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Everything posted by Reacher

  1. There is a hydrangea in the middle, a row of boxwoods, flanked by ninebark, some hostas in the back corner. Not sure of anything else as the wife picks it out. Keeping the area front and center open as some more annuals will be going in. Think you might be right about the phlox- that sounds familiar. As for the salvia- I'll take your word on it
  2. I posted some in progress pics of my front bed redo project earlier. Below is the finished result. Just need a year or 2 for the plants to mature now. There will be some ferns around the tree. I brought in the outcropping and stepping stones. 500+ pounds. A 2 wheel dolly made placing them a breeze. Really not a fan of the stone but since the other side had it, needed to retain it. Use Mulch in the back. Also started making a garden bed for my wife. The yard slopes down at the back so bought 9 5"x5"x8' treated landscape timbers to frame and level. Hope to get a pickup full of dirt this week and finish this coming weekend. Will post a pic of that when I'm done.
  3. I'm far removed from this but I envision livestock scheduled to move out with younger ones taking their places. I'd imagine some places may have room for them but others are really strapped for the space and manpower to continue to care for those animals. Add in that no $ is coming in from a sale, and the small operation is even less able to provide the food and resources needed to indefinitely care for these animals. I feel for the animals but also for the farmers stuck in no win situation.
  4. @milehiiu, @Seeking6 the bottleneck is all the meat processing plants that are shut down or operating at reduced capacity. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/01/politics/executive-order-meat-processing-plants-open/index.html From what I understand, there is plenty of beef and chicken but there is no where for it to go hence the need to get rid of it.
  5. I was at Costco earlier in the week and they didn't have much meat at all. No chicken or hamburger at all. Had a meat case filled with salads. Have been to a few other stores since then and they seemed well stocked.
  6. I've posted a few things showing crime is up in Chicago. 4000 people, including 64 murderers were released from IL jails- https://wrex.com/2020/04/28/almost-4000-inmates-released-from-il-prisons-64-charged-with-murder/ I'm pretty sure this does not include the county jails. I expect it to be a very bad summer for crime
  7. 40 sec video clip- I'd like to know the answers to the reporter questions!
  8. Adding more fuel to the inflated death story- https://www.projectveritas.com/news/breaking-funeral-directors-in-covid-19-epicenter-doubt-legitimacy-of-deaths/
  9. I appreciate the perspective you, and all others, bring. As far as deaths, are we counting increased suicides as COVID deaths? That may be one part of increased deaths and while you can say that COVID was partially responsible, I agree with those saying you need an accurate count or the unintended consequences will mess things up for years.
  10. Decreases infections by 90%?
  11. Study says kids do not transmit Covid 19. Schools reopening in some countries as a result. Now, if they can get a study extending this through college age students, we can resume sports! https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/children-unlikely-to-transmit-coronavirus-says-study-cited-in-pms-push-to-reopen-schools/ar-BB13d37r
  12. I never said it was bio engineered. Since you brought that up, there is much out there that we don't yet know. Personally, I think it is more likely Dr Shi Zhengli caused some mutations and then it escaped due to lax protocol (described in @mrflynn03 Washington Post link above) but until we get full transparency from China it is unlikely we will ever know. I do recall seeing reports that the virus likely emanated from the Wuhan lab- probably on accident, in Jan. As @milehiiu reported above, there were reports out there. Up to you what you believe. If it did not originate via the Wuhan Lab, what is your guess?
  13. Wasn't this common knowledge in Jan?
  14. I think the key is that common sense has to let people return to work when they can safely do so. NYC will be different than upstate NY. In CA, 5 rural counties With virtually no COVID deaths) are suing the state. Why should they have the same restrictions as LA county which is responsible for like half the deaths in the state? NJ golf course are willing ypo open with golfers either walking or riding one to a cart. Why can't they? A 90 year old couple isn't harming others, or themselves, by sitting on a beach. When bars are closed, but liquor stores are open, when lotteries and marijuana are essential, it is about more than health. Let businesses and individuals take appropriate precautions. I think it is already happening. Non essential businesses are reopening. I drove by a mattress store this week that was open. Now that's essential?
  15. https://www.nbcsports.com/chicago/bears/former-bears-qb-jay-cutler-wife-kristin-cavallari-getting-divorced
  16. NY Emergency room DR urges people to get back to work- https://nypost.com/2020/04/27/ive-worked-the-coronavirus-front-line-and-i-say-its-time-to-start-opening-up/ Some good reasons in there that I haven't seen before
  17. https://www.nwherald.com/2020/04/27/judge-rules-against-pritzkers-stay-at-home-order-in-downstate-illinois/a8test3/ IL stay at home order tossed out by judge. We'll see what happens next....
  18. https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/covid-19-cases-increasing-in-nwi-nursing-homes/article_2b1155da-4880-5392-90ae-a3b82d4b9dfa.html Took awhile to load and you have to allow ads thought many of you would be interested. Apparently, 1 asymptomatic employee infected 40 and possibly killed 24 at a nursing home in Joliet, IL. Not too far from me.. Feel terrible for anyone involved there.
  19. Look at 5 day rolling averages?
  20. Hope this catches on- https://www.yahoo.com/news/citing-zero-lethal-threat-students-060019827.html
  21. Hope your wife doesn't share that with idea with mine!
  22. For the last year or so, a Mojito has been my cocktail of choice. Somewhere I went had a really good one so it got me going with them.
  23. Closet is on my list. What system did you use? What closet system do I want to avoid?
  24. Seems counter intuitive that smokers might be less vulnerable- http://www.rfi.fr/en/science-and-technology/20200423-french-researchers-suggest-nicotine-could-protect-against-covid-19
  25. It now lead story on the Foxnews homepage but still no source. Did find this additional info- Female: 12% Male: 15.9% Asian: 11.7% Black: 22.1% Latino/Hispanic: 22.5% Multi/None/Other: 22.8% White: 9.1% Also, IL announced today they are extending their shelter in place order
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