistakes than any one of you here.  By the same token, we try not to act like enlightened pricks.  We discuss issues related to the guidelines for the community deeply and try to approach situations dispassionately, evenly, and with precedent.  But at the end of the day, we're just hall monitors and we're just human.

    So if you want to take a stand of principle, that's certainly fine.  My humble request, though, is to let this pitch pass you by - if unfairness exists, it's because we're human and not because we're trying to perpetuate an unfair system.  In fact, we try our very hardest to do the opposite.

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  6. For a wide variety of mostly tax-related reasons, the federal government is the only entity with the true capability to respond to a crisis like this. 

    to their credit, they have apportioned money (albeit sometimes wildly too late - in this instance, $8b in vaccination distribution funds... only days ago), but this ignores the fact that once getting this money, the local entities using it have to build their organizational capacity during the middle of a trained worker shortage and a pandemic ravaging their own ranks. 

    crying out for national leadership IMO. 

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