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Parakeet Jones

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Posts posted by Parakeet Jones

  1. Style of play and things like that get discussed a lot in this thread, but the thing that has me the most nervous is recruiting.

    We really needed a class of 3-4 HS guys next year including guards. We have one guy, who is awesome, but we need more. I love the moxie to go for the top guys, but when you miss on them who is your plan B?  We can’t just go portal diving every year for 6-7 guys or always bank on getting a decommitted player.   Gunn and Banks being misses, whether mis-evaluated or underdeveloped (I have no energy to debate which and I don’t care, both are bad) really hurts us going into next year. That’s two upperclassmen we should be counting on in their third year. 

    When Ya and Kenya said you have to work your way up to recruiting some of these guys (not the exact words but the sentiment) maybe he should have heeded that a little more. 

    We are all chips in on the portal to fill out a competitive roster. I hope for Woody’s sake, the program’s sake, and the fans’ sake he pulls it off. It’s not being contradictory of me to say I desperately want it to happen, but I have serious doubts it does. 

    With all my heart, Go Hoosiers. 

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Artesian_86 said:

    Since Coach is "not going anywhere anytime soon", the portal has to be his best friend in the off season! 

    Coach has to.... (if Reneau stays and possibly Ware & MgBako decide to come back)

    #1..... land a quality and proven PG.

    #2.... find at least 2 scoring guards with respectable/good 3 pt. shooting %'s

    #3.... Win

    I agree. #1 and #2 are necessary for #3, and #1 and #2 are a whole lot easier said than done. I hate that we are in the position of being so portal dependent going into year four. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Kodos said:

    I honestly had trouble adjusting watching the game. I kept finding myself rooting for the white uniforms and then quickly correcting myself. Too bad, too, because the white uniforms were usually doing better.

    I mentioned the same thing in the game thread.  I caught myself a couple of times cheering when NW made a good plays because I am so used to seeing us in white on that court.  It took me all of the first half to adjust and I don't think I ever really did.  

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  4. I'll bring up a point here too that I did in the NW postgame thread.  Woody said Malik was awful yesterday, then don't start him this game.  Send a message to him that he needs to be better than that.  Don't worry about not starting the usual five, that isn't working well most of the time anyway.  Heck, I think we are better when one of Ware and Malik is out anyway. Woods was brought in large part to bring us back to the days of RMK.  He needs to do what RMK would have done, sit him and send a message.  If he doesn't, I don't want to hear about how awful he was again.  

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  5. I have zero problem with Woody calling guys out.  That's what his coach did.  However, what I do have a problem with is auto starting those same guys you are calling out the next game.  Sit them on the bench to start.  Send them a message.  Woody's coach would have done that too.  

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