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Everything posted by IUCrazy2

  1. I think the substitution pattern is a completely reasonable complaint.
  2. That bush league dipsh*t who takes after his father isn't someone I would really go to for analysis. My analysis, we were up about 5 with around 3 minutes to go and Iowa got bailed out by a foul call and put on the line in about 90% of their possessions thereafter. That isn't hyperbole either.
  3. I have so many thoughts on the game last night I am afraid this is going to get long. I will try to keep it short. 1. I said at the end of the game thread that this year has convinced me that I can't have nice things. That wasn't a good Iowa team. If we are at full strength I am completely convinced we would have run them straight off the court. We aren't though and I doubt we will be for the rest of the year. 2. The only time I ever see Iowa play is when they play us. I don't give a crap about Iowa in particular, but I harlte the entire McCaffery family. Just going back and thinking through the games that we have played against them, I think he may have been tossed out of one. It should have been aylt least half of them. The way he acts is so over the top different than other coaches on the league (in my admittedly small IU only sample) that he has to have blackmail material on the BIG officials (that last part is somewhat a joke.) IIRC there was an issue with him coming way outside his lane when Woodson was talking with the officials last year to stick his nose in the conversation. His son did the same "I want to start sh-- that I certainly would not be able to finish" routine then as well. That is a long winded way of saying that he is an a$$, his kids are a$$es, and the BIG should do something before they end up with a full out brawl during a game. He needs to start getting tossed and fined more. Period. 3. This is somewhat related to up above and some comments I have seen from last night. The injuries we have to this team impact everything we are trying to do. The defense is suffering compared to last year and I think part of that is related to who we have had injured this year. Our main guy to pressure the ball is on the bench. Our defense last year had a dynamic "clean up" crew in Race and Trayce, particularly Trayce. It is abundantly clear that the back injury has really impacted all facets of his game. Point blank, if Race is gone for any extended period of time, we are going to be around .500 in the league. TJD did not play for 3 weeks and tweaked his back again last night. That is a season long injury. 4. I don't know what I think of Woodson at the moment. I feel like we always have excuses for this program on one hand and then on the other we have had injuries and guys missing that accounts for 4 of our 5 starters now. And in some cases (like last night) even when some of them are playing it is abundantly clear they aren't themselves. I don't want to be part of the excuse brigade and I think having one guy down is something a coach should be able to overcome and for the most part we have up until now. Being down 2.5 starters though? That is tough for anyone. TJD did put up offense last night but I think everyone does against Iowa. Those 30 points last night are about 15 against most of the BIG and we can't rely on JHS to shoot like he did from behind the arc the rest of the year either. I just see struggle ahead and I think we would have that no matter who is coach. 5. Are we just extremely unlucky or are we doing something within the program that causes the injury parade? I'd really like to know.
  4. When was the last time Big officials were worth a darn? Nothing surprises me anymore. I expect garbage.
  5. I wish Rosemund would have broken Fran's nose so I would have at least got something for my 2 hours....
  6. This year is convincing me I can't have nice things. We are not a top 25 team.
  7. About to hit the panic button. This game absolutely should be a win. Iowa isn't any good.
  8. That is bad, Fran in the background though...that guy never STFU with the refs. Kind of hate him....
  9. Confirmation that TJD is playing yet?
  10. I may have my timelines off, but I thought TJD had tweaked his back the game before them. He played, but he wasn't 100% IIRC. They gave him a shot before the game I thought. Edit to add: https://www.thedailyhoosier.com/preseason-all-americans-jackson-davis-and-bacot-both-expected-to-play-wednesday/ I was wrong on the game he injured it, it was 2 games before. He sat out the game before UNC and did play, but neither he nor Bacot were 100% for that game.
  11. We have only played 1 game against "real" competition this year at full strength (@Xavier) and we won. TJD has lost his explosiveness with the back issue, JHS sat for a few of the big games, we lost X in the middle of one of the big games. That is arguably our top 3 players being banged up, hobbled, or out. That is tough, I don't care who you are or what kind of coach you are, having 1-3 of your top 3 players out at any given time is hard to make up for on the fly. My biggest concern at the moment was that they didn't seem super confident on TJD being back. He has had the better part of a month with no games. I am hoping that is a bit of gamesmanship, if it isn't, this could be a more serious nagging problem that can/will hurt us in conference.
