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Everything posted by Steubenhoosier

  1. @KoB2011or @5fouls need some help. I am on the Yahoo FF app. I have a player on IR who is coming off and available to play. It won’t let me put him in a starting spot until I drop another player but there is no icon showing for me to do that. Any ideas?
  2. If you really wanted to do some good, based on who you were in the IU program, you would band together a group of players to put pressure on Dakich to shut his mouth. What a disgrace to the Candy Stripes, and I think that if enough former players would rise up against him, Dakich would cave.
  3. Haven’t seen it mentioned but there was a concern over losing TJD’s rim protection and his ability to erase others defensive lapses. I think Ware put that worry to rest in the first 10 minutes of the game. Glad we won our first game. I know there needs to be a lot of improvement but pretty much what I expected from a team made up of so many new players.
  4. I think the passing of RMK kinda took over the attention from anything recruiting wise
  5. Or if you have highly recruited guys like the ones who played for FDU last year. I hope that the Toiletmakers do a 7’4” face plant this year…but really, NO ONE CARES. VBG!!!
  6. B1G commissioner should usurp any power the NCAA thinks it has by moving now to deal with Michigan. Meanwhile, Harbaugh is preparing to act immediately if he is suspended by filing an injunction to block Pettiti from enforcing any punishment. And, the president of UM is pushing for the conference to back down and let the NCAA investigation play out. Finally, the conference is faced with the conundrum of heeding the demands of the majority of its members and punishing UM, thus potentially forfeiting the millions of dollars that would come with a Michigan appearance in the playoffs, or looking the other way and alienating the rest of the conference. As the B1G Turns! Personally, as much as I dislike/detest both PSU and OSU, I hope they both throttle Michigan. I also hope that Harbaugh is out of coaching and that the NFL does not provide refuge like it did for Pete Carroll
  7. My fantasy team could have used about 4 more yards from CeeDee on that last play
  8. Irrelevant to who? If you’re the NFC West and playing the AFC South how is that irrelevant? The whole point is that the statistics are skewed by who your opponents are and since some schedules are weaker than others, the comparisons aren’t really fair
  9. Pretty sure if your schedule was made up of a bunch of AFC or NFC South teams, your results would be different than if you played the AFC North teams, ace.
  10. Meaningless post since the opponents and schedules are not common.
  11. 7 rookie quarterbacks played today. 4 threw for over 200 yards. 3 won their game. 1 didn’t play because he can’t stay healthy and underwent season ending surgery. I’d take a quarterback who is on the field every time over a guy who has potential but can’t stay healthy
  12. And… Jerry Palm still has the Toiletmakers in a bowl game. Wish I could slap him silly 😜
  13. Our place in NC has multiple fly fishing guides. Anyone here proficient and know what I should be looking for?
  14. The day after Thanksgiving meant getting out the extension ladder and putting up outdoor lights. After a 20 degree sleeting day a few years ago I decided to let professional lighting folks do the job. Now we do the indoor decorations over the course of about a week… which lets you know how much my wife likes to decorate
  15. Sorry @BGleasSiriani is quickly becoming someone I detest. Getting close to how I feel about the New England coach
  16. The Ft Wayne market did not get an early CBS game. We were subjected to the GB-Rams game on Fox. CBS must have only had one game per market this week
  17. CJ Stroud 470 and 5 touchdowns. Man, I would have loved him wearing the horseshoe.
  18. Not saying their #1 quarterback is anywhere close to Penix, but remember how bad we were when he went down? Most important position with a backup who was inexperienced. Yeah, will make a huge difference. I never said a thing about when we have injuries. I get it, they’re part of the game. But you, as a coach should know better than anyone that losing multiple starters, especially in those positions, makes a difference
  19. Gonna be a great day when IU wins and PUke and ND lose!
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