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Everything posted by Joe_Hoopsier

  1. Just a little troll/ paddle down white river, out of Gosport Indiana, if you don't see 5 within 3-4 miles, its a strange day. Since they re-introduced them around lake Monroe 20ish+ some years ago, they are extremely prevalent around the greater (and I literally mean GREATER) area of Bloomington.
  2. All of this reminds me. Has he stopped talking in the third person? I thought it was cool as hell!
  3. Oh come on man. The first sentence is an obvious Mr Obvious type joke. The rest is a twist on the CBK famous half time speech. Why lump me in with him when this was obviously funny.
  4. Any of you chubby fellers ever use yogurt as your salad dressing? if you follow it with enough Pappy Van Winkle, it seems to be pretty good.
  5. If you are Apathetic, Then as a fan you just don't care enough. I know I know, I am on a roll tonight. Oh, You need to be better. I am sick and tired of these apathetic post, you may be here to make @#$@ing apathetic post but I am sick and @%#@ing tired of these apathetic post in this conference. If you make anymore @#%$@ing apathetic post I will troll you like you never @#$%ing imagined. <insert CBK Emoji> 😁
  6. Apparently you were concentrating on different types of shots than our failed 5. Yes I am prepared for the fall out of this post, but it was the best I could come up with on short notice. FTR, I am 100% behind these guys using this as a learning opportunity to be better men.
  7. 99% agree with the two of you. The other 1% is, communicating in a professional focused way AFTER you have proven through action that you deserve the stage. X's comment was not needed yet, but I view it as short and sweet "OK, I get it, I've got some work to do that I created for myself and will diligently do". Once they walk the walk consistently, I think the final growth step is to actually finish the journey with maturely talking the talk.
  8. “Today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again.”
  9. Holy crap, you need to put something absorbent behind your ears! Keep up the posting, I enjoy reading. 80% of what I just posted is true. 😁
  10. This is me and plumbing fittings. Knowing that any plumbing project, no matter how small, requires 3 trips to the hardware store I always buy extra fittings. I've got enough crap laying around to plumb a small subdivision!
  11. Mix some shredded cheese with an egg, to make you a pizza crust. Spread it over some parchment paper and place under the broiler for a few minutes. Add you normal meat veggie pizza toppings and recook. It's freaking awesome.
  12. Oh no, not a "tubeless" Mardi Gras.. 🧖‍♀️
  13. It seems that the "old timers" knew things that were inherent to last. They new to save their nuts and bolts and screws in old baby food jars. We are talking about a 16' made up board, that cost $86 that sux to nail down and is not the right color. We have the worst case of first world problems, because our grand/ parents knew what wood to use and to keep their old nuts, bolts and screws in baby food jars. **This is not a dig on anyone, their projects or their ability, it's honestly more a self reflection on where we were and what we've came from .
  14. My current pet peeve, Finding a series of a show that I never knew existed just in time to ruin 8 straight days of my productive life, and possible jeopardizing my carrier, binge watching start to finish and pleading to god that is not how it ends. .... Eff you CBS for "Seal Team" !
  15. Who was it that got into his head, via Trey G/ Ivy? I saw that but it was in the corner of the screen and I couldn't tell who caused him the emotional discomfort.
  16. JG is going to be $!$#!#!%!$% WOW to watch mature!
  17. And proof socks don't stop the spread if they've been playing footsie with some of the same people...
  18. Wow, that could be anything from an ingrown toe nail to a partial amputation. How is it that these people can make a paycheck from these diagnosis? I would do great at the Kinsey institute if this is all it takes. "Sorry but you have a middle of the body issue and it appears that your dad was actually gay".
  19. I bought a new house 2 weeks ago. Today, my ex wife, who I've not been married to for almost 20 years, got a text offering to inquire about purchase our new home. I am not on social media except for 3 IU bball message boards like this one. The text asked specifically about the exact address of my new house. I think it's total BS. My little brother says I wear a tin foil hat. Am I wrong that this is totally effing wack?
  20. He just needed to shoot one more! I'm a problem solver!!
  21. I'd say you have to open your mouth and insert your whole head with extreme cockiness to fall so fast. ... Could be a very good wake up call if used properly.
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