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Posts posted by OGIUAndy

  1. 44 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

    I actually like Hart as a candidate. Young, energetic, relatable. Been around good programs. 

    A bit riskier than say Chryst or Candle. But also more upside imo.


    40 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:


    A man that has been here, knows exactly what we have and says "yes please".

    That carries weight.

    I am starting to get on the Hart train for these reasons. Mainly the guy has been on staff before so he knows what he's getting into and probably knows what needs corrected. It'll be interesting to see what was impressive about his staff too. 

    • Like 2
  2. 17 minutes ago, btownqb said:

    He got an interview. 

    He did? I haven't seen that reported, but I haven't been hawking the boards as much as I did yesterday. So who has been reported as being interviewed or lined up for an interview? So far I heard it was Herman, Chryst, Frye, Hart, and Candle. Not sure if ARE was interviewed. Then you have all the Gruden stuff, which I am suspicious of besides being click bait and Twitter rumors. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

    And he bailed on IU as soon as a spot became available at his alma mater. Not comfortable with that history.

    Man, IUFB isn't the end all be all. Unless we hire a guy ready to retire, there's always a chance a coach or HC leave for a better job. Even guys like Frye or ARE could leave if they have success. 

  4. 49 minutes ago, MoyeCowbell said:

    I'm not a CTA apologist. I cheered as loudly as anyone when we were winning, and felt equally as disillusioned the past three seasons. Given the trajectory, I believe it was time for him to go.

    However, I do wonder, if the $15-$20M that was used for his buyout -- and I completely acknowledge how the money comes from different sources, but humor me here -- was instead used towards the program's NIL package, what the talent and results would look like?

    I think we'd just prolong the inevitable and we might not have seen much better results. The last three games were really pathetic. We had no business losing any of them, and yet we found a way to do it. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, MoyeCowbell said:

    I'm not trying to be antagonistic by repeatedly quoting you...

    But I feel the regionality of players doesn't matter as much as it did in the past. Of course there will be local favoritism, but with the expansion of conferences from coast to coast, where good players grow up doesn't equate to where they land.

    IU has repeatedly recruited Florida with a passion.

    And that dried up pretty quickly did it not? The longer CTA was here the drier that pool got. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

    Vanderbilt is worse. Same lack of success with much higher academic standards 

    I think the overall point is we're not necessarily going to get who we want any more than a lot of these schools being mentioned did. It's about who wants to come here. Vanderbilt's current HC is Clark Lea, who got a three year extension after going 5-7. I wonder who was on their initial list before they hired him? I wonder who the fans wanted? 

  7. 7 minutes ago, btownqb said:

    I truly doubt Herman is giving us a look.


    Maybe Candle?.. man I'd make IU give me the world, if I were him, and considering taking the job. But, also, someone would have to pay us handsomely if Candle were to be hired away in the first 3 years. 

    Guys it's the worst power 5 job. 

    Yes. Yes it is. Especially right now, today. 

  8. 1 minute ago, 5fouls said:

    I get the feeling some of you guys would be against hiring Mike McDaniel because he's never been a head coach in college.

    I am willing to bet most programs wouldn't have hired him though. And in the NFL these days, they aren't so shy about canning guys after one or two years. Little bit harder to do that in college especially at IU. They shouldn't be risk adverse, but I do think they have to hire someone with a lot of DC/OC/HC experience. I will be weirdly optimistic no matter who they hire because I tend to think sports are more fun when you think you're team will be better or do well regardless of what might be most realistic. Everyone bashing Dolson needs to let this play out first. I think he's done a pretty good job myself. People ripping the Woodson hire tend to forget where IU was during and after Archie. We stunk. Woody righted the ship, and hopefully levels so he can hand off the baton to a "sexier" hire who should be walking into a better situation. Who knows, maybe it's Stevens (again). 

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  9. 53 minutes ago, FritzIam4IU said:

    I understand that. I just don't believe he is qualified to take over as head coach at a P5 school at this time.

    I'd be okay with Hart. Frye has been an OC at OSU and UCLA.  Better resume' but Hart could be a Mike Tomlin type guy. If you hire a non-head coach then it should be from a big time program.  If you hire a head coach from smaller school then I would like to see sustained success over many years preferably at different places. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, FritzIam4IU said:

    Sadly, this may be true. But..just gotta do the best you can with the hand you are dealt and hope for the best.


    6 minutes ago, FritzIam4IU said:

    I would not take a chance on someone as head coach who at the very least was not a proven OC/DC. Going from OC/DC to head coach is a big jump. Going from a position coach to head coach....that is just a monumental leap. In my opinion, the odds of that succeeding is extremely small.

    Now, if they are interviewing him for a OC position, that is an entirely different ballgame. It would strike me as odd though if they are interviewing for coordinator positions without a head coach (assuming they haven't made a decision on that).

    Interviewing a guy doesn't mean he's getting hired. 

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