  12. I have issues with SOME of how NIL is being handled right now. I think this was a really sweet thing to do for his sister. He has a full ride at Indiana and is going to leave with a degree and connections, paying that forward to a sibling that did not have that is a really nice gesture.
  13. We won and this break could not have come at a better time. That is probably the best you can say about the game.
  14. Not getting into NIL, but what that was is leadership. With X down, this season can go two ways. It can go down the tubes or guys can step up and take advantage of the opportunity they now have. JHS is now our point guard. That position is the floor leader. If he is what you say, that is also a lockerroom leader. With the rumor up above complaining about practices (which I kind of question the validity of) this team may need some players who can act as rudders for the team. X going down is a big opportunity for 3 young guys IMO. JHS, Bates, and Gunn. How they react to the opportunity is going to determine our season IMO.
  15. That's a portal problem moreso than NIL. Even without money, you would probably have assistants from bigger schools trying to poach the best guys from smaller schools since there is zero penalty to transfer. With players getting paid now, they need to reinstate eligibility rules around transferring.
  16. I think they were FF caliber IF certain things happened. To this point, I don't think they have.
  17. That makes me feel a little better but they were still talking that TJD was getting six figures from his NIL deals. What I have found for that event is worth about $10k, tops. And I even think that is overvalued. I just think fans tend to overvalue these guys for stuff like this.
  18. I know we have to play the game to compete. I am saying that I think it is a bad game currently that has too few rules and that the rules should be adjusted. Going past that, this is really semi-pro sports and I sincerely question having them tied to colleges going forward. I question the value it will provide to have a semi pro team wearing your school colors.
  19. That and a tweet about the event is all I can find that he did for that particular event.
  20. You were provided a link that shows the payment for the Push, Paddle, etc. event and a link to the event itself which says that TJD and Race are going to be available one morning in July during the event to meet and greet. Google it, there is video of he and Race there. In addition he did this: https://mobile.twitter.com/TrayceJackson/status/1537079517872852992 With this specific event, you are the one reaching. Additionally, Turnstone doesn't care because they are the beard. The donor doesn't care because the actual charity isn't the point either. The point is getting those players as much money as they can so we can be a "good" basketball team. This is all the crap we used to complain about with Kentucky with a "charitable" veneer attached. It is a joke. This is real NIL. https://theshopindy.com/products/trayce-jackson-davis-caricature?variant=39674397163599&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtICdBhCLARIsALUBFcHTkqtqVbRLeExj_TekNRLXN59aF1-nA-jS5CzBZxpkznHdHkso8F8aAlbvEALw_wcB That doesn't add up to $600k though so the players are only mildly interested in that. I do think this is going to kill college athletics though. You are going to have 2 mega conferences built around football that pay their players and everyone else will fall to the wayside.
  21. You are arguing something that we aren't. I don't care if the players get a percent of jersey sales with their name on them. I care that TJD is getting $600k labeled as charity to show up to an event for 2 hours and maybe have someone create a Tweet for him to put up promoting the event because I guarantee the ROE on that is far, far into the negative. True charity would be the organization for disabled people getting that $600k. L
  22. And I will add to that, between TJD and Race, there is almost $700k being paid out to attend for 2 hours and promote that event. Looks like the organization they are "helping" does some really good things for a portion of our community that really need it. What do you think a true $700k donation would mean to a place like that as opposed to using them to basically launder that money to 2 college basketball players? How obscene is it to basically have 2 guys who can, will, and are making money with their athletic ability taking that kind of a payday to hang out for 2 hours and "promote" an event for people who would be ecstatic to even be able to walk normally? They aren't doing charity work. There is no effing way TJD is worth $300k an hour.
  23. So $1.2 million for TJD split almost evenly between Push, Paddle, Pedal and Turnstone Center. For that kind of money, you would think he would have a pretty big presence for their organizations. https://turnstone.org/pushpaddlepedal/ Turns out both organizations are the same thing. Looks like Race and Trayce are being paid to show up to a meet and greet for 2 hours with the Push, Paddle, Pedal event....do the math on that.
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