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Everything posted by Hoosierhoopster

  1. Hey our stupid site was down then up then down then up lol
  2. 1. No, he wasn’t. 2. No one backed off Romeo let alone for his play, are you actually seriously saying that?? Dealing with his dad?? Just stop. 3. I’m starting to wonder about you man. You look for the negative on IU. Why?
  3. My friend, I’m beginning to wonder about you. No one backed off Romeo and there are many examples of IU closing a gap and winning a recruitment under many IU coaches current and prior. You seem to look for the negative. Why?
  4. Nothing to do with Fauci or Covid, but I was on YouTube yesterday getting live-streamed on Div 2 by the YouTuber KamikazeVonDoom -- lol, I just want someone to call me fancy pants. Hahahaha
  5. In fairness there are quite a few. We've 'made up ground' on all kinds of recruits over the years, and Romeo was of course huge at the time. I think as fans we tend to get false or negative impressions because of the way we follow recruiting and regret the misses.
  6. Yeah. Was just in the grocery store and this idiot in line ahead of me was maskless. The clerk asked him if he was scared of getting Covid - kind of an indirect way of saying what’s your problem. He had a flip response bout being shot at in Nam. Way to consider others. My mother made the decision not to travel out here from IN for Thanksgiving. Wish she could make it but it’s the right decision
  7. My secretatary’s brother is now in the hospital with Covid (Houston) and she’s self-quarantining under our firm’s 14-day rule following exposure. One of the staff has lost 3 family members to the disease. We continue to remain “open” with a number of protocols in place, masks, temperature taking, limits on number of people in restrooms etc., while allowing staff and attorneys to work remotely. I work mostly in the office but still work remotely and that will likely increase. No real end in sight people. Need - NEED - to keep following protocols
  8. Well with Stoudemire there now as well ....
  9. How about D’Antoni taking an assistant position under Nash in Brooklyn? That’s an interesting move
  10. We were talking about the proposed trade without Vic etc - that would make the trade much more likely
  11. No it’s not. Good grief. You honestly buy this BS? Really? Then you don’t follow GS trades and picks at all. You should stop lol
  12. KoB, Gleas has spoken pretty clearly on this. He can speak for himself, but he worked for years in the C's office and yes, he knows what the teams look at in such trades and has a background in watching them unfold. This scout is way off, man. It's a flat out bad trade idea and it won't happen. I'll buy you drinks if it does.
  13. A little research? OK. I'm pretty familiar with GS trade and draft history, and re earlier discussion Celtics trade history. And for your edification, Gleas worked for the Celtics for years, and has a lot of hands on knowledge of how these deals actually work and what teams actually look for. What the two of us are saying is that the proposed deal here from a GS perspective is extremely unrealistic. It is. Don't call me clueless. Don't assume a bunch of Internet trade chatter speaks to reality.
  14. Did you really just say I don't have a clue?? Are you freaking serious dude?
  15. In all seriousness this is Pacers fantasy land. There are multiple players GS would take before Turner. Pacers fans want to see Turner traded. So now it makes sense — to Pacers fans, and Pacers fans only, that GS would do this deal
  16. This. The Warriors aren’t stupid, good grief.
  17. This is the thing with trade speculation, it’s always so one sided by fans, it’s driven by what the fans of a team want without really looking at what the other team would demand (realistically). No way the Warriors di that, they’re far from stupid. Now if we were talking a front office like Sacto, well, different conversation lol
  18. ITH's piece -- https://www.insidethehall.com/2020/10/28/q-a-class-of-2022-power-forward-tarris-reed-talks-indiana-offer/
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