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Everything posted by 5fouls

  1. I say it's 50/50 on this going well or very, very wrong. Jeffersonville has been eating coaches and spitting them out lately. Combined with Sherron's lackluster results at his previous stops and the community goodwill for the homerown guy could easily wear off in 2-3 years.
  2. It's still an outlier. 80/20 rule. Address the 80 percent with everything at your disposal. Deal with the other 20% as best you can after the first 80% is resolved. Look, I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind. That said, of all the topics that divide people in this country, this is the single most puzzling to me that people can't agree on.
  3. Virginia Tech was an outlier for quite a few reasons Long term situation compared to virtually every other mass shooting. The gunman moved to multiple locations on campus and multiple classrooms versus shooting 2 dozen people confined in a single classroom, The Virginia Tech perpetrated took a more sophisticated and well-planned approach than most others.
  4. Which is more likely in our lifetime? - An armed militia prevents our government from taking away our basic human rights? or - Hundreds, if not thousands, of school children are mowed down in events similar to what we had yesterday?
  5. I agree with this statement. But, the people going on the black market to get them would likely be affiliated with the drug trade or organized crime. An 18 year old with intent on shooting up a school probably would not go this route. You immediately save innocent lives.
  6. Why just limit it to better vetting. Why not put more stringent restrictions on types of guns that have no practical use for the average citizen. Criminals will get get around more stringent vetting laws. But, if all they can get off the street is an old six shooter, then our schools, groceries, theaters, and churches immediately become safer.
  7. Once I stopped downloading stuff from those adult sites, my phone issues ceased. You should give that a try for a while and see if it improves.
  8. 99.99% of the population could own/possess an AR15 and not harm a soul. But, literally no one outside of law enforcement or the military needs to own/possess such a weapon.
  9. I know I said I was out, but I'm struggling with understanding why something so clear to me is not clear to everyone. It is not about the right to possess a gun/firearm/weapon. It's the TYPE that is the issue. This 18 year old walks into that school with a weapon that has between 2 and 6 rounds and 21 people dont die. Some may, but not 21. Yes, there are too many shootings in Chicago. But, as a general rule, they are not mass shootings because the guns being used fire a limited number of rounds. Why does the average person need a weapon that fires 50+ rounds without having to stop and reload? There is no logical reason the average person, mentally ill or not, needs such a weapon. Not one. Zero.
  10. So, we dont want JHS taking the game winning shot at the end of the game.
  11. Freddy's burger is better than Wendy's. Find the one nearest to you and give it a shot.
  12. I'm bowing out of this topic after this post. - No one has yet to provide a practical use of a weapon like the AR15 outside of military or law enforcement. - No one has offered any compelling argument that the 2nd amendment had the AR15 in mind when it was written - 'Facts' can be extremely misleading without context.
  13. Amazing how an edit to my post can take it completely out of context. I think my actual point got censored.
  14. Do NOT lump the legal definition of a mass shooting (i.e. Billy Bob kills his ex-wife, her boyfriend, and his mother-in-law) with a mass shooting at a school. They are not remotely the same thing and people arguing that they are is a huge part of the problem, and one of the reasons why days like yesterday continue to happen.
  15. Name one practical use of an automatic weapon outside of military or law enforcement? What are we actually protecting ourselves from? How many home invasions are committed by perpetrators using automatic weapons? Okay, maybe ones involving drug cartels and the mob. But, I think we can all agree that's a different situation than someone breaking into a home to commit a robbery or sexual assault. Those perps can be stopped with a standard handgun or shotgun. Again, name one practical use for an automatic weapon?
  16. I'll bite. Why does the 'right to bear arms' clause include automatic and semi-automatic weapons that have no practical use outside of killing multiple people as quickly as possible, but it doesn't allow someone to possess a missile fitted with a nuclear warhead? The 2nd amendment was NOT written with the intent for these weapons in mind because those types of weapons did not exist. It was written based on the types of weapons that existed at that time. Shotguns, rifles, and six-shooters. Nothing more was intended.
  17. However it is technically classified, an AR15 is not in the same class as a shotgun. It's not a weapon that should find its way into the hands of an 18 year old.
  18. I'm generally apolitical, though I tend to favor politicians that tend to stay in the middle. As a general rule, i don't hold anyone's beliefs against them. It's their right. This is one topic, however, I have a hard time being neutral on. I have an aunt that lives in Sandy Hook. My cousins grew up in Sandy Hook. I spent some summer vacations in Sandy Hook. Now, that event took place well after my cousins and I were grown, but it had, and still has, a profound effect on me. The 2nd amendment provides U.S. citizens the right to bear arms. That right allows someone to hunt for food or recreation, and protect their home. I'm not advocating against that amendment. But, that amendment was written with shotguns and hunting rifles in mind. It was not intended to allow an 18 year old access to an AR15 or other automatic weapon. That someone would fight legislation that would prevent that from happening boggles my mind.
  19. I would certainly support anything that helps the situation. And, while background checks would help, they will not stop most of these, especially school shootings. Most school shooters are getting their hands on these weapons by means other than legally purchasing from a licensed dealer.
  20. Just when I thought the Reds were trending towards not being the worst team in MLB, they remind me that they are by being unable to beat the Cubs.
  21. Wives of a couple of posters on this board as a matter of fact.
  22. Happy for you that you got to see your team win a game like that. Sad for you that you are a Cardinals fan.
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