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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. I can live with water and beer.
  2. Oberon is good summer beer. Drink a lot of Bells when in MI during the summer. Hoping the breweries are open when I go this weekend. Looks like only N MI is opening up tho. What a shame.
  3. Cases trending down in the states that have reopened- except for Texas.
  4. The main bed looked pretty decent this am. The secondary bed has a couple blueberry bushes which are fine, but the pumpkin, watermelon, and cucumber probably all need to be replanted. All in all, not too bad considering the rain we had. Glad it was this early so I can fix it up to keep the water out before any future storms
  5. Smart man. 3" of rain Sunday washed out a bit of our garden. Will have to tweak things to keep some of the water out.
  6. Good luck. Haven't done furniture. IMO, it's all about having the right tools (that's my excuse why I can't do certain things- have to have the right tools!)
  7. Wife got the garden planted today. Green peppers, tomatoes, peas, carrots, lettuce, watermelon, squash, cucumbers. And rabbit fencing.
  8. What a selfless act. Maybe I'm delusional with a Covid fever for saying this, but Props to you @bluegrassIU
  9. Not protecting our seniors- especially in nursing homes- is shaping up to be the most tragic lesson from the coronavirus. Article does a good job pf pointing out many things that have been learned already- https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/who-sent-coronavirus-positive-patients-into-nursing-homes
  10. I believe we may have discussed vaccinations before but here is a new angle getting some attention- https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/does-influenza-vaccine-have-any-effect-other-viruses
  11. Didn't @rico graduate already?
  12. When we adopted our current German Shepherd, we brought a trainer into our home. We think the dog was trained in another language and didn't recognize the name the shelter gave him very well. The puppy class at Petsmart didn't seem like a good option.. He was a smart dog and relearned everything rather quickly. Think the trainer only came twice.
  13. My son was bit by a pit bull when riding his bike as well. Maybe around 10 years old. Has left him skittish of dogs ever since.
  14. Over the last 2 weeks I've built a garden. There was a slope so I had to build a bit of a retaining wall and level it out. Added 2 yards of planting mix. Not sure of everything the wife will be planting. Lettuce and peas. 3 tomato plants. Should be planted this weekend now that the cold has gone. My work is more less done except for some watering. Rabbit fencing will go around the main garden. The area to the right is for blueberry bushes. Until they mature, will use some of that room for cucumbers and watermelons.
  15. Huskies require a lot of exercise when they are young or they will get bored and chew up everything. Good luck!
  16. Traffic in Chicago up 18% over last week. Blue Angels flyover today at 11:45. I'll miss it as they stay pretty much in the city. Also Indianapolis- Where can I see the Blue Angels in Indianapolis? They will begin in Beech Grove at 2 p.m., fly over the north part of the I-465 loop at 2:10 p.m. and fly over downtown Indianapolis at 2:11 p.m.
  17. Kids and healthy young adults don't seem to be the problem. I agree with this Coloradan- https://pagetwo.completecolorado.com/2020/05/10/dierenbach-is-it-time-for-a-new-approach-to-coronavirus/. Let the kids play baseball. Just keep the parents apart. https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Death-Counts-by-Sex-Age-and-S/9bhg-hcku/data A fraction of 1% of the deaths for people under age 24 are Covid related and that is with a generous counting of Covid deaths.
  18. IU Professor on need to reopen in the fall- https://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/2020/05/10/op-ed-understanding-cost-not-returning-campus-fall/3098035001/
  19. I inherited a bearded dragon when I married my wife. All I can say is make sure that you are close to a pet store that carries mealworms. It became a hassle showing up the day they got their worm deliveries to insure I got some.
  20. Not surprising https://www.salon.com/2020/05/09/deborah-birx-reportedly-tells-task-force-she-can-trust-nothing-from-the-cdc_partner/
  21. Interesting development- https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/who-denies-coronavirus-cover-up-phone-call-between-xi-jinping-and-dr-tedros
  22. Getting some of her tuition back would be a nice graduation gift--https://www.foxnews.com/us/student-sues-indiana-university-tuition-reimbursement-covid-online-courses
  23. Much more than the immediate mental health issues. Just quoted a study saying 52% of small businesses expect to close within 6 months. How many owners / employees will turn to drugs? Begin drawing down savings only to end up in poverty many years down the road? Not be able to afford medical care and die from other issues? I have seen people retire with not enough. It is a slow motion train wreck. They can get by ok for a number of years. Then they downsize a house to buy time. Eventually home equity is gone. This is already happening from the 2008 recession. Now you stack 2020 on top of it and there will be lots of people hurting. I expect reverse mortgages to take off in the next decade.
  24. Not very promising- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-06/majority-of-u-s-small-businesses-expect-to-close-survey-says?cmpid=BBD050620_CUS&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&utm_term=200506&utm_campaign=closeamericas And this- "The Washington Post/University of Maryland poll shows that only 56% of consumers intend to shop at the supermarket (I suppose that is a bullish data point for delivery services). Just 33% are comfortable entering a retail store. And a mere 22% say they are willing to dine in a sit-in restaurant."
  25. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/weather/potentially-historic-may-snowstorm-headed-northeast-new-england-n1201946
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