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IU makes NCAA but can you go to games....no fans for march madness!

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No doubt serious consideration should be taken to protect fans, as well as athletes. I would think the athletes would have minimal risk, being somewhat separated from the fans.

I could see selected sites to not have fans, but not the whole tournament.

I just got notice that the Masters is "watching the situation closely" as it pertains to the virus. Since I have tickets and guests coming, I am concerned they will cancel, or prohibit spectators. They would never give up the TV $$.

Anybody's guess at this point, as to the level of disruption of all public events.

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I think that is ridiculous. Fans are a big part of the tournament. Let the fans be responsible for washing their hands frequently and any other precautions they wish to take. No reason to shut them out. If thats the case, will there be no fans at MLB, NBA, NHL games? This is overboard to the extreme. Has there even been cases/ fatalities in Indy?

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I got Opening Day Tickets to the First Regular Season game at the Rangers new baseball stadium on March 31.Ā  Was able to go the First Opening Day in the previous stadium (now an XFL stadium) back in early 90s..Ā  I'll die (LOL - Iknow this is serious though) if they postpone it and the real opening day is a game I didn't purchase. I thought having a roof I was home free since there would be no rain out. . I had to but a 20 game pack to get opening day but was able to cherry pick primo game to sell.Ā 

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6 minutes ago, Reacher said:

I think that is ridiculous. Fans are a big part of the tournament. Let the fans be responsible for washing their hands frequently and any other precautions they wish to take. No reason to shut them out. If thats the case, will there be no fans at MLB, NBA, NHL games? This is overboard to the extreme. Has there even been cases/ fatalities in Indy?

There hasn't been any record cases in the state of indiana so far.Ā 

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12 minutes ago, ATX_sig said:

I got Opening Day Tickets to the First Regular Season game at the Rangers new baseball stadium on March 31.Ā  Was able to go the First Opening Day in the previous stadium back in early 90s..Ā  I'll die (LOL - Iknow this is serious though) if they postpone it and the real opening day is a game I didn't purchase. I thought having a roof I was home free since there would be no rain out. . I had to but a 20 game pack to get opening day but was able to cherry pick primo game to sell.Ā 

Congrats to you on your opening day tickets.Ā  I can relate.Ā 

I was there for the opening day of the Colorado Rockies first game, in the old MIle High Stadium.Ā  Over 80K in the seats. And Eric Young homered at his first at bat in the first inning. I shed a tear.Ā  Day was warm and sunshine filled.

Eric Young recalls the chills from hitting first Rockies' homer at Mile High

And then I was there for openingĀ  day at Coors Field, after the Rockies moved into their new home.Ā  Left in the first inning. Snowing and frigid cold.Ā  Left after the first inning. To watch the gameĀ  on tv and see Dante Bichette hit a homer in the late innings to win the game.


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This is being so over blown. Ā There are several ā€œcorona virusesā€ out there. Ā Itā€™s been around a long time, just like the flu if you donā€™t have any underlying medical issues your chance of survival is 99%. Ā I have people in my family in the medical field and they laugh at all this commotion going on about it. Ā 

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With any mass scare or public initiative, follow the money$$$. We are all being spoon feed chaos for some reason, and we are drinking it from a funnel, happily. Wash your hands, get the sniffles, move on. When will we all wise up from our rulers actions. jeez. Oh in the mean time, get some freaking dirt on "you", stop using hand sanitizer, build your immune system. We have built in immune warfare devices. Ā Ā  That is all. Ā  Ā 

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13 minutes ago, Joe_Hoopsier said:

With any mass scare or public initiative, follow the money$$$. We are all being spoon feed chaos for some reason, and we are drinking it from a funnel, happily. Wash your hands, get the sniffles, move on. When will we all wise up from our rulers actions. jeez. Oh in the mean time, get some freaking dirt on "you", stop using hand sanitizer, build your immune system. We have built in immune warfare devices. Ā Ā  That is all. Ā  Ā 

I think this is pretty serious, but the media hype is over-the-top. But that doesn't mean it's to be taken lightly. Some countries are most likely underreporting their cases. So although it's probably not going to kill a large percentage of the population, it should be a warning to countries/leadersĀ who are ill prepared or not taking these issues as seriously as they should. At some pointĀ a virus isn't just going to kill the weak, so we need to have a strategy in place similar to whatĀ occurred after 9/11.Ā 

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1 hour ago, Reacher said:

So can I. I was at the opening day for the new Comiskey park as well as the last game at the old Comiskey park.

