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Indiana, Kentucky in advanced discussions for multi-year series

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11 minutes ago, rogue3542 said:

I'm calling it now; Calipari leaves for the NBA before this starts up.


6 minutes ago, OGIUAndy said:

My bet would be retirement. I don't see any NBA teams taking a chance on an aging college coach who previously failed in the NBA. 

You can bet that he retires/leaves before the IU campus game.  What a pussy.

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1 hour ago, Zuckerkorn said:

Meh. FUK

I hear you.  I'm more interested in drumming them out of the real tournament than competing in-season with those inbreds.  The season game just doesn't have the luster it had for me back in the day.  It was cool beating them back in '11, but with Cal's shenanigans after that game, I really don't care if the game gets renewed until he's gone.

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1 hour ago, Steubenhoosier said:

Who benefits from a game in NYC other than @Lostin76?😛

I am really indifferent to this. We are scheduling games v Kansas, Arizona and such. Why do anything that Calipari might profit from? pUKe bailed on us. We don’t owe them anything.

So you're more interested in a game against Arizona than Kensucky? I have to respectfully disagree. 

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