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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. On 6/18/2019 at 6:15 PM, rico said: Nothing here either unless I count barn cats. The new GF wants a dog though Man I read that and was like WTF then I saw 2019
  2. Is it me or is this already one of the strangest seasons ever? Is this a matter of the transfer portal ruining team cohesion?
  3. Just did some running around and saw a pickup pulling a snowmobile trailer, and then when I pulled in a neighbor was out going over his snow blower to make sure it’s ready!
  4. I remember when I first moved down to Georgia, they were making fun of the Yankee. Said you can tell who the Yankee’s are, they’re the ones that shovel their driveway. Everyone knows the snow will melt by noon. Of course me being the smart butt, said if that’s true why do the stores sell out of bread and milk just because there is a threat of flurries!
  5. I don’t have that setup anymore, I’ve got a cheap Visio smart tv that has the YouTube TV app preloaded. Search in the app section of your tv, it should be there.
  6. Anybody else getting these messages that ‘the package address is incorrect?’ Inviting you to click on their link to correct it! Don’t do it people!!!! Tis the season for these scammers to do their work!
  7. Crap that took me way too long to come up with the answer! Dang Covid brain fog!
  8. My most memorable X country skiing event was also one of the most surreal moments of my life. My brother and SIL took me X country skiing to Donner Pass memorial state park in CA. It was twilight and I was feeling like their spirits were around me. Not going back!
  9. My familiarity of them started in 2000. Had a few singular and 5 Kopecks, most were 10 Kopeck valuations.
  10. I remember living on Crooked Lake not far from you one year. A bunch of friends came out and we went skating in the dark. Was all good time’s until one guy tripped over an ice fishing hole. Also read an article about the Muskegon luge course, sounds like good times!
  11. At the risk of being banned for politics, okay I won’t!
  12. Thank you for the article!! All of the Kopeck I have had were I’m assuming nickel.
  13. 10 cents back then bought a bit more than today. Still, makes me wonder about all the effort to print that? Remember pondering the value of a Russian Kopeck. 1/100 of a Russian Ruble. Basically our penny. The Ruble at the time in US dollars was worth about 2 cents?
  14. After moving from Georgia back to Michigan, went with family to the Toledo Zoo ‘Lights before Christmas’ Everyone was talking about ‘cold’ as it was low twenties with serious wind! I was reminded of an article I read. The mayor of the northern most city in Norway said ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes!’
  15. You don’t then get those messages about turning off your ad blocking? Those annoy me as well! Seriously considering going commando without 3rd party security as the constant messaging and advertising from Norton has come to my end!
  16. Wasn’t sure where to post this but, was in a store and got to talking with the clerk about paying with plastic. Said I was happy the other day I actually had change in my pocket to put in the Salvation Army bucket. He started talking about how growing up if not for the SA, he and his family would not have had Christmas! So much more to say, but I’ll leave it with remember those who might not otherwise have Christmas this year!
  17. How much of your life goes into inspecting your coworkers socks? Love you brother!
  18. Man I want so much to enjoy Al Pastor. Pineapple is one of my favorites. But the Al Pastors I’ve tried have been so-so. Might have to try this.
  19. Who the heck was Pythagorean, and why did he have to ruin our mathematical lives?
  20. My fraternity brother and Godfather to my son, his son has a job I envy! He is an oceanographic biologist! Spending quality time out and in the ocean!
  21. You could always be like @IU Scott and watch replays from the 80’s
  22. I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express! Actually, my Uncle was a geologist working for BP in Canada.
  23. If they don’t invest in geology, where are we going to get our fossil fuels from? dws sort of
  24. I remember the 1960 movie ‘where the boys are’ and I think it was the basketball coach showed up unexpectedly in Ft Lauderdale and started talking about running on the beach to build calf muscles.😂
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