Neat. Was there at the old Comiskey.Ā  In Colorado for the new one.

The first MLB all-star game was held at the old Comiskey, by the way.

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I remember having tickets for the 1st/2nd round games of the tournament in 2003 in Indy.Ā  A week before the tournament was to start the war started and at one time they did not know if they would even play the games.Ā  They went ahead and played but the atmosphere in the Doe was a little different that day.Ā  We would watch a game and at half and between games a lot of people would go out in the concourse and watch the news on the TV.

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With China being late to stop the spread, and it already present in 60 countries, I think this is a little more serious than anything the world at large has faced since 1918.Ā  There will be millions more cases, and thousands more dead before this is over.

The media always overhypes for ratings, but this should be taken deadly seriously. The mortality rate according to WHO currently is 3.4%. The Spanish flu in 1918 was 3-4%.

This already has, and will continue to kill people. Mass events of thousands of people will spread this virus like wildfire. I think it's good to take a good, hard look at whether the risks are worth entertainment value, particularly since this strain is extremely contagious. Just being in an infected person's vicinity is enough to catch it.

This isn't the common cold.

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19 minutes ago, OGIUAndy said:

I think this is pretty serious, but the media hype is over-the-top. But that doesn't mean it's to be taken lightly. Some countries are most likely underreporting their cases. So although it's probably not going to kill a large percentage of the population, it should be a warning to countries/leadersĀ who are ill prepared or not taking these issues as seriously as they should. At some pointĀ a virus isn't just going to kill the weak, so we need to have a strategy in place similar to whatĀ occurred after 9/11.Ā 


I've been passingĀ this link around anytime this comes up. I agree this is seroius but theĀ MSM is always frothing at the mouth with thisĀ stuff. 5 reasons you don't need to panic:

1. The number of cases in China have fallen significantly.

2. The vast majority of cases are mild.

3. Only 1 out of 1000 in the Chinese epicenter have contacted it.

4. No reported deaths in small children.Ā 

5. The world survived H1N1 just 10 years ago.


I also agree with @rogue3542Ā that this should be taken very seriously, but luckily it did not start in the US.


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54 minutes ago, IUwins0708 said:

This is being so over blown. Ā There are several ā€œcorona virusesā€ out there. Ā Itā€™s been around a long time, just like the flu if you donā€™t have any underlying medical issues your chance of survival is 99%. Ā I have people in my family in the medical field and they laugh at all this commotion going on about it. Ā 

You are misinformed.

''there are several corona viruses out there'' - true, coronavirus is just a family of viruses, named for the way they look under electron microscope

''it's been around a long time'' - false, this strain is new, hence the name ''novel'' coronavirus

''just like the flu'' - false, influenza kills roughly 1 in 1000 of people who get it, latest WHO estimate isĀ novel coronavirus kills 34 out of 1000

''if you don't have any underlying medical issues your chance of survival is 99 percent'' - probably true. lots of people do have underlying medical issues though, I consider theirĀ lives to beĀ important too

A lot of people are going to die from COVID-19. Most of them will be older or sick. Not all. There are likely people in Indiana right now infected by the novel coronavirus, they just haven't been tested yet.

The public health goal will be toĀ slow the rate of transmission, to stop the healthcare system from being overwhelmed all at once. MortalityĀ will be worseĀ if there aren't any ICU beds or ventilators open for the sick.

This is not the zombie apocalypse but it's certainly something to take seriously.

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27 minutes ago, Shooter said:

You are misinformed.

