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Posts posted by Hoosier82

  1. 6 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

    I think Woody just believes in defined roles and he’s got TG and RP comfortable coming off the bench to give us a jolt.  If you mess with that, some players get out of sorts.  You could lose the jolt effect etc.  Just what I think they are thinking.  

    I get it and maybe it’s too late in the season to make a change but it’s been obvious all year and should have been done by the start of the big ten slate. Oftentimes our bench doesn’t give the needed jolt and aside from Galloway, they aren’t getting enough minutes to improve and develop. Bates specifically 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, ba43056 said:

    I've tried to wrap my mind around the purpose for having them in the starting line-up and all I can come up with is that CMW understands our money line-up is Rob and Galloway in the game in place of them and just HOPES he can get something out of them early. Other than that I wish both of them well in their life endeavors but hope this is the only season they are in cream and crimson. 


    Completely agree. I root for both and hope they’ll play well. My frustration is with the staff. It’s maddening that they start every half and get as many minutes as they do. I’d rather Bates, Galloway and a healthy Geronimo have ALL their minutes to develop. They may not be a ton better currently but they aren’t worse and they are our future 

  3. 1 minute ago, ephul said:

    If Kopp and Stewart can't hit open shits, they provide very little

    They provide nothing if not hitting shots. It’s unbelievable how many awful games they have compared to good ones. Even more unbelievable is their continuous green light even if starting a game 0-8+ 

    Kopp, I had zero expectations for and was surprised he won a starting role. Stewart, I thought, would be a 14+/g contributor and has been disappointing. 

  4. Just now, KoB2011 said:

    How blatantly does X have to get fouled before they call it? 

    Frazier has been grabbing him the entire game and X is starting to really get into the refs about it. Only a matter of time before he loses his cool and it’s all total BS. They’re missing a ton of fouls on Illinois 

  5. 18 hours ago, Hoosier51 said:

    Hey smartass all I said was that UM has a rule, any workplace violence is immediate dismissal. Howard is one of their employees so it is easy to assume that he is covered in that.

    You don’t know what you’re talking about so chill on the name calling. You have an opinion. Cool. Others disagree…was inevitable…take your L and move on to the next topic. 

    • Confused 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

    I don't know...he grabbed Howard's arm but Juwan's ultimate response was inexcusable on any level...

    Worst thing I've seen a basketball coach do...

    Looked to me like Howard told Gard to take his hands off him and he pressed on. It’s a bad look and he’ll serve a big time punishment but I don’t necessarily blame him. We also don’t know what Gard said to him but it was probably something disrespectful. Hard to equate this to the worst thing a basketball coach has ever done when you consider Knight punching a cop in PR and Chaney attempting to fight Calipari whilst threatening to literally kill him. Perhaps I’m in the minority but Gard almost certainly deserved what he got and might now think twice before running his mouth to and putting hands on someone. Gard simply “aint that guy, pal”

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  7. 2 hours ago, OGIUAndy said:

    So you're equating drinking and driving (by the coach's grandson to boot) to going three miles an hour over the speed limit, breaking curfew, or smoking weed? Whatever fits your narrative I guess. All programs have had some issues. In case you've forgotten Duke paid Zion just a couple of years ago. But in NCAA, Duke, UNC, and couple of other programs don't go down because of their brand and head coaches. Regardless, there were a lot of players during Knight's years who should/could have been kicked off the team but were not for the obvious reason, they were good. 

    I’m absolutely not. My comment that you so very incorrectly attempted to refute was that “Duke’s NBA prospects are all business, no funny stuff” by providing a link to a report of a Duke player being cited for DWI. Just because Banchero was present and given a BS “aiding and abetting” charge (that I guarantee got thrown out) doesn’t refute my previous statement whatsoever.
    The DWI charge to a glorified walkon is completely irrelevant to my original comment. Also, Zion getting paid isn’t illegal and again, backs up my assertion that these specific types of kids approach college basketball as a business and thus aren’t going to be turned off by a coach who holds his players accountable; which was the context to my original post. 

  8. 2 hours ago, OGIUAndy said:

    The walk on got a DWI for being the “designated drunk driver” for the lottery pick. If anything this proves my point. Banchero was smart enough to make someone else break the law so he didn’t have to. “Aiding & Abetting” a DWI? Yea right…Even if that were some nobody schmo like myself in the car, that charge is DOA. Nothing to see here. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, KoB2011 said:

    Or the suspended guys didn't really impact him playing. Were we going to play Race at the 3 or something? 

    TJD needed more rest than he got. He’s crashing the driver every time one of their guards went to the rim. Takes a lot out of a big kid. I suspect that contributed to his poor scoring in the 2nd Half. 

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  10. 11 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

    Incorrect.  he needs Stewart's minutes.  Kopp didn't play well, but he was there for his team.  Stewart not only git himself suspended, he acted like a petulant child on the bench.  

    I mean whatever. Kids are sometimes kids. Take your punishment and move on. I’m not writing off half the team for whatever dumb behavior but insignificant rule they broke. Kopp brings nothing of value to this team. Shoots 30% from the field, doesn’t rebound, doesn’t distribute, doesn’t defend. If someone published +/- stats he’d have the worst on the team and it wouldn’t be close 

  11. Galloway showed tonight that he needs all of Kopps minutes. If Kopp is starting next game, I’ll be incredibly disappointed in Woody. How many 1-7 performances do we need to stomach from the guy? That being said, Galloway needs to play with some assemblance of control and composure...hopefully not making him play point forward will help with some of that. Hard to be mad at the 6 guys who got screwed over by the others. How many times is Durr going to be suspended this season for conduct detrimental??? This one is a tough pill to swallow 

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  12. 24 minutes ago, iuswingman said:

    Looks like he alternated between being a running backs coach and a quarterbacks coach.   Although for the past 2 years he was a senior analyst at Maryland.  

    Has a lot of experience.  Hopefully turns out to be a good hire.

    He played QB in college. I don’t hate having a guy with a wider range of experiences than just one position 

  13. 18 hours ago, IowaHoosierFan said:

    I hate the fact we have never went on a run at all in the BTT from my memory.  Always a first or second round departure

    In fairness, we only won two games in that tournament because of the first round bye so your comment of “never been on a run” stands in my book. Now you have to win at least 3 just to get to the finals. We seem to always lose in humiliating fashion in that damn event 

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