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Bob Knight coming back

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3 minutes ago, OGIUAndy said:

Won't show up for his players, but he will show up for the almighty buck. Sad. If I was a former player of his, I would be pretty disappointed in this entire fiasco. He's definitely become the Woody Hayes of basketball. 

Woody had class, something Knight knows nothing about. As long as people show up the hypocrite will continue to come around. 

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2 minutes ago, Proud2BAHoosier said:

I know Bob likes to fish. I had the opportunity to talk to him about it.

Yes he does, I talked with him as well about it.  But after his hunting fiascos I wouldn't want him in my boat.  Hell I would be afraid to get a fish hook in my eye!!!!!!!

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It sucks that i have no feelings about this. I'm sure he's only doing it for Hammel, fine i suppose. I still will hold out hope that he will say some of the right things, maybe on that night, but i also buy a couple lottery tickets every week. a guy can dream right?

Honestly, i'd probably be more up for hearing Crean speak. At least he's been class since departure

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53 minutes ago, ColtsIUDomer said:

It sucks that i have no feelings about this. I'm sure he's only doing it for Hammel, fine i suppose. I still will hold out hope that he will say some of the right things, maybe on that night, but i also buy a couple lottery tickets every week. a guy can dream right?

Honestly, i'd probably be more up for hearing Crean speak. At least he's been class since departure

CBK is the reason my Dad and I became IUBB fans.  I went to both IU and PU so I'm schizophrenic.  My Dad became a rabid IUBB fan and is why I remain a little more partial to IU.  He thought the sun rose and set in CBK's office.  We shared a lot of good times watching the teams in the 70's and 80's. We enjoyed the rivalry with PU and Keady.  I still respect Keady and PU to this day.  I have to say in the 90's I began to lose my patience with CBK and his antics.  I understand why he would hate IU after his firing.  However, I don't understand his inability to let go the past since no one involved in his firing is still at IU.  CTC is a class act and remains a class individual despite his firing.  I never intend to denegrate him after what he did for IUBB.  Crean reached out to CBK and was rejected.  CBK declined to return on behalf of his former players.  CBK refused to return or allow the statue planned in his honor.  Although I owe CBK a debt of gratitude for what he did for IUBB, he is not bigger than the program itself.  His actions are diametrically opposed to what we expect of players who represent IUBB. CBK stated he liked the CAM hire.  I don't know if Archie has reached out to him or even cares to do so.  I would hope at some time reconciliation can occur.  The ball is in CBK's court.  He has the next move as far as I'm concerned.  I've moved on to CAM and his future with IUBB!  I think my Dad would have done the same.

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According to local paper all proceeds will go to charity.  But the event has many sponsors, I would guess they are paying for the appearance maybe?

A small group of people went to the school board to protest his appearance.  I think that was a little overboard.  If people want to pay to see him let them pay.  You have a choice to see him speak let’s not create a bigger spectacle than it already is.

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58 minutes ago, iuthruandthru said:

According to local paper all proceeds will go to charity.  But the event has many sponsors, I would guess they are paying for the appearance maybe?

A small group of people went to the school board to protest his appearance.  I think that was a little overboard.  If people want to pay to see him let them pay.  You have a choice to see him speak let’s not create a bigger spectacle than it already is.

I think it's fair to question why a disgraced educator fired from a Bloomington institution for abuse towards students is being brought in to speak at a Bloomington school. 

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