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Posts posted by IUFLA

  1. Thought of 3 this morning...

    What baseball team's nickname was "The Wheeze Kids." 

    What 2 fighters met in a match termed "The Geezers at Caesars." 

    And for my Reds fan friends...

    What Cincinnati Red was nicknamed "Doggie." 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    Boy. Just got to the computer. Manager who won big but hated by his owner has Yankees written all over it. I guess i would say Billy Martin but probably not right because I don't remember him winning elsewhere.

    Yes, the Yankees were involved, but not Billy Martin...


  3. Rico's manager post in the baseball thread made me think of this one...

    What manager won the World Series, then was hired for the next year by the team that his team had beaten in the series...

  4. 3 minutes ago, rico said:

    Nobody is gonna have any constitutional rights if we are all dead from this spreading virus.

    This isn't "project blue." 

    "All dead" is a little over the top...

    I see people and businesses taking sensible steps. More people wearing masks, less people in the stores. We'll overcome this thing.

    And while I worry about the police having carte blanche to stop a car for no lawful reason now, I worry more about the precedence it sets for the future...

    • Like 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, rico said:

    Texas sets up road blocks on main roads along Louisiana border according to CBS.

    Damn Cajuns...

    Seriously, I think that's going a bit far. Again, to me, there are constitutional considerations. It's like the DUI/drug checkpoints. I don't agree with those either...

    Your rights are never going to just all be snatched away at once. They'll just slowly erode...

    • Like 5
  6. Hall of Famer Bobby Mitchell passes away at 84...

    He was the first African-American on the Redskins...there was a great story he told on the video "75 Seasons."

    Redskins owner George Preston Marshall, who never wanted the Redskins to integrate but succumbed to pressure, had the team assemble for a team picture shortly after Mitchell was traded to them from the Browns.

    After the photo, Marshall insisted the team sing "Hail to the Redskins." Mitchell said he didn't know the words so he just stood there. So Marshall yells at him, "Bobby Mitchell! SING!"

    Mitchell laughing, said, "I  just started moving my lips."

    Great man, civil rights activist, and helluva football player. RIP Bobby...

  7. 5 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    I ask this question in hopes someone may have an answer - OTHER THAN POLITICS. 

    What is with the restrictions on hydroxy chloroquine? 

    Governors in NV and MI banned it entirely before reversing course. Coumo in NY won't let Dr's prescribe it. You can only get at hospitals there which is leading to unnessary hospital overcrowding.

    If the argument is it is unproven, I can't buy that. The CDC and the rest of the world endorse it. 

    Are certain people trying to hoard it for themselves/ certain people? Public officials should not be putting the public at risk. The fact it was not an isolated event has me wondering what is going on. 

    Again, looking for answers that don't involve politics. 


    I read that what Governor Cuomo is afraid of is that people who need it for arthritis and lupus (two conditions it's commonly prescribed for) won't be able to get it...

    Not sure that holds much water, but that's what I read...

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    I was able to apply at Chase yesterday for the payroll protection loan for my wifes business. Now waiting on a call back from them for a phone interview. Wonder how long that will be? Been more than 3 days and have heard nothing about her EIDL. 

    They want you to be a current customer to satisfy the Know Your Customer and Patriot Act rules. Otherwise they would need all sorts of additional info. Big banks are worried about trying to abide by the government regs and not getting much assurance. I get it. However, we had no problem waiving all sorts of red tape when they needed a bailout in 2008. They should be being much more accommodative. It has been a nightmare dealing with Chase lately.

    Good luck...I hope this works out for small business owners and we working class folks...

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  9. 52 minutes ago, tdhoosier said:

    You can watch JFK the movie and come to a lot of conclusions. Or you can watch a History Channel show that explains the mystery of the 'magic bullet'  (for example) is not really a mystery - it was a clear shot. The movie overlooked the fact that the back seat was elevated up higher than the front seat. When they leave out this bit of info it looks like the bullet's trajectory wasn't straight.  This one tiny thing (a matter of inches) can plant the seed of doubt.

    By asking more questions than you are answering and/or sources leave out bits of confirmed fact (whether intentional or overlooked) to fit an agenda you can make you can easily make people question that most rational conclusion. When that happens conspiracies are born.

    It's natural for human imaginations to run wild when the conclusions aren't being produced to their satisfaction. 

    Oh, I've read my fair share on the subject, the best being "Case Closed" by Gerald Posner. He asserts the Oswald was the lone gunman (which I believe) and lays out his case very well (I've also watched "JFK" which I consider trash, and the History Channel documentary that you referenced, which I thought was quite good, and very true)..

    But Posner leaves a few loose ends about Oswald's contacts and movements by either glossing them over with flimsy details, or outright dismissing them...his commentary on Ruby is weak as well...


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