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Everything posted by IUFLA

  1. Little known fact... Mike Holmgren laying down is almost as tall as Chet Holmgren standing up...
  2. Took Sporting News too, but, like @rico, by the time I wrestled it away from the old man, everybody in it had retired...
  3. I don't know the draft rules as far as pay goes, but I'd think top 15 would be "crazy if he doesn't" territory, no?
  4. Wonder where he is on draft boards? I personally think he needs another year at OSU, but if there's an NBA team willing to wait and develop him, I think he's worth the risk...
  5. Matt Cross back on the market via the portal...
  6. He is kinda frail... Not sure if he's ready physically for the rigors of the Big 10. A redshirt and a couple of hundred trips to Golden Corral with ol' Porkchop would do him good πŸ˜‰
  7. I use to subscribe to a baseball magazine when I was a kid that broke down everything on every team on a monthly basis. I can't for the life of me think of the name of it. It was about the size of a TV Guide (Edit: It was "Baseball Digest"). But I bring it up because at the end of each team's numbers section, they had a paragraph or so of team news with a befitting name. The Cubs was The "Cub Den" (how creative!)...But the Indians was "Smoke Signals." Always loved that... I don't remember what the Reds blurb was called..."The Kremlin" maybe ? πŸ˜‰
  8. Gibbs-Lawhorn looked pretty good yesterday. He's got a nice looking jumper... But his shooting arm doesn't have a governor 😁
  9. No, I understand how people see that sometimes. I saw @Indykev post something similar in another thread. His scoring numbers don't leap off the page at you. His outside shot is a work in progress, but his dribble drive is strong, and he's got a good pull up jumper. As I said, when he's looking for his own, he can get it. But he's never off the floor, and you can see who his teammate look to for leadership. He's a "winning player" in my eyes. A Quinn Buckner type. But with a better shot 😁
  10. Montverde has a lot of offensive fire power. JHS is asked to be more of a facilitator, floor general, defender type. But I've seen him go into full offensive mode...he can score when he's asked to...
  11. Good article. I was surprised it didn't cover Micky Lolich hitting his only home run in a 16 year career (although to be fair, 6 of those years the AL had the DH) in the World Series. Mick also had 2 career triples...and if you ever saw a picture of Lolich, those probably would have been fun to see 😁
  12. I looked at the list of AL MVPs and when I saw the name, I remembered...
  13. Micky Mantle is all I got
  14. For those who think Kofi is coming back to Illinois β€œI don’t care if I go un-drafted,” Cockburn said. β€œI know when I get my opportunity I am going to show people that I belong there."
  15. It's ok though...the kid who got punched probably said something and deserved it...
  16. Baseball has probably changed more than any other major sport...that's why a lot of former fans are, well, former fans...
  17. They said Indiana was involved, along with a few other schools, but that's about it...
  18. He was pretty good. Can't find a box score, but he had a few good finish through contact drives and did drill a 3 pointer. I fired it up late (only saw the 2nd half) but he played just like I'd seen him play before...team leader, smart, unselfish, and constantly reminding his teammates of assignments...good defense as well...
  19. Packer went even further, trying to dream up ways Syracuse could snatch the chestnuts from the fire...he babbled about some Billy Tubbs play, and then about setting a screen on the baseline to draw a charge... Christ, I thought he was gonna run over to the Syracuse huddle and knock Boeheim out of the way...
  20. These words will forever reverberate in my head... Musburger: "Smart takes the shot..." Packer: "Arrrrgh" Musburger: "And with 3 seconds left...the Hoosiers take the lead!" Packer: "Nobody stopped the clock! Nobody stopped the clock!" In my living room, in a crappy little 2 bedroom mobile home in Shiloh, Illinois, my wife coming out of our kids bedroom sushing me... "He hit the shot!" "You wake those girls up I'LL hit the shot."
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