''there are several corona viruses out there'' - true, coronavirus is just a family of viruses, named for the way they look under electron microscope

''it's been around a long time'' - false, this strain is new, hence the name ''novel'' coronavirus

''just like the flu'' - false, influenza kills roughly 1 in 1000 of people who get it, latest WHO estimate isĀ novel coronavirus kills 34 out of 1000

''if you don't have any underlying medical issues your chance of survival is 99 percent'' - probably true. lots of people do have underlying medical issues though, I consider theirĀ lives to beĀ important too

A lot of people are going to die from COVID-19. Most of them will be older or sick. Not all. There are likely people in Indiana right now infected by the novel coronavirus, they just haven't been tested yet.

The public health goal will be toĀ slow the rate of transmission, to stop the healthcare system from being overwhelmed all at once. MortalityĀ will be worseĀ if there aren't any ICU beds or ventilators open for the sick.

This is not the zombie apocalypse but it's certainly something to take seriously.

Yes Iā€™m aware this is a ā€œnewā€ virus but itā€™s in the same family as others. Ā It might kill 34 out of 1000 in a poverty stricken country, not the US though. Ā We survived the H1N1, SARS, and several other supposed outbreaks and this will pass too. Ā Yes some people will die and thatā€™s sad but elderly people die from the common cold.Ā 

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6 minutes ago, mrflynn03 said:

This pandemic will predominantly affect underdeveloped countries, large population centers, and countries with large dense populations.Ā Ā 

Not saying it isn't serious at all but eat your boogers, wash your hands and you will be finešŸ¤£


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11 minutes ago, IUwins0708 said:


I'm not an SME but I graduated with a bachelor's in biology and in my virology course we studied the SARS outbreak as it was happening.

People are scared because they just dont know what happens with epidemics and pandemics or even what those terms mean. It's not their fault. They were never taught these things.

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16 minutes ago, IUwins0708 said:

Yes Iā€™m aware this is a ā€œnewā€ virus but itā€™s in the same family as others. Ā It might kill 34 out of 1000 in a poverty stricken country, not the US though. Ā We survived the H1N1, SARS, and several other supposed outbreaks and this will pass too. Ā Yes some people will die and thatā€™s sad but elderly people die from the common cold.Ā 

Why are you putting new in quotes? This virus did not exist until last year. Bacillus anthracis (the bug that causes anthrax) is in the same family with a lot of other bacteria that are harmless. Do you want to contractĀ that?

BTW the ''supposed'' H1N1 outbreak killed over 12,000 Americans.

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12 hours ago, rogue3542 said:

With China being late to stop the spread, and it already present in 60 countries, I think this is a little more serious than anything the world at large has faced since 1918.Ā  There will be millions more cases, and thousands more dead before this is over.

The media always overhypes for ratings, but this should be taken deadly seriously. The mortality rate according to WHO currently is 3.4%. The Spanish flu in 1918 was 3-4%.

This already has, and will continue to kill people. Mass events of thousands of people will spread this virus like wildfire. I think it's good to take a good, hard look at whether the risks are worth entertainment value, particularly since this strain is extremely contagious. Just being in an infected person's vicinity is enough to catch it.

This isn't the common cold.

If it spreads like health officials expect (right now we are way behind the ball) a 3.4% mortality rate mathematically means that somebody you know right now will die from the virus. Just putting things in perspective.Ā 

Also keep in mind that the 3% mortality rate for Spanish Flu happened during a time when they didnā€™t have the medical technology that we do today, which wouldā€™ve saved many lives back then. Right now weā€™re at 3% with advanced medical technology. Another thing to put in perspective Ā 

Yes, old people and the medically compromised are most at risk. Chances are if youā€™re under 60 and healthy donā€™t have as much to worry about. But you can spread it. And the scary thing about this virus is that sometimes people donā€™t know they have it and spread it unintentionally. Thus, why major events canĀ be cancelled.Ā 

this is not similar toĀ influenza as someone suggested. Itā€™s way more contagious and the death for influenza is .1%.Ā 

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10 hours ago, CincyHoosier said:

Anyone heard of influenza?Ā  I can say definitively influenza is a greater risk to your health in this country right now than coronavirus.Ā 

Per a story I heard on the tv this morning.... the flu killed over 30,000 Americans in 2019.

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