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What is the current team lacking?

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I still think we lack some in on the court leadership and players holding each other accountable...

I do think all the "poison pills" are gone, it's just we have good kids that are more leaders by example than vocal leaders. 

You don't have to be mean about it, but if someone's not holding up their end of the bargain, a player, not the coach, needs to tell them without ambiguity...

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I have studied this for years. Good teams/ winning teams, have a certain identity that allows them to over come adversity and thrive. That identity is usually a toughness and team oriented chemistry. I like a term called leadership from every chair. Everyone has a role, does it well and they gel. I have not seen us generate that “team” yet.....

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As of today, I think one weakness is consistent production at forward. Race has looked good at times. Trayce can dominate inside at times, but neither can keep a defense honest when they clear out to open up the paint, or set screens up top. 

We have no center, so I can't comment on that. 

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Gleas and I were talking the other day about the lack of a killer player — that plays into a lot of the above, toughness, grit, leadership, a guy that brings killer instinct feeds the whole team. Think Vic, killer with a smile, OG, the guy who will shut anyone down, Hulls or Yogi, coming at you the whole game with relentless energy and passion, etc.

We have good players, we have an amazing player in TjD, we seem to have good chemistry, we do have shooting though the sets sometimes don’t set up the right guys or emphasize outside shots, leadership is kind of quiet - and imo missing Brunk hurts there the most for his on court energy, but what we really seem to be lacking imo is that killer spirit or moxey from a key player — most of them are pretty quiet or reserved, you can do that (see OG), but it helps to bring the energy. TJD or AF might step into that role, 

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I think we need more vocal leadership and killer instinct from upperclassmen. I think our issues come down to the fact that our best players aren’t seniors, and it creates a weird power dynamic where everyone is supportive and loves each other but nobody is willing to get into someone’s face if they’re messing up. 

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Wow. 15 or so responses and nobody said a new head coach.  I appreciate the civil bunch here!  On most other boards, that would’ve been the first response.  

I’m an Archie backer.  Really wish we just had one solid shooter.   When James Blackmon came to IU, his shooting instantly changed the team.   

Keep up the great/civil commentary fellas - I know all of us want IU to be better, but it’s nice to come to a place like this and have a normal conversation.    

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I'm not going to lie, I like this team. They can be frustrating to watch, but they can be fun to watch, too. I think they can become a team that brings the ball up the court fast, but still drop back into an effective half court game if nothing is available in transition. 

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I'm going obscure here but have been watching games from the 1979 ISU tournament run. Larry Bird is without a doubt my favorite player of all time. But he didn't do it alone.  He had Carl Nick's and Bob Heaton. 

What this team needs is a consistent role player or 2 to backup TJD. Somebody to put back up Davis's missed bunnies, talking to you Race.  Come'on guys hit your shots. 

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8 hours ago, ATX_sig said:

Consistent PG play.  Rob needs to be on his game consistently and Lander needs to develop.  I think it would also be good if TJD starting taking and hitting those open 15-18 footers.

taking and hitting would be great!  the thing is, if he's not hitting at a good clip, i appreciate that he's not forcing and trying to prove to the draft experts that he is something he's not.  the reason i like him so much is that he doesn't do that!  keeps it simple.  misses easy shots that he shouldn't, but takes mostly good ones.  

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