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Everything posted by IUFLA

  1. One more for the theme of the day... Ritchie Blackmore rocks...
  2. I actually saw Montrose open up for Aerosmith back in the day...post Sammy though...
  3. I hadn't fulfilled my part of this threads "jumping to conclusions" quota and I was falling behind...
  4. I was doing 85 on I69 down here in Houston on my commute in this morning. If I hadn't, I'd have gotten run over by a dually... Called "keeping with the traffic flow" here in Texas...
  5. If this were true, would it change any opinions around here?
  6. @FritzIam4IU was prescient here, huh?
  7. You mean for punching that guy's fist with his face? 😉
  8. Supposedly before Fife...that was one of the reasons Dane considered other gigs...
  9. That's the guy that was always thought to be Izzo's replacement, right?
  10. For some reason (😉) this song has been stuck in my head all morning... 😁
  11. That's probably correct... And the people who think anyone is "defending" XJs actions, if found to be true, are way off base... I'm defending his constitutional right to fairness, and I'm defending the process we use to come to a judicial decision...
  12. If you say so... I take "he should do what's right for XJ" in a more personal construct light than in a basketball sense... If Mike Woodson didn't think he was a good enough player, he'd already have been in the portal after the exit briefs...
  13. You're contradicting yourself... You said... Now you seem to be saying he won't help the team, so he should be kicked off...
  14. So you're saying if Mike Woodson thinks keeping him on the team after the dust settles is the right thing to do, you're good with that, right?
  15. Breaking curfew and speeding are "huge mistakes"? Geez, Scott, where do you rank drug addiction, and sexual assault?
  16. Here's a good article on XJ and his parents. I, too, was in the USAF for over 20 years, and raised 3 kids during that time, and the Johnson's story is not a rare one. I'm not saying military folks are better parents than most, but the balance between a military career, children, and money can be a difficult road to navigate. I guess my point is, XJ is going to have more than a few difficult conversations this week, and the one with his parents, who sacrificed so much for him to succeed, will be the most difficult. No matter the outcome on the legal end, or his tenure with the team, I hope he wakes up and sees what he's doing to the people who love him, sacrificed for him, and put him in the position to achieve success.
  17. You're a teacher right? And I'd assume you've read the United States Constitution? There's this little clause in the 5th amendment that states... "nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law" That process is ongoing. Wouldn't it be prudent to let it play out before coming to any conclusion? As for the Windy City 5 incident, breaking curfew is all we truly know, and that's not exactly murder...you indicate you're skeptical that curfew is all that it involved, but I'd like to see a fact presented to back that up... No one is saying that the charges, if all true, "aren't a big deal." But most fair people at least let the facts play out before they grab the torches and pitchforks...
  18. So by that logic, anyone going 35 miles per hour over the speed limit would get worst case scenario of vehicular homicide? Come on Scott...
  19. Wait...I thought that's a good thing... At least Flo from Progressive says so 😉
  20. If I was his Pop, first, he'd trade his car.. For this
  21. Yeah, I remember him now...he was really good... The Buckeyes lost Liddell and might lose Branham. That's basically their top 2 guys...they're gonna need some offense...
  22. Seriously @IU Scott, the "trouble" with Capel at Pitt is irrelevant. A lot of players don't see eye to eye with their coaches... And I've never been in jail a day in my life either... But I'm not going to play holier than thou and be hardline on second, or even third chances... I have plenty of friends, coworkers, and family members that have f'ed it up like Hogan's goat. The vast majority have made good on second or third chances. A few haven't. As you say, Coach Woodson will be the final arbiter on his status as a member of the team. And I'm good with that...
  23. XJ has model parents. Both USAF retirees...
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