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Everything posted by IUALUM03

  1. Roadhouse always when I come across and it is pretty much on every hour of the day on some channel.
  2. They should keep the NBA in his handle, so recruits with those type of aspirations know where he came from, since apparently no one knows he came from the NBA.
  3. If I wasn't clear, I took it as a joke. I've got plenty of lawyer jokes as well. My wife is one.
  4. Wouldn't expect anything else from you. Very much on brand lol.
  5. I'm just messing with you. No offense taken. Today's journalism has a lot to be desired. It is all uninformed hot takes to get people to react a la Goodman for example with the our coaching search. I prefer the old way of reporting news versus creating it.
  6. Journalism major here and I did study those other disciplines lol.
  7. A good manager puts people around him or her to fill in gaps of their own knowledge. Woody has already shown he is open to this with Matta and expect more of this from both CMW, Matta, and our AD.
  8. I'm confident they will put a staff around him to deal with the Academic aspects of the team and don't see the girlfriends, mental health challenges, etc. any different than what you deal with on an NBA team. Have you watched Kyrie Irving's antics off the court. Not to mention, the NBA is much younger now and many teams have multiple players who are of college age that add another complete different, more difficult dynamic because they are kids with money.
  9. Thanks for this. Maybe he was mistaking 13 coaches for 13%. Either way, appreciate. Was trying to search while on a zoom call for work.
  10. It could have been power 5 to be honest. Like I said, it was second hand and I couldn't find anything with quick google for anything other than football.
  11. Ok, that was coming second hand and I couldn't find an exact list doing a quick google. Thanks for the clarification.
  12. Whether we want to appreciate it or not, him being part of 13% of total African-American D1 basketball coaches I think will help with him sticking out given a majority of major recruits are of the same ethnicity. Edited with correct percentage
  13. That's bitterness because you know he would love to be in that very role Matta is now occupying. Plain and simple.
  14. Nike without a doubt, but I really doubt they will give us the money or prioritize us like Adidas does and will.
  15. https://clutchpoints.com/pacers-rumors-victor-oladipo-turned-down-lucrative-extension-before-rockets-trade/?fbclid=IwAR1lgTiWCMw96E17nYuAALf9qBIkRlLdUWwXAXl0XkMvn1006QV4x7Lgoz0 Appears Pacers made one more attempt to lock in Vic with what I believe to be a very good offer and were denied, thus pulled the trigger knowing he was not going to resign. Good for them.
  16. I didn't say it was fact and I do agree with what you said about the ceiling of Pacers, etc., but I still stand by my statement. In the end, this is a business and it is not unrealistic to think this as much a contract related decision as it is health. Hell, it could be both. The fact he did come back to play before the season was over screams that there needs to be more clarification as to why he can't or doesn't want to play now versus before. I am not bashing the guy either. In the end, whatever he wants to do is his choice, but as a fan I am confused and obviously disappointed not to see one of our best players playing.
  17. Not bashing Vic on this. They guy has to do what he feels he needs to do, but I am concerned that he is not playing to give the team less of a sample size in trying to figure out whether they offer a max deal or not based on him coming off the injury. Going into his last year, he has been injured a majority of his time here now and I don't see the Pacers going into the end of the year with him not signed.
  18. Robinson was very much on the decline (and not really a superstar based on performance) and very much taking a back seat to Duncan when they one those two titles with the 99 one coming during a short 50 regular season. That season was an odd one with really teams full of aging players or future superstars not yet coming into their own in a post Jordan league. IMO, that was the year the Pacer's really should have broke through and won the championship. Everyone mentions the brawl year, but they were the clear favorite that year that just caught a Knicks team that caught fire beating the 1 seed Heat as an 8 seed (although their was a 6 game difference between the two due to the shortened season) riding it until the Finals where injures to Ewing and Larry Johnson were enough to do them in.
  19. Not trying to continue this discussion, but I will throw this out there to piggy back your comments, If the Clippers and remove PG, I still think many would consider the Clips a title contender. If you take away Kawai and leave PG, I would argue that most people wouldn't put them in that category. That is the difference. That is the distinction. It is not saying that PG is not a great player, but he isn't THE guy, but more a complementary piece of a great team, which could be filled by many players in the league. To be clear, he can win you some games on his own, but not win a championship.
  20. I think you just stated why he is a Robin versus Batman. All other team's stars are trying to get them to come to them versus they other way around. I like PG as a player and think he can play like a top 5 player at points, but is really more of a top 15-20 player. He just has never elevated his team outside of his stats. I know you could argue he did for the Pacers during their ECF years, but I would argue that was more indicative of David West versus him. In OKC, they fell flat, even though you could argue that was because of Brody versus him, but I would say it was shared between the both of them. Once more, great player, but I don't think he elevates the overall team's play in the same manner Kyrie or Westbrook don't.
  21. I don't know, maybe. Just starting a discussion. I just feel like it has been proven that another guard or wing is not Westbrook's compliment, but maybe a paint presence that could run the floor could work. Obviously, this all remains to be seen, but...
  22. Trust me, I am aware of the potential downfalls, but in a city like Milwaukee (just like Indianapolis), sometimes you need to take a risk a la Toronto. I know Westbrook is not Leonard, but you would have a chance to pair Giannus up with another scoring punch, which they desperately need, and star. Also, I really think Westbrook is capable of being more a team player. He showed flashes last year, until PG got hurt and he was forced to do it all again. I just think he could compliment that team well, as long as he didn't just chuck shot up, but played through GA.
  23. If you are Milwaukee, you have to at least consider Westbrook, right? I mean, him and the Greek Freak, could compliment each other very well and open up the paint for him.
  24. PG stat-wise is Batman, but that team was/is RW's. I have said it before and I will say it again, but PG want's people believe that he is an alpha dog more than he is. When he was with the Pacer's at their peak ECF runs in 2013-14, it was David West who was the leader of that team, not PG, and it is no different now in OKC.
  25. Real problem is that PG is more of a follower than alpha dog, so if Russ takes a backseat, I don’t see George capable of stepping up. He is a great player who needs someone else to be the vocal leader of a team. He likes to say he is, but the way he follow along with Russ’ antics leads me to believe it is the blind leading the blind. They are both immature and lack professional character. It was all there for the world to see during and after the Portland series. They need to grow up and this is coming from someone who likes their games in the purest form.
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