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Everything posted by ephul

  1. I think we keep forgetting your first sentence. This play-in game may have been a blessing in disguise.
  2. I think race should've stayed in the locker room
  3. I'll probably regret saying this, but I feel like the officiating was pretty good and consistent thus far... letting them play a bit
  4. We weren't in the Kentucky bracket the last several years 😁
  5. 2nd most shot attempts on a limited offensive team. His wild shot is as good as anyone else's wild shot.
  6. Because NCAA are too chicken$hit to give big bad Fran a T
  7. Dakich reported everything he knew/what was going on to the administration (his bosses). I'm not sure what more people would expect him to do.
  8. Do you think Dakich had the power to fire Sampson? Seriously? Is that what you're saying? He knew exactly what was going on, thus, the administration did too. Did Kelvin Sampson report to Dan Dakich?
  9. Geronimo would've been perfect on the one Murray kid. Race was a just too slow closing. Geronimo would've caused fits.
  10. If Kopp and Stewart can't hit open shits, they provide very little
  11. I think the whistle blew before XJ even got to the Iowa player.
  12. - Maybe the ESPN gig wasn't good for him? It's great from the. outside looking in. What may be good for some, may not be good for many. - I don't understand the "doubt" of him door dashing. It's pretty down to earth, to be honest. We would applaud anyone else that did this. - He's been voted the top show in Indianapolis A LOT. Love him, hate him, whatever. I get people not liking him; I really do. But a lot of people enjoy his perspective.
  13. If you think that's really the case, I got nothing for you.
  14. I guess this is what I find funny. Calling Dan a "POS" on here is fine and dandy. But if he "disparages" someone, he's out of bounds. I just don't see how that makes Dan any worse of a person than people calling him names. But I guess Dan did it first, so that's all good.
  15. A professional what exactly? A professional because someone paid for him to talk and give his thoughts on the radio? That's exactly what they are paying him to do. To be himself. I'm not sure why he should be held to a higher standard than other fans when it comes to a matter of being respectful. He's a human being. As we all are. I'm not sure why our comments on a message board are fine and his are not. I'd say our collective bitching about things does more to the players/coaches psyche than Dan's comments.
  16. Again, Woody will be on Dakichs show again soon. I could almost bet on it. The only person that understands and doesn't take it to heart is probably Woody. Woody being a former alum still doesn't mean he can't be criticized. I think many of us were and still do criticize some of Woodys coaching. It is what it is. Its year 1 and we've appeared to turn things around. Live and learn.
  17. The administration knew good and well what was going on with the team.
  18. I think he calls it how he sees it. I'm not sure that means he goes "below the belt". He goes at it with people that he has a spat with. Sure. And there's more to the story 99% of the time. Is it his "shtick"? Sure.
  19. I'm not dancing around anything. What I'm saying is, there's more to it than Archie wasn't winning, so he called him "Lil Archie". You call it disrespectful, and that's fine. Let's go back to every game IU has played and take a look at the comments on this forum. My issue is, we all act like Dan is supposed to be different because he has a radio show. He's supposed to leave his personal feelings out of it. I guess when I say he's not "disrespectful", I'm talking about his general assessments toward IU basketball and criticisms of it. Has he said "disrespectful" things? Sure. We all have. Should he "be better"? I guess this is where I've got a differing opinion. He is who he is. He doesn't need to change just because he's on the radio. If enough people have a problem with it, he wouldn't have a show.
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