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Posts posted by Stlboiler23

  1. 1 minute ago, Seeking6 said:

    Got it. Kudos to him on that. Seems like Izzo is content in postponing any and every game he can until his team can either get better or healthy. 

    I agree. There was a pretty interesting debate on our board as to whether we should’ve played or postponed and I’m glad we played. Good for the young guys to have to deal with adversity. There’s also been pretty good indicators that Sasha was the only guy on the team who hadn’t gotten Covid yet as it was mentioned that the rest of our guys had it before the season started so perhaps that played a role in it too but who knows. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Seeking6 said:

    Maybe I missed the memo. So a player must sit for 17 days if they test positive. Did we get an explanation why Penn St, Nebraska, and Michigan St all were able to postpone games....but Purdue played last night? Just trying to make sure I understand rules in case it happens to us. 

    It’s up to the individual program to decide if they want to play. Purdue could’ve called off the game last night but CMP wanted to play. 

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

    You’re a good guy and I’ve warmed up to you over the years. It’s certainly always interesting with you lol. 

    By the way you will be happy to know I just heavily recommended a Purdue grad for our firm.  Outstanding candidate.  

    Keeps things interesting doesn’t it? Appreciate the kind words. 

    Glad to hear it! What line of work?

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

    Believe me, though...we at IU can tell you what a few dysfunctional players can do to a teams chemistry?

    Did you see the crying in the OSU post game?

    I understand emotion, but come on...hr came off as slightly unhinged...

    I did. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with his OSU post game. His mom is an amazing person and he’s been brought up well. He just got emotional. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

    Well fine.  I heard a ton of stuff about him and how good he is.  By the way, I complimented several Purdue players in my post and mentioned that Purdue is rolling in recruiting.  So it’s not like I’m not being credible by just trashing Purdue.  I just think I was surprised by how far he’s got to go.  I did say he could turn into a good player depending on his makeup. 

    Didn’t say that at all! Just disagree re the Ivey stuff is all. 

  6. Just now, BobSaccamanno said:

    I see a guy with a broken shot and unstable with the ball.  And he was heavily publicized coming in.   You disagree? 

    I do. He was ranked 80+ is that really heavily publicized? He has a lot of tools and will end up being one of Painter’s best guards IMO. 

  7. 1 minute ago, BobSaccamanno said:

    This one could go either way.  Probably overhyped and not skilled.  But he’s athletic and could turn into a good player.  

    Basketball has always been a game of skill not how good you look coming off the bus.  Yet guys like Sasha are overlooked. Ivey could turn into a good player but I was surprised to the negative when I got a good look.  

    Purdue has recruited well lately.  But they will find out what Indiana has faced much more than Purdue has. A lot of times the higher ranked guys have defects and the hungry under ranked guys can take it to them.  Andrae Patterson vs Brian Cardinal is a good example.  Or Brad Miller vs Jason Collier. Purdue has benefited from this fallacy over the years.  But in many ways, when you are rolling in recruiting, you may pick the wrong ones.  Logan Duncomb vs Furst might be interesting to see play out.  Or Kaufman trying to play the three.  

    Overhyped and not skilled? Disagree with you there. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

    That's exactly who I was thinking of...but he really hasn't turned in a "good Devonte" 9-15 from 3 effort yet...


    I don't know about that...I think he could wind up being a head case like Eastern...

    I wouldn't mess with Trevion if I was him though...

    Don’t think there are any similarities between Ivey and Eastern tbh. Ivey also has a mom who won’t harm his career like Nojel’s did.  The two of them couldn’t be more different. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, IUwins0708 said:

    I hate Purdue and Painter but the dude can coach.  He got caught up in chasing some big names recruits then remembered his roots and started recruiting guys that fit his system.  I feel sick now

    Which recruits in particular do you think were mistakes to chase?

  10. 18 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    Hung up on random fact? It's his and Purdue's history. Again...I'll keep waiting for anyone to point me to a school that did the same. 

    As you know I've brought this up 50x...and will bring it up another 50x until someone can point me in the correct direction. Painter is a good guy, at times a good coach....but only at Purdue would that guy still be employed. 

    It’s a weird hill to die on that’s for sure. Acting like it’d only happen at Purdue is nothing more than an opinion. 

  11. 32 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    All good. You missed my point. No other school in the conference would allow him to have the recent success he undoubtedly has had. 

    Still waiting for the answer though from anyone. Point me to a school that has a coach on the job in the Big 10 for 7 years....followed by 4 years of no tourney wins. 

    I’ll give you the two years we didn’t make the tournament. But the years after? 21 wins and a 3rd place finish in conference and then 26 wins and another 3rd place finish in conference. Proof he righted the ship even with losing in the first round of the tourney. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

    I don't know what to make of Jaden Ivey. Couldn't miss against us, followed that with a stinker against Penn St, and then hit a game winner against OSU.

    If you saw his OSU post game, he went on a crying jag about wanting to win so bad...so what does he do?

    Plays so poorly against Michigan Trevion Williams gets in his grill to straighten him out.

    1-6 (0-3 from 3 point range) with 2 turnovers.


    The guy is a stud in the making IMO. Just has been inconsistent and lost 5 games due to injury. He’s been pretty tough to stop going to the rim and has settled for jumpers too often though IMO. 

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  13. 33 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    No doubt the savant will always be in place. Name another school in the Big 10 who has had a coach on the job for 7 years....and not win a tourney game for 4 straight years after that.....and still remain employed. Actually could be a fun trivia question. 


    Why you’re still hung up on that random fact is beyond me. Only 2 of those years were non-tournament years. Sometimes you lose in the first round. It’s clear he had built up enough equity his first 7 years where the down years were looked at as an anomaly not the norm. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Seeking6 said:

    Feel bad for the kid....but nothing else. The schedule Purdue has been a gift from the Gods. If Painter is half the coaching savant some make him out to be he should cruise to 12 wins with or without Sasha. 

    The schedule was definitely front-loaded. If we still healthy for the back half, should be in a position to win 12 with the savant in place. 

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