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Bobby Petrino Fired


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4 minutes ago, TheWatShot said:

Wow, have to say I'm kind of surprised, but when a coach becomes as toxic as Petrino, you really don't have a choice.


It'll be funny watching Purdue fans sweat bullets, cling to every bit of social media or point to any tea leaves that suggest Brohm would never leave them.

Don’t think any rational Purdue fan thinks Brohm would never leave them. He played at UL, is from there, and has a deep history there so there’s a legit possibility he leaves. But Purdue has a good setup right now and Purdue won’t go down without a fight to keep him. That’s something you have to deal with when you have a coach that’s made a big impact so quickly. His name will be thrown around there for openings. If he does leave, Purdue is in a much better spot than they were 2 years. 

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9 minutes ago, Stlboiler23 said:

I don’t think you’d find many people to agree with you. I think the only reason he’d seriously consider it is due to his ties to the school and that he’s from there. If that wasn’t the case, this would be a moot point. 

And $$$$$$$$$$

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4 minutes ago, CauseThatsMyDJ said:

Money, more lax academics, more on field success. It’s not close. Boiler can dream though. 

You realize Petrino and Brohm’s salaries are similar now right? Lax academics isn’t always a good thing either. You can just as easily argue the other side of the equation. To say it’s not close is laughable. Purdue can and will pay whatever it takes to keep Brohm. 

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