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Everything posted by bluegrassIU

  1. Yeah, what he said... What he said What he said What he said What he said
  2. 130,000 cases, 1200 deaths so far today. And due to the election, nobody seems to care.
  3. I hate stupid people. The guy in the store, not your mother. 😁
  4. Comparing yourself to @5fouls is really setting the bar pretty low.
  5. Flying there from Nashville. I live in Kentucky. So maybe I can bypass their Indiana hatred. Lol
  6. Actually, I am there on business next week. Ugh!
  7. I know it's likely neccassary, but that just feels icky. Needing documentation to travel from state to state. We are living in some weird times.
  8. I am negative for covid. Thanks for the well wishes. Whatever I had kicked my butt worse than any flu I have ever had. But no covid!
  9. Odd, Illinois' numbers are worse than Indiana in every way.
  10. Have plenty of symptoms. Oddly, no fever at all. But feel like a truck ran over me.
  11. I have been bed ridden for 2 days. Got tested today. Hope for the best!
  12. Cases are relatively increasing at the same rate as testing is increasing. The positive test rate has stayed fairly constant. About 4.7% right now. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/testing/individual-states
  13. HSN, First, thank you. The vast majority of you have handled this difficult and divisive topic respectfully. The mods have come to a few conclusions. Deviating from our norm, we feel it is important to publicly inform the community. We made a difficult decision to ban RTZ, who we all know has been a long time member. Regardless, we want to convey to all of you that we are serious about our rules and culture. We also want everybody to know we value each of you. When anybody so blatantly breaks the rules and gets that personal, we have to act decisively. This protects our culture as well as showing our members we will not tolerate personal attacks against any of you. Regardless of who it is from. We are going to reopen this thread. It does serve a purpose. Just be respectful of the rules and each other. Debate and discuss, as most of you have. Obviously this will be monitored very closely. Again, thank you all. We do not take the community or individual for granted. Carry on.
  14. Hopefully temporary. I am covered at work. Ending it now until I, or felllow mods, can properly address. Its a shame, really.
  15. I am closing this for now. Some of you long time posters are blatantly making a mockery of this forum and the rules. May as well flip the middle finger to all the mods who have tried to let the community act civilly. I have no time right now to edit and clean. And damn those of you who even make it necessary. The lack or respect frankly just pisses me off.
  16. Appliances are a nightmare. Refrigerators are fairly tough for us to get. Washers/dryers are next to impossible. Likely that way for the rest of the year. Its starting to tax our business for sure.
  17. Dang, wish I read that part first....
  18. One of the most concerning parts of all this is just how unreliable the reporting of cases has been. Its all over the map, in both directions. We have to learn some lessons from this. An uninformed population is partly to blame for the division and lack of trust/belief. https://apnews.com/c15b742f95a73ba2a45f7e7bf7d7255d
  19. Ok, that post was questionable, at best. I have it cleaned up. Lets please move on.
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