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Posts posted by Steubenhoosier

  1. May the lives remembered, the deeds recognized, and the spirit reawakened be eternal beacons, which reaffirm respect for life, strengthen our resolve to preserve freedom, and inspire an end to hatred, ignorance and intolerance.ā€

    This is part of the mission statement of the National September 11th Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center in New York City; and in 2020, these words resonate more than ever.Ā  9/11 is a day of remembrance for many of us.Ā  It is a time to remember and honor those lost in the terrorist attacks and to pay tribute to the first responders, and men and women of our armed forces.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    Looking good! Was the pergola a kit? Did you build yourself? Are the lights solar or plug in? I have some solar powered lights in my Amazon cart for my arbor/swing as it's located away from the house.Ā 

    Donā€™t have the time, ability or help to do this myself šŸ˜‚

    We looked at solar but ended up getting plug ins. Easy to hang and cords were easy to hideĀ 

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  3. Cannibal advertising at his ā€œpotā€ as cannibals tend to do..

    - Random tourist-$5

    - Displaced volunteer- $10

    - Lost missionary-$15

    - Basic politician -$100

    Cannibal customer inquires, ā€œWhy so much for the politician?ā€

    Cannibal cook replies, ā€œ Because theyā€™re so full of $h!t, it takes forever to clean themā€šŸ¤Ŗ

    • Haha 3
  4. 50 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    Wait, is your dog licking up the beer?

    lol, I spilled a beer once without realizing it, until I looked down at the slurping noise of my boxer lapping it all upĀ 

    My dog loves the ice left from my bourbon. Will not eat a regular ice cube, but will gladly eat up any bourbon ice.

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    • Haha 2
  5. 1 hour ago, 5fouls said:

    Living and working in the Louisville area, I can tell you that this feels nothing like a Derby should feel.Ā  Normally one of the highlights of the year for this area.Ā  It's less about the two minutes, and more about the extended event.Ā  This year.....nothing.


    Thatā€™s to be expected but really too bad. I know that a lot of people spend a lot of money in Louisville during a normal Derby year.Ā 

    I will lift a julep and my wife will wear her hat. Not into betting on the ponies but will definitely have my favoriteĀ 

  6. The second leg of the Triple Crown being run Saturday. Gonna be strange having a mint julep and my wife wearing her hat, and not seeing the crowds. Not seeing the hype.

    Tiz the Law is the favorite, but can he win from the 17th post position. Baffert has two horses, Pletcher one. D. Wayne Lukas, just recovered from covid, doesn't have a horse this year.

    Hope it's a good race. Would like to see an upset.Ā 

    Went to school with a woman who wrote sports for the IDS back in the day, and went on to become one of the best, and most accomplished writers in the horse racing industry. Would love to pick her mind on this.Ā 

    I'll have to fit the race in around football, golf, and Labor Day weekend activities. Last big weekend for the lake.

    What an incredibly strange year.


  7. This is an old campfire joke from northern Wisconsin...

    Bear walks into a bar and says, ā€œ give me a Budweiser beer.ā€

    Bartender replies, ā€œ I cannot serve a Budweiser beer to a bear in a Baraboo bar!ā€šŸ˜Ž

    Bear responds, I demand a Budweiser beer! And if I donā€™t get one, I will kill the young lady sitting at the other end of the bar!

    Bartender is adamant. ā€œI am sorry, but I cannot serve a Budweiser beer to a bear in a Baraboo bar!ā€

    With that, the bear attacked the woman and inflicted a mortal bite to her throat.

    The bartender immediately called the police. And the bear asked, ā€œ but why, I was just being a bear in the Wisconsin wildsā€

    The bartender replied, ā€œI understand, that you were acting like any bear would. You are under arrest by the DEA. That was a bar bitch you ate!ā€


  8. 1 hour ago, mrflynn03 said:

    Why is it whenever I have a strain or a sprain it has to be a high grade miserable experience.Ā  A grade 1 would be nice every now and then, or better yet not at all. Strained an intercostal in my left rib for the 2nd time this year. RIP sleep for the next 2 weeks. Makes me go hmmmmm... #%@!

    Sorry for your pain... but I thought that the inter coastal ran along Florida for quite a distance šŸ˜›

    • Haha 1
  9. On 8/19/2020 at 4:12 PM, Lostin76 said:

    What's coming economically can not be good in the next 2-3 months for a LOT of people.

    Yep, I purchased 100 shares of Apple when it fell to $300 in the beginning of March and then cursed my decision everyday when it kept falling to $230. Knew it would come back eventually.

    My wife also purchased 100 shares of Apple, BUT she bought 50 shares at $280 and another 50 at $250. She does not follow the stock market AT ALL and she beat me soundly.

    Apple closed at around $463 today, so we've been pretty happy about those purchases. I totally missed BYND when it blew up though. That was a heck of a ride!


    Stock up over $483 today...

    I can't front run, so have to wait to buy. But still got Apple at $93.90.

    Have clients that bought it in the $40'sĀ 

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